
Working Outside Of The Traditional Workplace

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Develop Alternatives The main concern that companies may encounter with the first issue identified, whether automation would replace jobs, would be whether machines could complete jobs as well as humans. An additional concern may surround the long-term cost analysis of machines versus having employees to complete the job. The second issue identified of working outside of the traditional workplace raises several questions: first, would employees be as productive? Next, would the costs of purchasing and maintaining separate necessary equipment per employee be worth the investment? Third, would employees be as loyal to the company if disconnected from the traditional workplace? The third question, surrounding the issue of offering more family-friendly and convenient options in traditional workplaces, may raise the issue of security within the workplace. Additionally, more facilities may pose a greater cost of maintenance and upkeep. If external vendors are brought into workplaces, this may pose a security threat to the company. Lastly, the fourth issue identified, the potential for older retirement ages, may mean that less workers have the opportunity to enjoy retirement and less time to enjoy their financial savings before they pass away. Evaluate Alternatives A major concern for entry-level workers across the nation is the lack of job security. Rapidly growing technology and the increased popularity of the fairly low, long-term cost of automation

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