
Write An Essay On Epilepsy

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Epilepsy is a critical neurological disease stemming from temporary abnormal discharges of the brain electrical activity, leading to uncontrollable movements and trembling [1]. Epilepsy is the second most common neurological condition seen in primary practice worldwide with an approximate prevalence of 5.8 per 1000 population in the developed world and between 10.3 per 1000 to 15.4 per 1000 in developing countries [2]. Despite its prevalence, epilepsy can be very challenging to diagnose and treat. People with epilepsy are two or three times more likely to die prematurely when compared to a normal person. Therefore, diagnosing and predicting epileptic seizures accurately appear to be particularly important, which is able to bring more effective prevention and treatment for the patients. …show more content…

Electroencephalograhy is the recording of the electrical activity of the brain, usually taken through several electrodes at the scalp. EEG contains lots of valuable information relating to the different physiological states of the brain and thus is a very useful tool for understanding the brain disease, such as epilepsy [3]. EEG signals of epileptic patients exhibit two states of abnormal activities namely interictal or seizure free (in-between epileptic seizures) and ictal (in the course of an epileptic seizure) [4]. The interictal EEG signals are transient waveforms and exhibit spikes, sharp or spiky waves. The ictal EEG signals are continuous waveforms with spikes and sharp wave complexes. Epilepsy can be detected by traditional methods by well-trained and experienced neurophysiologists by visual inspection of long durations of EEG

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