Texting while driving is extremely controversial. Younger generations often think it is fine to text and drive. Until reality hits, literally. The ban on texting and driving has my vote for the fact that, people are more likely to get in a crash while texting, other people’s life are in danger as well, lastly too many teenagers die a day from this simple mistake. When driving and texting, there's no way to have the undivided attention of the driver at that given time. The number one rule on the road is “have your eyes on the road” (other than two hands on the steering wheel), but it’s for this reason. When answering a text it takes about 5 seconds, at a normal speed limit, a car can go a whole football fields length in just those few seconds.
Distracted driving; most of us are guilty of it without even knowing it. Distracted driving is doing anything else unrelated to driving while behind the wheel. This could include: using a cell phone, changing the radio station, eating food, and even having a conversation. The most distracting of them all is using a cell phone because it requires the user to manually input information. The laws surrounding texting while driving are far too lenient when compared to laws on drunk driving, yet both can end in a car crash. People texting while driving should face steeper penalties than what is already in place because they are a danger to anyone around them. The small fines are not enough to deter people. While banning cell phones from being allowed in vehicles is not an effective approach to the problem, stricter laws should be put in place to make the roads a safer place. Texting while driving penalties should be treated with a similar severity that DUI charges are. The penalties for texting and driving need to be increased because it would make the roads safer, increase the government’s revenue, and help solve the problem of texting while driving.
One out four car crashes are caused by texting and driving. It has been proven that 94% of all teens acknowledge and agree that texting and driving is a very dangerous thing. However 32% admit to doing it anyway. www.edgarsnyder.com states, “660,000 drivers are attempting to use their phones while behind the wheel of an automobile.” This is an outrageously large number of people. This number needs to be reduced. “In a split second you could ruin your future, injure or kill others, and tear a hole in the heart of everyone who loves you. -50 reasons not to text and drive-”. Texting and driving should not be permitted on the road.
Being able to drive is a dream come true, that can easily become a nightmare that you are never wake up from. The state of Florida is trying to make drivers aware of the dangers that come with distracted driving. Texting and driving is one of the biggest problems America is facing at the moment. Many people, especially teenagers, are dying from distractive driving. The state of Florida decided that they wanted to help with this problem and made it illegal to text and drive. They have also put up billboards all over the state to remind drivers about the law and the consequences of distractive driving. Not only could you be harming yourself but you could also harm others if you decide to text and drive. Do us all a favor and put your
There is a total of 47 states who have completely banned texting and driving, but that does not solve anything. According to the national traffic highway association, 10 Million american people use their cell phones on the road a day. This is very sad because all of those 10 million people do not realize that they are putting themselves and others in danger. All of those 10 million people do not realize that texting and driving takes away your visual, manual, and cognitive attention off the road. For visual; it takes your eyes off the road for a fair amount of time. For manual; it takes your hands (or hand) off of the wheel. For cognitive; it takes away your focus off the road making it easier for you to miss important events during driving that might cause an accident. For example; if you were driving at only 55 mph and were to take your eyes off the road for 5 seconds, that is equivalent to driving the length of a football field without even looking! In the first sentence of this paragraph, 47 states were mentioned, but not stated. More statistics on those states are coming up in the next paragraph.
Thus, when you’re on your phone, you become distracted and become unaware of your surroundings. Austin Bradley Law says that drivers who are texting and driving take their eyes off of the road for about 5 seconds. During this 5 seconds anything can happen and before you know it, it will be too late.
Texting while Driving causes many accidents per year, thus causing people to think about what to do with this major controversy. Many people think that ads and announcements help to let people know about the problem, but they end up not working out. Organizations like the Obama Administration (Texting While Driving) are trying to implement laws that focus on people who text and drive, which seem to work. Texting while Driving should be monitored by laws to help with the safety of people, to create a better infrastructure, and to save people money.
You've probably heard reports in the media about the dangers about texting and driving. You never thought you'd be injured because of the danger, but you or someone you care about has been, and a personal injury law firm might be able to help.
Picture yourself sitting in your car at a red light. As you sit there waiting, you notice a car in the lane next to you completely speed by, and that the driver has a cellphone in their hand. The car disregards the red light ahead, and crashes into an incoming vehicle, killing not only themselves but the other driver as well. For reasons such as this, I support the idea that some states should make it illegal to drive while using a handheld cellphone. Driving with a handheld cellphone is a dangerous distracter that is just as dangerous as texting and driving, which is illegal. Accidents that involve drivers using a handheld phone can occur just as frequently as accidents involving texting and driving because the attention of the driver is focused on the
Police officers and cizitens should not be allowed to use any celluar device no matter who they are. Texting and driving is dangerous. How come police officers can have a computer and cizitens can’t text and drive?
Have you ever driven with someone and they get a text? You see them pick up their phone. You would think that they would know how dangerous it is. People think it's no big deal but it is. Drivers should not be on the phone while driving. People get injured every year because drivers were on their phone. Being on a phone and driving is wrong.
Some states have made it illegal to drive while using a handheld cell phone. which is the best thing to do in order to protect drivers. The law is placed there in order to show people that it is wrong to do and if a person is caught doing so this will have a price to pay. The law its self is very important is can save lives and prevent a lot of crashes from happening. In all honesty the government should pass this law for all states. They should also go about it the right way by showing young drivers that it isn't okay to drive that way. The states that already have the law, are probably the ones with the most deaths or crashes from drivers who were focused on the phone. Other states should learn from that and pass the law ahead of time to stop
Nearly 6,000 people are killed connecting to the outcome of cell phone use while driving, according to Edmunds.com (7). Texting and talking on the phone throughout the time that a person is driving can have deadly consequences, but people still don’t seem to want to give up risking their life. There are many issues that can happen while on the road related to the usage of cell phones. It is important to stop people from looking at their phones while driving, because it is extremely distracting and not safe. Even hands free devices are not as safe as they seem to be. There have to be consequences for people using their cell phones while driving in order to improve the people’s safety. According to Edmunds.com, cell phones are known as distractions everywhere in the world and have created several concerns to several countries (9).
Making texting and driving illegal would keep everyone safe.“After declining from 1999 to 2005, fatalities from distracted driving increased 28% after 2005, rising from 4572 fatalities to 5870 in 2008.”(Associations 2) Every year this number goes up so something needs to happen to prevent this from happening. Next, when texting for 5 seconds while at wheel going 55mph it's equal to the length of a football field. This is relevant because if a driver looks down for a short amount of time they are traveling very far. In that amount of time there could be pothole, turn, or a bump which would lead to a crash and harming other people. Lastly, it is just as likely for the passengers to get hurt then the driver. The driver needs to think about other people
Driving can be such a great experience for all of us. Especially when we are teenager because we are beyond excited to be legal to drive. However, many are at fault to be illegal drivers meaning no driver license to handle a motor vehicle. There are many other bad habits that drivers experience such as texting and driving, drunk driving and or not checking blind spot. Ignoring these bad habits to driving safe can be the cause of fatal accidents, hit and runs and minor accidents that occurs in the world.
Even though in today's time everyone has a cell phone and that it's not new to the world. There are some disadvantages and advantages on having a cell phone. One advantage is that it helps with communication with family and friends in today's time. One disadvantage with having a cell phone is that when people receive a phone call or text they want to answer it right away no matter if you're driving or not so it causes distraction and it's dangerous to text and drive. People should not text and drive because it’s against the law, people could die, and it’s unnecessary.