
Workplace Occupational Health And Safety

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Introduction Since late 19th century, workplace occupational health and safety has drawn more and more attention in Canada with relative legislations becoming stronger and more comprehensive. Effective OH&S programs could help business save considerable cost on worker’s injury or illness. OH&S becomes even more significant in some open-to-public workplaces, such as schools, which not only relating to staffs’ health and safety, but also thousands of students’. George Brown College who has four campus all located in downtown of Toronto, ON. Let us look at some statistics about GBC. According to statistics from “Fast Fact 2014-2015” (2013) published by GBC, there are more than 25,000 full-time enrolled students; 3,200 part-time students and around 1,300 fulltime and nearly 1,900 part-time employees in GBC in the period of 2013-2014 fiscal year. The college makes noticeable efforts to ensure both public and staff’s health and safety and try to reduce the injury and illness. Jurisdiction & Legislation In Canada, every province and terrorist territories has its own OH&S Act. Although there some exceptional business are covered under the federal jurisdiction, for example airport , banks, canals and etc., Canadian center for Health and Safety claimed that 90% Canadians are following their provincial or territorial jurisdiction. Thus, businesses like GBC in Ontario are covered Occupational Health and Safety Act, enforced by Ministry of Labour. Employers, supervisors and workers’

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