Purpose This memorandum is a workplace document analysis to help Dr. Henze understand the professional communication of my discipline and writing-relating activity that I am preparing for. Introduction Dr. Henze assigned me the task of analyzing a professional document that performs a key function in a professional workplace of my choice. As a Business Management major I chose to analyze the report from the second quarter of my current company, Domtar Corporation. In addition to discussing the genre characteristic of this document I will be describing the following: • This report’s relationship in the “web of interconnected activity” • The “Characteristics of a Technical Document” within this report • The report’s “Measures of Excellence
The company is geographically located in most major united states locations. It employs a hierarchal organizational design. One of the contributing factors to its success is the company’s success in providing a dining experience for its customers that excel in choices, price, customer service, and serving size. The company is known world-wide for its delicious cheesecakes with the key factor being the variety.
genre. The purpose of any work in this genre is simply to inform about and give feedback for a
In preparing the bi-annual sales figures report, what would be the most logical way to present the data and information?
Genre is the French word for 'type'. Type is the kind of text it is.
Maybe you don’t have a specific set of claims or beliefs you want your audience to adopt. Even if you do, provide brief responses to the following:
Secondly genre is the French word meaning type. Genres may be approached by way of various critical avenues. In the Aristotelian strain we recognize genres as kinds within a system of classification. These categories beg further definition, so there is a history of, on the one hand, the refinement of divisions and subdivisions, and on the other a Platonic search for the 'essential' qualities of tragedy, comedy, epic poetry, and so forth. By the recognition of genres we begin to find our way in the universe of verbal artifacts with their feigned discourses, and to train our expectations upon the experience that lies in wait for us.
Writing is a powerful tool for communication and connection. As an extension and expression of the mind, writing is as much about the mental processes of the author as it is about the final marks laid to paper. As we write, we hold in mind our own thoughts on the work, anticipate the reader’s thoughts, and think both in concrete and abstract ways in order to accomplish the task at hand. Whether an academic research paper, a novel, or text message to friends, writing seeks to engage, persuade, or impress concepts upon an audience. Like language and other art forms in general, the practice of writing is ever-evolving and is subject to cultural and contextual influence, expectations, and conventions. Each writer holds a theory
While writing this paper, I attempted to follow the forms and models put forth in the research papers we read in class during this unit. It was helpful to have something to follow while writing this report because I focused more on the “how” and “why” instead of the “what” of the research report structure. Overall, I found that this paper was much more organized than my last and I hope that this also improved the quality of my writing.
In the field of occupational therapy a lot of writing is required from doctors and students becoming therapists. The question that constantly crossed my mind was why do they need to write? Before I began to research the writing styles and practices that took place in the field, I knew I needed to educate myself about Occupational therapy. I scheduled interviews with a licensed occupational therapist and a student studying to be one to help me understand what took place in their field of work as a student and as an experienced therapist. In addition to studying and reading magazines, medical journals, etc. to spread my understanding of occupational therapy. So, I could understand why they use certain types of writing styles and
The Memo will directly address my growth as a writer throughout my time in EH 101-13. It will also highlight my current strengths and weaknesses in my own personal writing style.
My writing styles have changed drastically over the past four years of high school. This memo will explain how my writing has changed and how my knowledge of writing has improved.
Genre is known to change discourse by the format the information is presented to the audience (Varela, 2008). It is also a category of composition that is characterized by a particular style, form or content as dictate by Webster Third Dictionary. However Trosborg (n.d) stated that for the past decade, genre identification, classification and description have been scholarly concern. Certain scholars dictate that genre is defined primarily around its basic external criteria such as journals and newspaper discourse while other scholars stand on the opinion that genre can be classify by its communicative purpose, linguistic content and form of role its play in the discourse made (Trosborg, n.d).
The workplace Memo assessment assignment enabled students to learn how to develop Business memos in Microsoft Office word documents. It also helped them learn how to discuss information with audiences in memos, it also showed students how to use Word bullets, spelling and grammar software tools to format, check and correct the information being used in this business documents. The workplace Memo assessment teaches them how to insert information from tables a business document and it showed students how to format their document heading, footing and margin in a suitable way. If I had to redo the workplace Memo assessment I make it a lengthy challenging assignment since it required little research time, information and effort. The Excel worksheet
Scenario: As the new clinical manager at St. Agastine Hospital, I have noticed that employees feel overworked and have low morality. After careful examinations, I noticed that there is low communication between staff, unsure if their workplace safety is taking seriously, high culturally diverse In the organization creating unintentional miscommunication, and employment grievance regarding their work schedule.
The major concern was that students both past and present did not meet the expectations of professional writing. These complaints were expressed by both corporate executives and graduate faculty. The situation was summed up at a curriculum review meeting. They may have the greatest ideas in the world but, if they cannot express them clearly and persuasively in simple paragraph form, that is clear, concise, and grammatically correct, they are of no use to the company.