
World War 1 Atmosphere Essay

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In the years leading up to WWI, there was an extremely tense atmosphere in whichwhere nations were all but fighting. A number of factors led to this atmosphere of tension, and ultimately, to World War Onehe war. MThese factors were militarism combined with the glorification of war, and a resulting sense of fear that created an atmosphere where war felt inevitable and drove nations to make alliances.
The combination of militarism and the glorification of war was particularly dangerous, as theyit created a Europe in which all wanted and prepared for a devastating war. Previously, in Europe, war had consisted of small conflicts between nations that undoubtedly ended in glory and rewards for the victor, which led to an atmosphere in which ads …show more content…

This exemplifies the mindset in Europe and in western culture in the 19th to 20th centuries, as it shows that even though all countries strive for peace and prosperity, there is nothing equal to winning a war. No matter how great or how profitable a peace is, it would never be as great as triumph in war. This degree of nationalism that Theodore Roosevelt shows can only be achieved in war, combined with the fact that Europeans associated war with religion and as a necessary part of life, led to a very tense atmosphere where war felt inevitable. With all this international tension, militarism became an increasingly important part of each nation’s ideals, and with it, the military leaders gained power. One example of this is the beginning of Germany’s involvement in WWI, “The Kaiser learnt that Britain would remain neutral so long as Germany refrained from attacking France. (...) He said, ‘We must halt the march to the west.’(...)’It is impossible,’ said General Moltke(...). As in Russia, so in Germany, the military men triumphed.” (Roberts, 51). Much of WWI could have been avoided if the Germans had simply turned back, and if the

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