On labor day of 2009, the Great White sharks arrived to Cape Cod. The great whites returned after one hundred years, and they have stayed ever since. Cape Cod is in Massachusetts. It consists of shallow waters, small sand dune islands, and sandy beaches. It is also called the shallows. The shallows of Cape Cod are filled with seals and surfers. They have people swimming and seals being eaten within one hundred yards of each other. Great whites are massive creatures that normally live in the deep dark ocean and travel many miles. Why are Great Whites Suddenly appearing in the shallows of Cape Cod?
Great whites can grow up to twenty-four feet and weigh five thousand pounds(Martin). They are the biggest extant predatory fish. They are not the
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They can swim at thirty five miles per hour(Institution, Smithsonian). They also have seven rows of teeth(Institution, Smithsonian). They have a total of three hundred triangular serrated teeth(Bradford). When Great white sharks are in the womb they supposedly swallow their own teeth. The first time they sink their teeth in their prey, it is called a sample bite. Sharks normally go up to their prey and taste them to make sure the want to eat them(Bradford). That's why most attacks are not fatal, because the shark tastes the human and thinks yuck that is not what I want to eat and spits them back out. They don't normally mistake humans for food considering only five to ten happen every year(Bradford). Once they sense food they need to get to it fast. They can swim up to fifteen miles per hour(1). Great Whites have to be fast at Cape Cod because they can not sneak attack the …show more content…
Shark finning is popular in asia. They cut the fin off of the shark, and then throw the shark back in the water. Since sharks are being killed for just the fin, there are bans against finning. People also started just killing them after the movie Jaws came out(8). It pictured a Great White shark attacking people viciously. It upset people because it was based on a true story, but in the actual occurrence it was a bull shark that attacked the people not the Great White(8). There are many shark sanctuaries set up in the ocean to protect them. They can go there and live without having to worry if they will get caught in a net or get their fins cut off. In many countries there are bans on Great White Shark products. There are many projects in effect for protecting Great White Sharks(Institution, Smithsonian). Great white sharks are illegal to hunt because they are endangered. They also have a short life span of about sixty years, but very few make it to even thirty. There are many signs that say the great white population is increasing slowly but steadily(Institution,
The article “Saving The Great White Monster” describes the alarming concerns about the cause and effect relationship about the rapid killing of the shark population. Shark fins are in more demand and there has been an increase in shark killings. The shark population is rapidly decreasing. More awareness is now being brought to this heartbreaking issue.
Donohue, Patrick and Log, Destin. “Sharks 101.” State and Regional Newspaper, 7 September. 2006. LexisNexis Academic. Web. 28 May. 2016.
The Great White Shark is the top predator of the ocean, meaning that it is not hunted by other animals in the waters. The Great White has been listed as an endangered species due to the over hunting of them for shark teeth and there fins.
Stewart’s mission was to bring public awareness to the dwindling shark populations. His work was meant to bring change to public policy, as well as to educate the public. Prior to Stewart, many were unaware that conservation programs were needed to protect sharks. Sharks are pivotal to marine ecosystems as apex predators. Sharks have played a major role as predators for hundreds of millions of years. One of the major contributions these apex predators have made to their ecosystem is the evolution of their prey spanning back to the dinosaurs. While sharks have remained relatively unchanged for hundreds of millions of years, their prey has been continually evolving. Stewart’s recent death displays a story that must be told of one man’s journey to protect the most feared and misunderstood creature in the oceans.
The Discovery Channel has taught us that Great White Sharks are the largest predatory fish in the sea, and can eat something as big as a sea lion WHOLE. The biggest one was caught in 1993 off Prince Edward Island and was 20
Peter Benchley the author of Jaws said, “Without sharks , you take away the apex predator of the ocean, and you destroy the entire food chain”. My paper’s main idea is how Great White Sharks survive in the ocean. Like how they hunt and how their features help it hunt,hide,and survive.
