During my sophomore year of high school, one of my teachers approached me and asked if I was interested in a job for the summer at the country of a local country club. While I was nervous at first, I accepted the job, and have now completed two successful summers there. The experience of having a summer job taught me many things; and as I continued to take on more and more responsibilities over the summer, I learned even more about how to be responsible at all times and to empathize with someone in order to understand their perspective and to help improve their experience. One of the many responsibilities of my job was to help prepare billing statements for the members of the country club. This taught me to be responsible at all times, as even the slightest mistake could result in a member being overcharged—or undercharged—which could lead to a number of other problems for both the member and the club. …show more content…
If a member was having a problem of any kind, I had to be able to place myself in his or her shoes, and understand that he or she was paying a lot of money to be a member, and a result they deserved to receive the best service possible. Working with customers also helped me realize that the way you conduct yourself in all settings leaves an impression upon people, which was a valuable lesson in developing my character. In conclusion, working at the country club taught me a number of things which will come in handy as I continue maturing into adulthood. Being a responsible, well-rounded person may not seem like an extraordinary accomplishment, I think the world would be a better place if more people embodied those
When I became a junior I started to become very active in my local community. This experience can be credited to Key club (a community service organization) Key club has connected me with the community in a way I never knew.
This experience led me to carry out several ventures. One of my first ventures was helping in food bank where I helped to pack food and transport it to several organizations and people in need. was hard to balance my school work with volunteering since I had to go in the evenings, but I developed the grit and passion to work hard! I started feeling a sense of accomplishment and gained responsibility.
Coming into my second year of high school I was so tired the first day of school not wanting to get up just wanting to sleep forever and not having to worry about school. Unfortunately living in a Mexican household that was not an option. So forcing myself out of bed and heading to school I could say I was productive over the summer. When Mr. Jarashow asked me what I had done over my summer I told him I finished all my community services hours. This helped me grow as a global citizen by taking action because I devoted my time to helping out at my local food bank (valley food bank) by helping hand out food to those who needed it, during my time at the food bank I meet a lot of new people. They shared their reason of being there and some valuable
I have assisted with babysitting and being involved with leadership clubs, however, this past summer was the best voluntarily experience I have ever done. I volunteered at the San Fernando Recreation Park’s summer day camp for eight weeks. Not only was I being prepared to become a counselor, but I obtained skills there, such as patience and responsibility.
* To have the confidence of the information that should be given to customers, advice them and offer a better customer service.
Also in the summer of 2002 I worked full-time for the month of July in a warehouse in. This really taught me the value of a day and what can be achieved in 8 working hours. My overall experience in the workplace has taught me the value of earning your own money and it has driven me to study hard now while I'm young so that I may reap the rewards in later life
An experience that has provided me with the most growth as a person is my involvement in mentoring an at-risk teen in Athens, GA for 3 years. Mentoring has improved my leadership and interpersonal skills. It kept me accountable to living at a higher standard in order to be a positive role model for another person. I also developed a greater appreciation for diversity from spending time with a person from a culture much different from my own. Overall this experience instilled a passion for all people regardless of race, ethnicity, social status, gender, or age. A genuine interest for others motivates me to learn more about human behaviors and pursue a career in counseling. Another experience I have that has provided me with opportunities to grow and improve is my experience as an intern at Jay’s Hope Foundation. The Jay’s Hope Foundation offers many different avenues of support to children diagnosed with cancer and their families. I was able to be in direct contact with families facing life-threatening situations. It was a very emotionally heavy internship, but I learned so much and was encouraged by the resiliency of the children and families. At Jay’s Hope, I learned the importance of teamwork, I developed flexibility, I became more organized, and I gained more confidence in my ability to
For the past two years in the summer, I attended a week-long leadership coaching for marching band where I used creative thinking to solve conflicts. Besides that, I worked a customer service associate for Walgreens. Because I could not drive, I walked for 20 minutes each day and learned to be responsible for time. While standing at the main register, I greeted each entering customer (“Welcome to Walgreens!”) and developed a clear, resonant voice. By communicating with a variety of customers, I developed my social skills in understanding diverse accents and formulating quick conversations. Most importantly, I went on a “vacation” with my family. Due to job and financial conflicts, our family never went on a trip since I was in second grade.
I had the pleasure of working at the same daycare for two summers in a row. It was a great feeling when the children from the summer before remembered my name and
I haven’t done much in the club so far, but there are multiple opportunities for me to get involved in the future. I already met so many new friends through this club and I can tell these people will be my friends until the day we graduate from college. By going to some of the Collegiate FFA/Ag. Education meetings, I learned of different engagement opportunities and made new friends as well.
From this club I’ve learned people assemble and assisting each other on a project, can be very refreshing. Our club works together, getting certain things accomplished. However; all of us learn the same thing at the same time. I’ve also learned you don’t have to be rewarded for every good thing you do in life, sometimes the most rewarding things are just doing it in the first place. And I participating in theaters and know that I am a helpful person when it comes to helping people remembering their lines. And also I worked at the church café and learned my leadership skills there as well I have also applied it everywhere I go.
One of my first volunteering positions growing up was at a local elementary school assisting children in core math and reading subjects. Not only did I help the students but I also helped the teacher with grading and developing new assignments. This experience gave me great insight into how one can effectively explain education materials to young children.
The customer service personnel should be in a position to acknowledge their clients and pay attention well to whatever they say and put into practice active listening. They should also give a chance to the customers to respond to the services the company offers perhaps through the enterprise’s website. For any company to prosper, good customer relation is paramount in building a loyal
The summer before my junior year in college and for the next three years, I was a part-time nanny for a 10-year-old girl who was diagnosed with ADHD. I did this on a full-time basis during the summers. This job gave me an understanding of the effects of medication (Ritalin) on behavior. These experiences gave me a strong background in working with a diverse group of children.
One of the very important techniques that I learned on this book was the power of word of mouth. Basically when a group young adults went for a trip, they makes sure that everyone will have an awesome trip and when they came back they will tell their friends and relatives about their experience. They will spread the word on how amazing the experience they had on the trip. They will talk about what attractions they’ve seen or where they went in Europe or what activities they did. At this point, when other people heard about their great feedback for the trip, it will give a huge interest to other people. For me personally, if my friend went to that trip and told me that she had a really great time on the trip, I would definitely book on that trip too if I want to travel. It will give me an interest and it shows that I can trust the company because they had a really great customer feedback. Another thing is to treat the passenger’s complaints seriously no matter how big or small it is because you’ll never know what could happen and it could possibly affect the whole company. Make sure you identify and diffuse any issue before it becomes a major. Because if you didn’t solve the problem, it doesn’t only affect the company but also the customer’s loyalty and trust which is very important for a business. When you make sure that you satisfied their needs even though you made a mistake, you can solve it earlier or later before it gets