
Working Out Research Paper

Decent Essays

Exercise is an interesting topic. Too many people go with not enough or no exercise in their daily routine. Even though, many people know it’s good for you and that people should work out and exercise more often. But that may have to do with, people not knowing the full potential of working out and how it can help you much more in their everyday life. I think if more people knew about how it benefits someone’s strength, mood, anxiety, and overall health. It would change people’s opinions on exercising and working out.

In this article, it goes over more of the mental benefits of working out and getting exercise. The article used mice for an experiment to see how it affected the mice anxiety when put up against challenges. Overall the article would keep over, how putting exercise just a little bit in your life can help change it. From it being mood, sleep patterns, or even quitting smoking cigarettes working out helps you with stress and anxiety for short term and long term problems. It also went over how people can be turned off from working out because they would people do too much and lose motivation to start it up again. …show more content…

The part of mouse that would make it feel anxiety is the same as what makes us humans feel anxiety. This article goes over many different test that showed similar benefits of working out and exercising. The experiments used to see the benefits of working out always had a better result than the test subjects that didn’t do any exercise. It showed that exercise would help getting over anxiety but more importantly preventing it from being a bigger problem in the future. It must have some truth around it or physiologist wouldn’t recommend to their clients for stress relief even though there hasn’t been enough testing to see which exercises help with what more than

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