
World War 2 Rhetorical Analysis

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English 10
September 7, 2016

Dear reader,
This cover letter will address what I have learned in English 10 specifically on my rhetorical paper of a World War II political cartoon. I will address three main points, the beginning of my paper gives a brief explanation of what my Rhetorical World War II paper consists off, then I’ll be explaining how I was able to take certain criteria and other resources from the political cartoon and develop a claim, and lastly I will explain how I was able to take my instructor's feedback on my first draft and better my paper. Hopefully, all of these three factors could be seen throughout my final paper. The Rhetorical World War II paper is a rhetorical text. A rhetorical paper can be written about anything …show more content…

Each of these rhetorical based contexts consist of an author, audience, topic, and purpose. Looking at the Rhetorical World War II paper which is based off the cartoon “Waiting for A Signal From Home,”the author is Theodor Seuss Geisel who was an artist and at the time a political cartoonist who drew the cartoon The cartoon was addressed towards the people living in the United States after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Geisel is evidently encouraging the act of discrimination specifically towards Japanese Americans who at the time were living on the West Coast because Japan attacked Pearl Harbor. Throughout this paper logos, ethos, and pathos are hidden throughout “Waiting For A Signal From Home.” Logos being an appeal to logic, ethos an appeal to ethics, and pathos an appeal to emotion. The political cartoon appealed to logos because it describes Japanese Americans living on the West Coast as guilty of having helped sabotage the United States even though it wasn't true. …show more content…

I noticed the writer focused on every aspect in the ad and so I decided to focus on every detail such as the palm trees, clothing, telescope, boats, shack, glasses, facial expressions and features and etc.. I explained how every detail relates to its argument in which at the time Japanese Americans could not be trusted. Geisel’s message was towards distrust of the Japanese Americans. For example you can see Japanese Americans lined up along the coast waiting for a TNT box. I also used 10 sources because I learned for every page you write you should have 2 sources. I used these sources to find information about Geisel, background information as to why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, and about Donald J. Trump discrimination which I was able to connect to President Roosevelt and discrimination against Japanese Americans then. All of the 10 sources I have helped me give examples. The examples I used throughout my paper helped me develop my claim which also relates to my thesis statement which was, Japanese Americans living on the West Coast at the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor were being discriminated and people at the time considered Japanese Americans as

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