One month after the Archduke’s assassination – on July 28 1914 – Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia with the backing of Germany. Germany then declared war on Russia on August 1, and on France on August 3. On August 4 1914, the German troops marched on France and the route they took went through Belgium. Since Britain had agreed to maintain the neutrality of Belgium, they immediately declared war on Germany. British and Germany forces first fought at the Battle of Mons in Belgium. This was the first of many battles between Britain and Germany on the Western Front and is when World War 1 started for Britain.
The Battle of Britain as a Turning Point in the Defeat of German in World War Two
World War I began in Europe in 1914. Europe was divided as two competing alliances, Central Powers (Britain, France, and Russia) and Triple Entente (Germany, Austro-Hungary, and Italy). On June 28, 1914, the two alliances started breaking apart. Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the throne of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, and his wife, Sophie, were assassinated by a Serbian nationalist while visiting Sarajevo. Austria declared war on Serbia as a result. This led to Russia defending Serbia. By August 3, Germany declared war on Russia and France and invaded Belgium. Great Britain declared war on Germany. By then, Europe and a part of Asia
The war started with the assassination of Franz Ferdinand, the Archduke of Austria on June 28, 1914, by Slav nationals when the Archduke was in Sarajevo. As Serbia declared war against Vienna, the governments of France and Russia quickly became involved. Germany quickly entered into the fray, opposing France and Russia. Shortly thereafter, Great Britain took the side of France and Russia forming the Entente Alliance.
The Germans and their allies began fighting in World War I on two fronts, invading Belgium in the west in order to attack France and defending all of the Russian attacks on
World War I (WWI) had many main events from 1914 – 1918. It was known as the Great War and the war to end all wars. It also introduced us to many new technology to including Barbed wire, machine guns, artillery, poison gas, airships, aircraft 's, new naval vessels and tanks. All these wartime machines and equipment resulted in unprecedented carnage and destruction, with more than 9 million soldiers killed by the end of the war. This First World War or the Great War, was a global war centered in Europe. This global conflict pitted 2 groups against each other “The Allied Powers” and “The Central Powers”. The Allied Powers was made up of Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy and The United States. Important people that were known for the Allied Powers were Herbert Henry Asquith, Prime Minister (UK), Woodrow Wilson (U.S. President), Aristide Briand, Prime Minister (France), and Prime Minister (France). The Central Powers was made up of Germany, the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria. Important people that were known for the Central Powers were Prince Max Von Baden, Chancellor (Germany), Heinrich Von Clam-Martinic, and Prime Minister (Austria).
The Austro-hungarian empire in retaliation to the assassination of the Archduke,declared war.This declaration of war caused,the Tsardom of Russia to declare war against the Austro-Hungar in defence of serbia.Germany also declared war,this time against Serbia and the Russians.Shortly afterwards the uk and france allied with russia and serbia against the Ottoman,Austro-Hungar
World War I (WWI) brought unprecedented change to the world. Never before had the entire world engaged in such brutal conflict. World War I brought about great pain and sorrow for the whole world. Even countries who were not directly involved in front line combat bore the suffering of financial and social limitations that affected the entire world during this time.
As an ally of Serbia, Russian announced and began full mobilization of their armed forces on July 31, while Germany allied to Austria-Hungry by treaty responded to this mobilization as an act of war but gave a twelve-hour ultimatum that was ignored leading to Germany formally declaring war on Russia On August 1. France who was also bound by a treaty or alliance with Russia found itself at war against Germany, by extension Austria-Hungary following a declaration of war by Germany on August 3. Britain who was allied with France by a seemingly more loosely worded treaty that had to do with a moral obligation or assurances to defend Frances coast. Britain declared war against Germany on August 4 using the violation of Belgium neutrality as an excuse to honor its de facto alliance with France. Germany Responded by declaring war on Belgium and it was not until August 6 that Austria finally got around to declaring war on
It is generally considered that the Pacific War began on 7/8 December 1941, when Japan invaded Thailand and attacked the British Malaya, Singapore, and Hong Kong as well as America’s state of Hawaii, where they bombed the military bases there. Australia entered World War II shortly after the invasion of Poland, declaring war on Germany on 3rd September 1939. By the end of the war, almost a million Australians had served in the armed forces, who fought primarily in the European theatre, North African campaign, and the South Pacific theatre. The Second World War saw the involvement of Australian troops more than ever and the closest to home. In addition, for the first time in history, attacks were aimed at mainland Australia. According to esteemed British author and military historian Antony Beevor, “The Second World War was such a huge combination of different conflicts that it’s almost impossible to point to a single battle as a turning point” During the war some turning points for the Allies were; The Fall of Singapore, The Bombing of Darwin, The Battle of the Coral Sea, The Battle of Midway and The Kokoda Campaign. The United States Forces also played a big role in the war in The Pacific Theatre and the turning points for The Australian Forces.
