
Workforce Legislation

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Legislation the industry works to
All pharmaceutical companies in the UK have to follow the legislation’s provided by the government.
Environmental legislation is part of the criminal law in the UK, therefore there are consequences that can include fines, trade sanctions and even prison.
Hazardous Waste (England and Wales) Regulations 2005 – This legislation regulates how their hazardous waste from companies are disposed. The Hazardous Waste regulations regulate Fluorescent Tubes / Television sets / Fridges / PC Monitors / Batteries / Aerosols & Paint / Contaminated Soils.
Land Drainage Act 1991 – The owner has too maintained the water so that it is free flow, and not standing still.
Water Resources Act 1991- This regulates …show more content…

The equality Act makes sure that an individual is treated the exact same as another individual. The legislation helps equality to everyone, meaning their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.
Data Protection Act 1998:
Defines UK law, so that individual’s data are processed so that it is private, the whole point of it is to protect people’s personal data.
Protection from Harassment Act 1997:
This is a rule to prevent employees bullying other employees in the workplace. If this is not followed, the employee who is the bully will have consequences (get fired) as law.
Employment Rights Act 1996: Unfair dismissal, employees have a right so they can’t be unfairly dismissed from their job. Employees also have a right to retrieve redundancy money if they are made redundant. So they get an income whilst looking for another job.

Health and Safety
Health & Safety Act at Work Act (1974)
This is the main health and safety legislation. It makes sure that employers ensure that they meet to the health and safety standards for the employees to work in. The act requires …show more content…

Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
The employers must evaluate the risks at work, and make sure that the employees know about the risks. Employers must ensure the health and safety of the workplace, which includes informing employees what to do in case of an emergency, suitable information and training for employees, and for health surveillance where appropriate.
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 e regulations cover all aspects of the working environment, including: maintenance of the workplace, equipment, devices and systems, ventilation, temperature in indoor workplaces, lighting, cleanliness and waste materials, room dimensions and space, work stations and seating, condition of floors and traffic routes, falls or falling objects, windows and transparent or translucent doors, gates and walls, windows, skylights and ventilators, ability to clean windows, etc. safely, organisation, etc. of traffic routes, doors and gates, escalators and moving walkways, sanitary conveniences, washing facilities, drinking water, accommodation for clothing, facilities for changing clothing, facilities for rest and to eat

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