World War ll Weapons and Main Events The pistol was very inaccurate and used mostly in close combat. This weapon was carried by infantry officers, tank crews and pilots. There were no significant changes from those pistols used in World War 1. All were semi-automatic. United States: .45 caliber M1911 Germans: .38 caliber Walther Luger Model 1908. British: .38 caliber Webley Soviets: Tokarev pistol Italy: Beretta .33 caliber Japan: Nambu Type 94, unsafe. Many officers preferred ceremonial swords. Was sometimes used by officers to commit suicide, so they don’t get captured World War 2 was fought between two groups of countries.The bad side Germany, Italy and Japan and on the good side was Britain, France, Australia,Canada, New Zealand,
Introduction The Second World War had been fought between the Axis nations (Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, Imperial Japan and their smaller allies) and the Allied nations, led by Britain (and its Commonwealth nations), the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and the United States of America (Source D). The war changed many things internationally. This included changes to do with technology and the end of European colonialism (Source D).
World War II involved almost every part of the world, during the years 1939 through 1945. The Axis Powers, Germany, Italy, and Japan against the Allied Powers, the United States, the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, and to an extent China. The war was over unsettled disputes from World War I. World War
World War 2 started 1939 and ended 1945 and during the war there were two groups fighting each other the allies and the axis powers. The allies included Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, China and the United States of America. The axis powers included Germany, Italy and Japan (“World War II 1939–1945).
The gun was given the nickname "Potato Digger" because it was so powerful that the arm of dug into the ground while firing. It was also had a gas-operated and air-cooled design. (Colt Browning M1895) This belt-fed gun could fire from a closed bolt with a cyclic rate of 450 rounds per minute. The Colt-Browning M1895 was the first successful gas-operated machine gun to enter the service. Once redesigned by Colt from Browning's ideas, it weighed thirty-five pounds. Along with being the first gas-operated machine gun, it was the first machine gun adopted by the United States military. Colt ceased production of the gun in 1916 after it became obsolete when the US entered World War I. Before entering the war the gun was used for training in the United States. (M1895 Colt-Browning)
Another common weapon that was used were the tanks. Tanks were not only used for killing and shooting people, but they were used for protection of the troops as they would march behind the tanks. About ten years prior to the war Is about when they decided that they should make an armored vehicle as a weapon. Motorized vehicles were really rare during this time. Brittan engineers however, made these huge engines work. (History of American wars).
World War 2 was fought by two groups between 1939 and 1945: Axis, who consisted of Germany, Italy, Japan and the Allies, who consisted of the United States, United Kingdom, France and USSR (Brazil, India, South Africa, Greece, Poland, Norway, Romania and Bulgaria). The war originally began when Germany invaded Poland. When this event took place, it meant that the Germans breeched the treaty of Versailles especially since Adolf Hitler (leader of Germany) tripled Germany army and constructed naval ships and submarines. This ultimately led to the French and British declaring war on Germany. The power countries at the time then joined in alliance choosing either to be on the German side or the British side. Although the Allies won the war, the damage suffered from both sides were devastating as millions of people died, injured or/and left homeless, but one of the main consequence on the war was decolonization (where a nation obtain its independence from its colonial power).
During WW2, there were many countries that were involved. WW2 was the biggest war in the world's history, extending all over the globe. The opposing sides were the Allies and the Axis. Some countries had no choice and were forced to be involved in the war, mostly because Germany was invading them.
The countries that were apart and fought in world war two were either the allies and the axis. The main Axis powers were Germany, Japan and Italy. The leaders were Adolf Hitler from Germany, Benito Mussolini from Italy, and Emperor Hirohito from Japan. The Axis alliance began with Germany and Japan.
Another very powerful gun that was used in World War II was the Submarine guns. The submarine guns are much stronger and better than normal guns due to the fact that they have better firing distances (Military History 7). The submarine gun was built mainly for endurance and for accuracy. This gun had the accuracy to fire from 800 to at least 1,000 yards away and delivers a powerful blow to its victims. One problem which the gun had was the fact that it could dislocate a soldiers arm whenever it was fired. But finally the submarine gun was improved and is now less powerful which makes it easier for firing full automatic rounds along with pistol rounds (8).
The other side had the allies. The allies were Britain, France, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, and the United States of America. The Second World War had many battles, conflict, rationing, and struggle for both families and the government . Have you thought about how World War II affected fashion? Fashion was affected and it also was a big deal for most people.
This weapon was typically on a tripod to steady the bouncing that came with automatic fire. One of the more unpredictable attacks came from the Arisaka Bolt-Action Rifle. Rifles were recognized in WWII for their long range and accuracy. This gun could be used with or without a scope. When scoped, range was greatly increased, as the shooter could see farther distances and put a round down range with precision. Though this wasn’t the primary weapon for most of the soldiers, it was favored by snipers for its precision at long ranges.
World War II started when the German Nazis invaded Poland in a conquest for power and world domination. This led to a series of events resulting in a war between the “Allied Powers” (mainly Russia, Great Britain, and eventually America) against the “Axis Powers” (mainly
It consisted of Germany, Italy and Japan (the Axis Powers) . America’s side consisted of India, France, Britain, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, China, and the Soviet Union. After the war ended on September 2nd, 1945 many things happened, as well as several social changes took place. This includes different views and opinions on religions, Roosevelt passed Order 8802, and the Sexual Revolution had begun.
World War II was a fight between the Ally and Axis powers. On the Allys side was Great Britain, America, and France. On the Axis side was Germany, Italy, and Japan. In 1940, Hitler and his nazi army invaded Poland against the warnings of Great Britain, thus forcing Britain to declare war and start World War II . America stayed neutral until 1941, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. With the outbreak of
World War II was fought between two main opposing forces, the Allies and the Axis forces. The Axis powers consisted of Germany, Italy, and Japan being the most dominant. On the other hand, some of the countries in the Allied powers were Great Britain, the United States, France, Australia, New Zealand, India, the Soviet Union, Canada, and Greece.