
Write An Essay On Dolores

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Born on April 10 of 1930 in Dawson, New Mexico, Dolores spent most of her early life and childhood in Stockton, California with her mother and two brothers after her parents got divorced. The seeds of feminism were implanted on Dolores at an early age since her mother Alicia embodied many virtuous qualities. Alicia was a kind woman, always willing to help others. Dolores endured her childhood and young adult life observing her mother being engaged and active in community affairs and various civic organizations, as well as the church. Alicia worked very hard to he able to provide extracurricular activities and music lessons for Dolores and her brothers. Dolores took dance lessons and played the violin and the piano. Dolores was a good student, as well a Girl Scout until she was 18, even winning second place in a national essay contest. However, Dolores had to endure the racism many Hispanics and Latino Americans suffered from, especially those who worked on farms. At school, she was treated unequally by both students and teachers. Through these times, however, her family was able to improve their economic conditions. Her mother ran a restaurant and purchased a hotel in Stockton with her second husband, James Richards. Both of the businesses served farm workers and day laborers and offered …show more content…

In 1970 the committee signed an agreement with 26 grape growers to improve working conditions for farm workers. In the 70s' Dolores put together a national lettuce boycott and helped pave the way for the 1975 Agricultural Labor Relations Act, which was the first law to recognize farm worker's rights to bargain collectivity. During the 80s' Dolores became Vice President of the UFW and co-founded the radio station for the UFW. She kept speaking for a plethora of causes and advocated for an organized and comprehensive immigration policy, as well as better health conditions for farm

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