This key experience challenged me to learn very early on that I had quickly formed an opinion of the individuals I was working with, which caused me to judge these clients based on what I thought I knew. I felt very quickly in my work with these individuals that the older gentleman would need more help with activities as I felt he likely had a learning disability based on the fact that he walked a little slower as if shuffling and the fact that his speech was not clear. The younger gentleman I felt would be easy to work with as I did not anticipate or note any areas that I felt he would have difficulty in. There was no concrete evidence to support my assumptions, they were solely based on my
Unit 1- 1.1, 1.2-This is a reflective account of the things I have done, experience and knowledge I have gained throughout the assessor 's course mainly during the process of assessment. First, I would like to describe the definition of assessment, its key concepts, stages to show the knowledge and understanding I have gained throughout the course. An assessment is a pre-agreed formal session with the learner. Assessment is judging performance against an agreed standard and is also a way of finding out if learning has taken place. It enables yo assessor to ascertain if learner has gained
What do you think went not so well The policy is not always a deterrent for some children. |
My past place of employment had a high level of excellence and a high level of trust. I was employed at this facility for 11 wonderful years. The upper management was involved with all of the employees and remained available for employees for with any concerns and they had encouraged communication. A new manager was hired on my unit and she had earned the trust of the staff rather quickly. Trust was obtained by working alongside the staff, assisting with tasks, and maintaining effective communication. The manager’s expectations were clearly identified and ideas provided by the staff were valued. Although meetings were held in a professional manner, nurses felt they were able to discuss concerns and feelings, freely. When managers openly
On an occasion at work I was aware of a staff member communicating very negatively, for example sighing and tutting and general negativity. Supervision was due so it was brought into meeting that last had concerned had noticed a change in the person’s general attitude, I asked if there was a specific reason and was told there was not. Although they agreed that they were being negative. We discussed the workload and it was decided it was not that. It was mentioned by the staff member that they were feeling a little unsure of how to deal with a service user who had dementia and was unpredictable and seemed to have taken a dislike to the staff member .We discussed at length the way forward and I arranged for some
I assessed 71 years old female, Ms. Smith (fake name), who appeared in good physical health. She was alert and oriented because she was able to tell me the correct date and place. She did not seem to be in any distress. Eyes were symmetrical, sclera was white, and pupils were equal, round, reactive to light, and accommodating, and extraocular movements were intact. No hearing deficit was noted because Ms. Smith was able to repeat the words that I whispered into her each ear. I did not note any breathing difficulties as she was able to breathe through both nares equally, lungs were clear bilaterally upon auscultation, and she denied shortness of breath. No swelling or tenderness was noted on palpitation of lymph nodes. Ms. Smith denied heart pain or palpitation, and heart beats were regular upon auscultation. Extremities were symmetrical bilaterally, and muscle strength was strong upon assessment.
As you will note from my CV, I hold a First Class BA Honours Degree in Childhood and Family Studies and Education Studies. Whilst the majority of the modules I studied were based around developing my knowledge of working with children and families, some modules were focused on my professional and ethical practice.
One day I was ask to transfer Mrs X from bed into wheelchair. Mrs X is paralised so to transfer her a full body hoist is needed. I had to call for help, it wouldn’t be safe to do this by myself. So while I was waiting for the other carer to arrive I have explained to Mrs X what and how we are going to do it. I have also cheked the hoist and battery if its fully charged and operational. I put right size sling on Mrs X with her cooperation. I carefully manovered hoist close to bed, then I hooked sling onto the hoist with short hooks on to of the body and long hooks on bottom. That was when my collegue arrived to help me with transfer.We asked Mrs X if she is ready when she said yes by pushing
making Practice-Based Learning work Reflection on PRACTICE A resource commissioned by the Making Practice Based Learning Work project, an educational development project funded through FDTL Phase 4 Project Number 174/02 and produced by staff from the University of Ulster. Author Patricia McClure School of Health Sciences, University of Ulster contents Reflection on Practice 02
I am a registered and specialized trained Assistant Medical Officer (AMO) at Emergency and Trauma Department (ED). I have been working in the Government Hospital for fourteen years. In addition I am also working together other with twenty AMO’s, ten registered staff nurses and seventeen nursing aid in this department. In Malaysia AMO plays a major role in early diagnosis and treatment of patient whereby they are assign in hospital and clinics. AMO working in the ED are competent in the provision of emergency cares and function as the main front liner care provider that includes provision of emergency treatment, stabilization, definitive care and function as an important component of the Trauma Team (Ministry of Health
I have the skills and Can-do attitude that you are looking for and I am confident that I would be the perfect fit in this administrative role. Working to develop great relationships with customers, while supporting coworkers and my management team is something that I have been doing for over 10 years. I believe that I have the experience to start contributing from day one and I am truly excited about the prospect of getting
Healthcare reform has caused many new changes in how patients are cared for in today’s society. Healthcare is now centered on the patient actively participating in their plan of care. The focus of healthcare is to maintain a safe environment for patients and improve patient outcomes by following evidenced based practice procedures that help guide the nurse in delivering patient centered care.
I stay current in my field by reading scholarly articles and white papers, attending conferences, regularly exchanging information with my peers through social media and face-to-face meetings, and, more recently, by expanding my skill set. For example, I have remained current with my knowledge of SAS, Stata, and R by signing up for online courses, purchasing self-help books and guides, and, when I am able to, attending software users’ conferences. From my vantage point, I have seen logistics and marketing integrations become intensely data-driven and I am therefore looking for ways to improve my own forecasting knowledge, which has led me to spend a fair portion of my time improving my skills in both applied statistics and other branches of
After Submitting my work, I have received feedback for my task one and two. I can now reflect on my work and create an action plan to improve my future assignments.
During my time working in secondary schools I have worked in an administration, customer service, tutoring, communications and publication design positions. I have provided effective telephone, reception and email services to school sites which has also allowed me to welcome staff, students, parents and members of the community into the school and was often the first point of contact for stakeholders and I established strong lines of communication. In working in an administrative role I successfully delivered complex information regarding a variety of enrolment types, referring enrolments to senior members of staff where required and my diverse role has seen me produce publications including; newsletters, enews and the annual yearbook, organise school events including principal tours, update existing promotional material, maintain websites, created promotional items, liaised with media as required in relation to advertisements and manage and update the sites electronic signage. I have also processed payments for student’s extra-curricular activities and maintained generic college inboxes and correspondence, responding to enquiries and following where required. Not only this but whilst working in an administrative position I regularly maintain databases and distribution lists for mail outs and records. In doing so I am able to remain organised and provide quality customer service to the community, students, parents and staff and by using effective communicative skills I was
The writing I did this semester for Engl 110c has meant alot to me because I was able to pick a topic that has such a huge impact in my life. I was able to do the topic about Navy Wives, which has a huge impact on me. I recently became a navy wife a year ago and my life has changed drastically. I was able to share everything I wanted to about the life of a military wife through my writings, as well as share to my classmates about my topic. I really enjoyed creating my ePortfolio because I could come out of my shell and be me. I made a ePortfolio website that would be for military wives to read. I believe this website would be perfect for any military wife reading it. I was able to give tips and information on what it’s like to be a military wife, how to prepare for deployments and how to stay strong being a military wife.