The Shark’s place in the marine ecosystem is as a predator at the top of the food chain as there is no natural predator of sharks. Sharks are not very fastidious about what they eat but their diet generally consists of seal, crab, squid, lobster and fish. If sharks were to become extinct there would be an ecological cost. The marine life that is the shark’s food source would start to overpopulate with nothing to prey on it. One possible reason that sharks are coming closer to shores is that their natural food source is diminishing due to overfishing by humans. To stop sharks from being too near to popular swimming locations, fishermen need to expand or change their hunting areas.
When sharks attack, they use many different methods and techniques to attack. Sharks can use sudden attacks which is a fast procedure that Great Whites like to use.
Many people call sharks beasts, terrible things, killers, but they are not. For instance sharks need to eat to just like humans. Sharks can eat all day. When sharks eat too much they throw it up and eat more. Sharks fend for themselves when they are hungry they might find other sharks and eat them. Sharks eat squid, shrimp, sardines, tuna. Besides sharks can never stop moving so they don't’ stay in one spot. Lastly sharks might look mean but they are
However, most of these are not fatal, and new research finds that great whites, who are naturally curious, are "sample biting" then releasing their victims rather than preying on humans. “It's not a terribly comforting distinction, but it does indicate that humans are not actually on the great white's menu(E.O Wilson)”.Great whites are the largest fish and weighing up to 5,000 pounds have been recorded.Highly adapted predators, their mouths are lined with up to 300 serrated, sharp teeth arranged in several rows, and they have an exceptional sense of smell to detect prey. They even have organs that can sense the tiny electromagnetic fields produced by animals. They usually eat sea lions, seals, small toothed whales, and even sea turtles, and carrion.The original hypothesis for the great white's origins is that it shares a common gene with its ancestor with a prehistoric shark. The only predator that can kill a shark is a whale and sometimes whales aren't fast enough to catch the sharks most times.Most sharks live in depths of waters on 12 degrees to 24 degrees fahrenheit. Great white sharks have a great sense of touch through what’s called the lateral line.It is a line that extends along the middle of the shark’s body from its tail to its head. Found in all fish, it is made of cells that can
Great white sharks are really interesting because of their unique features. One of these features is their teeth. Great white sharks have triangular teeth that are about as sharp as razors. The edges are serrated with a bunch of sharp points on the tips, which are used to eat other animals ( live
Cetorhinus maximus took second place at the ‘Largest living fish in the sea world’ competition, measuring up to 36 feet! This peculiar looking, slow- moving sharks can be found “basking” in the sun at the water surface of warm temperate oceans. Basking sharks swim with their mouths open because they are filter- feeding type of sharks. That way they passively filter the water, catching prey like zooplankton and small fish. Sharks are known to be loners, but basking sharks are
The bull shark has very special glands that help them migrate.The glands help them migrate through saltwater and freshwater not many other shark species can migrate through both saltwater and freshwater.The max size of the bull shark is about 11 feet long.and can grow up to 200-400 pounds which isn't the biggest shark but can pack a big punch.
Most people are terrified of sharks and want nothing to do with them others love them I’m one of the ones that love them I think they are just misunderstood intelligent creatures and this will help you realize that too. Sharks have been on earth for at least 420 million years ago that’s 200 million years before the first dinosaur! Sharks outlive humans they have been on earth longer and have longer life spans the oldest living shark is 500 years old while the average human can live as long as 70 years in perfect health. Sharks like people come in all shapes and sizes and swim everywhere from the arctic circle to the Caribbean. Some sharks are big some little some long and thin some wide and short they come in every size imaginable and in the weirdest conditions like seas and oceans with other animals ready to eat any injured sharks to lakes hunting fish they live almost everywhere.
The Amazing Sharks Imagine you are on a surfboard and see see something small and grey coming at you. What would you do? Sharks mistake humans for other prey such as turtles or seals. Humans have mistakenly thought sharks, especially the Great Whites, are vicious man-eaters, but they are actually decent creatures. Sharks are curious creatures that some people need to learn more about them.