You're sitting in your English classroom, it,s cold outside and it is the day before valentine's day. Your teacher walks slowly to the front of the room and speaks in a half somber voice,” Do you want the good news or the bad news?” Some kids raise their voices and shout to good news but majority were worried and, asked for the bad news first. “ Bad news; we are writing an essay for the next week.” The entire class groans, and you cast your eyes downward, as a little bit more homework is added onto your pile. Then the teacher speaks from the front of the classroom again. “ Now for the good news; it is a group project.” You will get to work with your group to write the essay together.” You sigh in relief because you know that your work is going to be much, much better for several reasons.
Imagine yourself writing an essay and then imagine yourself writing it with the input of three other people. More people in the group leads to a chain reaction of ideas, which results in a more diverse field of details. When you have better details, your supporting paragraphs have a more persuasive effect on the reader. Also, more interesting content makes the reader not dread reading your final draft. That is definitely a bonus for both of you.
Have you ever had trouble with grammar and finding mistakes, well having multiple people in a
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Why not speed up the process and take two days and work in groups. Sitting in a desk for three days straight writing an essay by yourself doesn’t teach you anything, but if we split up into groups we will have more input to learn off of. You can also divide the essay up to fit the strengths of each group member. You will also have more time to try and catch grammatical errors and spelling mistakes before it is time to submit your final essay. Instead of taking days or even weeks to finish and assignment by yourself, break up into groups and finish it in two
At the end of the "time required spectrum", is our final unique methodology. Sam Theis, from Cross County High school, had a rather interesting strategy of the likes on of us had considered. Sam says that to write the best essay, it takes an entire week of short time writing time periods. To participate in this manner, simply discover the information as soon as possible, and write for short periods every day until the final Due date! Pros to this technique are low stress, and more overall time. However, something concerning could be the ability to write coherently stretched over such a long
In English 1102 students will learn many different techniques throughout the course to understand and compose an analysis on an array of topics. After the course is over it is up to the students to apply what they have learned to everyday life. Many students throughout this course have questioned why they have to learn this material and that it will not even help them in the real world, but they are wrong. Each and everyday people should look at the deeper meaning and analyze situations very carefully or else one may find themselves being deceived. Being able to analyze is a very important skill no matter what career choice you choose. In this course the material assigned also had many life lessons in them. A great example of a reading assignment
Why did the American position regarding entrance to World War I shift? How did it affect America? It had been tradition to stay neutral during the war and not get involved. However, despite tradition and many Americans' position on staying neutral in the war, the government decided to join the Allies in the fight. During World War I, American concerns of trade with Europe and for the future of democracy influenced major developments in transportation and communication; this led to an impact in American society politically, socially, and economically.
In Honors English (3rd and 5th), ask students to turn in yesterday’s assignment. They have a test on “A Problem” today, so they should log into their pearson accounts online and take the test. I will check their scores and put them in Skyward asap. Once their test is finished please have them read pages 78-79 in the literature book. Their assignment is to read “Like the Sun” (pgs 80-84) and “The Open Window” (pgs 85-88). They should be looking for instances of paradoxes and irony during each reading. They need to complete the critical thinking questions on pages 84 and 88.
Yet, his education about the hazards that occur in life grew tremendously, as Huck now understands how man’s cruelty towards others are most responsible for the much of the ugliness he encountered. His new found learning still seems a bit twisted to him, however, as the society in which he lives teaches that slavery is lawful while the Bible teaches brotherhood and love. The hypocrisy he comprehends ends up confirming what Huck has valued all along: so-called civility is but a gesture, one which he cannot abide. Thus, Huck goes west in attempts to escape the trappings and dangers of civility; yet, as seen in today’s world, the hypocrisy is inescapable. The west has developed, and with the development, the cruelty, hypocrisy and dangers has risen to even greater heights. In the land of the free and equal, people are shunned because of their ethnicities or religious affiliations; people shoot other people with automatic weapons; homelessness thrives alongside wealth and prosperity. And just as Huckleberry Finn struggled to separate his deformed conscience from his sound heart, humans must wrestle to find compassion in their hearts, reform their consciences, and juxtapose their hearts and consciences to guide them to righteous
The five-minute warning bell goes off. I rush to my first class of my junior year, eager to see my classmates, who I was going to spend the rest of the 9 months with. I find myself stumbling into a classroom plastered with decorations of Denzel Washington with a Dr. Seuss book in his hand, a t and college flags galore. My AP English 11 class suddenly seemed so appealing to me. As a beautiful, curly haired short lady stood in front of me and said “Welcome to AP English 11,” I knew that I had found a treasure so much greater than just a pretty classroom. Little did I know, that short lady was going to inspire me throughout my challenge filled second-to-last year of high school.
