
Workplace Diversity: Communication between Management and Employees

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Workplace Diversity: Communication between Management and Employees
Workplace challenges come in many forms. One of those challenges is communication, whether verbal or nonverbal, between co-workers or between management and employees. Businesses currently are being affected by communication issues that are hindering production, satisfaction, and employee retention (Salahuddin, 2010). Communication is a vital key to effective and good management. Face-to-face communication is always the best way to talk to your employees but that may not always be possible, so a combination of verbal and nonverbal communication may be the best practice for your company (Chazanof, 1998). Too many companies rely solely on newsletters, bulletins, and …show more content…

Making sure all employees have an employee handbook, a current job description of their position, holding regular meetings, face-to-face communication with employees, and ensuring yearly performance reviews are all great ways to communicate effectively with employees (McNamara, n.d.). McNamara (n.d.) suggests that employers discover which type of communication works best for their companies to make their employees feel more involved with their company and to encourage them to communicate with management to avoid future problems. Give employees opportunity to provide feedback to their management team on a regular basis. The workplace is full of different leadership styles and generational differences that affect communication.
The workforce has four distinct generations, and each generation has a different way of communication, which often causes havoc with management trying to hold together an age diverse environment (Salahuddin, 2010). Even though there will always be general disconnect between generations, understanding how each generation communicates will help management effectively manage and communicate with their employees. The four working generations are the Veterans 1922 – 1943, the Baby Boomers 1943 – 1960, Generation Xers 1960 – 1980, and Generation Nexters 1980 – 2000. Salahuddin (2010) says, “Generation Xers are leading Boomers, Boomers are leading Veterans, and Nexters are

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