Contributing the most to the start of the outbreak are; mutual defense alliance, imperialism, militarism, nationalism, and the last straw which was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. Mutual defense alliance is an agreement between two countries that if another invades them, that they 'll step in and help. The ones that teamed up were Russia and Serbia, Germany and Austria-Hungary, France and Russia, Japan and britain, and Britain, France, and Belgium. Imperialism is a system of which extends a country 's power and influences through diplomacy or military force. Every country wanted the largest part to control, having this in mind it was nearly impossible for all to be happy. The british empire broadened about five continents,
The First World War As The Result of Anglo-German Rivalry When Bismarck resigned in 1890, and Kaiser Wilhelm II took over, rivalry was increased between Britain and Germany. This was largely due to Wilhelm II's more aggressive foreign policy, and desire to build up the German Navy, which threatened Britain. This provided the basis for long-term problems, which led to World War 1, however there were many other causes. For example the alliances, the Schleiffen plan, The Eastern Question, German Aggression, the two Moroccan Crises and Sarajevo, which were all, factors in World War 1's outbreak in 1914.
In 1914, as a result of aggressive imperialism, demands for social and political change, extreme militarism, and the assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife, the following occurred: Russia mobilized its military with Serbia; with aid promised by Germans, Austria-Hungary declared war on Russia and Germany and eventually Japan. From this point forward, Europe would be a continent of turmoil for the next thirty years; Germany invaded Belgium which forced Great Britain to join the war on Germany due to an existing treaty with Belgium; Italy entered the war on the side of the allies; after three years of “absolute neutrality”, the United States
The first world war was one of the most brutal and remorseless events in history; ‘the global conflict that defined a century’. Over nine million soldiers and a large amount of innocent civilians lost their lives. Empires crumbled, revolution engulfed Russia and America rose to become a dominant world power. Huge armies deployed new weapons of devastating effect from rifles and pistols to torpedoes and flame throwers. These weapons were used not only in the trenches but by tanks too. This was an advantage to those who were able to access such machinery as they could easily launch bullets and missiles at nearby enemy bases. The downfall of the tank was the fact it was unable to cross the trenches. Tanks were not the only pieces of equipment that could access this machinery but U boats and planes too. The British carried ‘bolt action rifles’ in which fired 15 rounds per minute at a minimum range of 1,400 metres away. This allowed the British to take out foes at a far greater range. By using machinery in which rules out the need for getting up close to the enemy was a great advantage during world war one. Soldiers ran from trench to trench attacking with all that they had. This resulted in a massacre as the soldiers running toward the trenches were shot down. Machinery such as machine guns and heavy artillery were the weapons used in the trenches. In modern day society, machine guns are the main weapons used by soldiers. This wasn’t the case around the 1914s. They took four
Archduke Franz Ferdinand had the throne of Austria in 1914. However, on June 18, 1914, Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serb nationalist. In outrage over Ferdinand’s death, Austria declared war on Serbia. Russia became involved because of an alliance with Serbia. Because Germany had formed alliance with Austria-Hungary, they declared war on Russia. The British Empire, including Canada, became involved on Serbia’s side. By 1917, both revolution and civil war had began in Russia. The United States had joined the war on the side of the British Empire. On November 18, 1918, Germany signed an armistice, thus ending the war. Soldiers went back to their countries, those that
On August 3rd, 1914, after Russia refused to demobilize its forces that were protecting Yugoslavia, Germany declared war on France, saying that they had infringed upon Germany’s territory. Germany proceeded West, taking over Belgium and mobilizing its forces on Frances eastern border. England entered the war because of the invasion of Belgium and eventually other nations followed as their interests were attacked. On November 11, 1918, the War was officially over with the signing of an armistice.