In the past two months i fell like i have accomplished a great deal. As i focus on it more i realize i have become a better reader. I did this by concentrating on my readings and take my time to read them. With the help of my professor and classmates i began to analyze what i read.
Sentences two three and four – Sentences that support the topic sentence with specific examples
English 111 has been a great course so far. I have been learning new material that will help me to improve my comprehensive English skills, such as speaking, reading and writing. In this course, we have covered many topics that usually are not presented or introduced to students in younger agers. Sexual harassment is one of the sensitive topics that we have discussed in details. I personally did not fully know what is the true definition of sexual harassment and what form of actions or phrases that we could say that would considered to be forms of sexual harassments or harassments in general. During lectures, we have looked cases of sexual harassments and how we can educate ourselves and be aware of this issue that our communities facing. Student were assigned to draw their thoughts and what they have
This transcript, an extract taken from one of the creative writing controlled assessments I submitted for my GCSE English Language studies, is a sociolect between two East-End Londoners. The complicity and the natural language employed within this private exchange denote a long-term relationship between two middle-class, middle-aged women, on the same intellectual level who are having a tease - a literal 'dig'- winding each other while carrying out casual gardening work.
My entire life, I have looked forward to math class; it has always made sense to me. Plugging numbers into an equation and solving for x always came easy to me. Outside of school, I enjoy reading. Easily, I could pick up a book and read the entire thing as time just flies by me. The books I don’t like to read are the ones that I am forced to read in a constricted amount of time. Before this year, I’ve never taken an honors English class; I was the smartest one in my CP class. I never challenged myself which is the reason I decided to take AP English. I didn’t put this on my schedule have my transcript look good, or to boost my GPA, I want to become a better writer. In 20 years, the skills I learn throughout this year will be more important
I am here to go through some expectations regarding this AP course with you all as Mr. Spencer is away at a conference. The things I will go over are so that you understand what this class is about, specifically as it relates to the advanced placement aspect of it. As this is an AP English class it’s essential for you to have a basic understanding of how you are to structure content in an essay. This means I will explain what makes a strong thesis and how to back it up with a strong argument and rhetoric. All of this being said, I will also give you information on what exactly is generally expected of you in this classroom as a whole.
Throughout the progression of this course I learned countless things concerning my writing. {Simkin, M. G., Crews, J. M., & Groves, M. J. (2012). While it’s there’s a many amounts of things ‘ve learned throughout the course, there are several things I‘ve learned which include the step by step process, including the correct usage of grammar and properly proofreading my work before I turn it in. I found out i had a major problem with my punctuation usage and insufficient when it came my periods and commas. I’ve invested some time writing through grammarly and other helpful sites to improve my writing skills. I appreciate the assistance and help I received from Mrs. C
Sexual education need to be inforce more properly because it is causing a rapid growth in teen pregnancy and STD’S. Teen pregnancy is a female
According to (Beal & Bolick, 2012), “Each day’s wave of current events reinforces our awareness that our globally interdependent world is a mélange of people of different colors, religions, languages, and customs” (p. 55). Similar to the global world, classrooms across American today are beginning to look the same, raising awareness for teaching that is all-inclusive. Social studies teachers today are facing increasing difficulties with creating curriculums that meet their state’s mandated requirements and each individual learner, learning needs. A typical classroom will consist of students that may not speak English as a second language, a mixture of male and female students, and more important, children coming from several different backgrounds, having varying life experiences. Thus, the cultural differences resulted in a greater demand for today’s social studies teacher to practice culturally relevant teaching by using multicultural teaching dimensions, so that all children can achieve.