
Worthlessness Case Study Essay

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Many of Chris’ weaknesses relate to his feelings of worthlessness. He explained that this feeling of not being valued is connected to various parts of his life such as being retired, living far away from all of his children and grandchildren, not having a social life, and not being able to golf anymore due to a heart condition. Chris reported that along with his suicidal ideation he feels hopeless because he does not see a way that he can change his life so that he feels valued. He stated that many times he feels no interest in even getting out of bed and doing everyday things such as watching tv, reading the newspaper, or just going for a walk. Chris explained that he was an alcoholic for 30 years and quit in 2012. However, in January 2016 around the same time that his feelings of anhedonia and worthlessness began, he also started drinking …show more content…

Along with that he described having poor health maintenance. Chris reported that he does not eat very healthy or workout at all. A few positive factors that Chris stated having in his life included having strong support from his wife and children. He explained that even though his children were not aware that he was in a psychiatric unit for attempted suicide, they have always been involved with his medical care. Chris also said his wife is aware of his admission into the psychiatric unit and is completely on board with getting him the care that he needs. He is also very open to participating in support groups and stated that he was part of AA many years ago. Another one of Chris’ strengths is that he seeks treatment, he called 911 himself after realizing that his attempted suicide was unsuccessful. He is also going to be part of an intensive outpatient program to help with his depression after being discharged from the unit. Chris reported that he has always been adherent to his medication and will continue to follow the prescribed regimen upon

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