
Write An Essay On Maslow's Ethos Pathos Logos

Satisfactory Essays

The one question that (most) graphic designers never want to hear, and, the myth of the five-dollar logo. The conversation always goes something like this:

"So, I'm starting a new business, and, well…I need a logo. Interested?"

If we're on the phone, what usually follows is a pause. If we're communicating by email, there's usually a suspiciously long time before I hit "reply." And, if we're speaking in person, the look on my face is usually enough to communicate my answer.

Because…I don't do logos.

Actually, that's not true. I do occasionally agree to take on a logo project, whether through loyalty, guilt, or, by just not being particularly good and saying "no." If the request is for a larger branding project, then, sure. A logo will …show more content…

An epic tale of deception, stolen artwork, and crappy logos
(, which described how the author commissioned three logos—for a made-up company—through the website Fiverr, which offers (or at least did at the time) logos for the low, low, price of just five dollars each. Exactly what kinds of logos did the author receive for her $15? Well, the results were both entirely predictable, and, well, shocking.

Two of the three logos Greif received were literal copy-and-paste jobs of existing, stock logo designs. Her company name was simply swapped out. The same logos were already being used by several other companies. The third logo was, as far as she could tell, original work, but, was so anonymous and , as to not matter. Oh, and if the author wanted files that would allow her to actually use her new logos, that would have cost extra. Ditto for copyright permission. And expedited service.

While Fiverr seems to have evolved their business model a bit since Greif's article was first published, in 2014, the fact remains. You will always get what you pay

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