
Write An Essay On The Evolution Of Opsin

Decent Essays

The multi-colored and in depth vision that most humans and multiple organisms share today stem from a vast history of prior organisms being only able to capture light through their eye lenses in order to see at most only four to five colors including black and white. While it is true that most organisms today and prior have shared the same common tissues and functions that manufacture the anatomical structure of the eye, throughout the years and the environmental changes, the eye has adapted or mutated with it. The eye is made of opsin that is essential in the eye in order for the image and light extracted to be transferred to the brain to create an image; “Essentially, an opsin is a kind of molecule that conveys information from the outside of a cell to the inside” (Shubin …show more content…

The repurposing of the eye from bacteria and our ancestors with a primitive anatomy, comes from the mutation of having three light-gathering molecules to transcribed the information gathered into color, previously organisms had only been able to see a limited array of colors due to only having two light-gathering molecules instead of the adapted three. This amazing mutation of having three molecules instead of two, came about due to ‘opsin 2’ duplicating itself, and after multiple generations, adaptations of ‘opsin 3’ would allow for it to be able to see an array of colors due to the detection of an inundation of light (Finding the Origins of Color Vision). The difference in invertebrates and vertebrates eye anatomy seemed to have lacked a common connection that linked the two together within the history of vision, but with the discovery of the Polychaetes having both a ‘normal eye’ and photoreceptors, came the discovery “…that the different kinds of animal eyes share common

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