
Write A Narrative Essay On 9/11

Decent Essays

"A plane just crashed right into one of the Twin Towers!" Someone yelled. People were screaming because they were on fire. Others were fleeing for their life, but all I could do was stare in awe at the smoking hole in one of the biggest towers in New York. September 11, 2001, one of the most devastating days for me, and for all of America. The attack happened early that September morning. At first, nobody suspected this to happen, it seemed like it was just an ordinary day. I was going to work at the New York Firehouse Department (NYFD) . I just got the job after several years of training, and I still haven't got to put out my first fire. I just walked into the building, and all of a sudden..... BOOM!!!! It sounded as if our planet, Earth, crashed into Mars. Then, after a couple hours the second plane …show more content…

As I followed the other firefighters, captain said, "No Kennedy, you have to stay here." At first, I was enraged at him for saying that to me, but if he didn't make me stay, I would've died that day. All 87 of the NYFD firefighters went inside that building, and never came out. Who would be so cruel to do this, I thought. Suddenly, the news reporters stated, "4 planes have been hijacked by Arabs, and they have been planning to crash them into the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and The White House. After a couple of hours, I decided to go home. As soon as I got there, there was a news truck pulled into my driveway. A tall lady with blonde hair and blue eyes asked me if she could give me and interview. "So what do have to say about the events that occurred today,"she asked." Well, I really am still trying to take all of this in," I said. "I never suspected this to happen, and I believe that we should be more prepared for if this should happen again." "It was less than a second, maybe half a second, but it changed

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