When I write an assignment, from a simple analysis to a research paper, I always start with writing an outline. The outline helps me with the flow of my writing and reminds me where my work will take me. The outline keeps me organized in my thoughts and aids in the comprehension of my writing; it will start out very broad and eventually becomes very specific so the essay is easier to write. I have gotten into the habit of writing outlines when I would write any assignment during my sophomore year of high school. My teacher would require us to write outlines for major writing assignments which developed my habit to write an outline for any assignment. After the outline, I begin writing the assignment and edit while I write. I do this by briefly
In Honors English (3rd and 5th), ask students to turn in yesterday’s assignment. They have a test on “A Problem” today, so they should log into their pearson accounts online and take the test. I will check their scores and put them in Skyward asap. Once their test is finished please have them read pages 78-79 in the literature book. Their assignment is to read “Like the Sun” (pgs 80-84) and “The Open Window” (pgs 85-88). They should be looking for instances of paradoxes and irony during each reading. They need to complete the critical thinking questions on pages 84 and 88.
The instruction for this week’s assignment is “The area of a triangle is given by the formula Area = 1/2 * Base * Height. Using the IDLE development environment, create a Python script named t_area.py . Your script must calculate the area of a triangle and display the results of the calculation. The triangle that your script must calculate the areas for has a base of 12 inches and a height of 16 inches. IDLE has both an interactive mode and a script mode. You must use the script mode to develop your script”.
This paper is a graduate-level writing assignment designed to aid the student in seeking initial licensure upon graduating. It is a tool for the student to learn how to navigate the application process. This paper is based on the process of obtaining a Licensed Profession Counselor (LPC) licensure. Completion of an LPC application was experienced. The LPC rules were observed. The American Counseling Association (ACA), Code of Ethics, were reviewed. The requirements to become an LPC were reviewed.
This week we read about screening procedures and strategies for students with emotional and behavioral disorders. We also read about evaluating students with EBD for intervention strategies and instructional strategies with the goal of creating a comprehensive behavior intervention plan.
Concerning my assignments, I always take hand written notes before writing up either a first draft or segments of one. This allows myself to clearly organise my thoughts to properly delve into the task at hand. Afterwards, I re-organise my first draft in a typed format and begin developing my voice; which happens along the progress of my written piece, creating a stronger and more advanced piece of writing.
My method has changed since this class. I always knew what an outline was but now I have implemented it into my pre-writing. Before, I write I try to make an outline of all of the topics that will go into the essay. After, the outline is finished, the biggest lesson I’ve learned to get my paper started is to simply start typing. It doesn’t matter
Making several drafts and outlines are very helpful to organize my paper. Before this course, I like to do free write. I just start writing, and add in information while editing. However, I start to create outlines for my writing. I found that creating an outline can help me organize my writing process and provides a full overview of my paper. For me, creating an outline after first draft is more helpful than start with an outline. Below is a picture of my AP outline. I created this outline after my first AP draft.
I found that week three has been more challenging for me. The assignments have required more time and it has been difficult juggling kids, work and school. I need to find a happy medium when it comes to sleeping during the day and working nights. I will have to adjust to sleeping less and studying more.
High school was a time when writing assignments began to have more fascinating prompts, but also needed more structure. I drew ideas for my writing from several different sources including my friends and family’s opinions, things on social media, and my own beliefs. All of these diverse sources enhanced my writing and helped me to become more open minded. I always started a paper by organizing my thoughts and ideas by writing down three or four of the main points I wanted to include. From there, I wrote a rather brief outline only consisting of my thesis statement and the opening sentences for each of my body paragraphs. Before starting my first draft, I would look over my short outline, read the assignment once more, and then begin writing. I did not prepare nearly as much as I should have, but I was still able to produce a good first
At this level, an area of growth attained through an internship at the power camp was how to optimize time, be a motivator to coworkers, set goals for others, and foster relationship with staffs. However, I have an opportunity to work alongside with the director of student services. In addition, I was a mentor for Morning Prayer and Bible study, and devotion leader on a daily basis thereby upholding staffs and students’ solidarity. I achieved a unique proficiency in practical experience on how to update each staff on the behaviors of the students and prepare a report on the vendor distributions. On the other hand, I mastered as a motivator, it is beneficial to listen more to the ideas of other employees, and to speak less. Also, advanced in benefit to inspire people to contribute their best to the improvement of the organization and as well compliment them for their achievements.
The Western Roman Empire was once at the pinnacle of civilisation, widely regarded as one of the largest empires in history. Their extreme wealth made them the pioneers in warfare, medicine, architecture, politics, culture and philosophy. At its peak in 117 AD, it spanned over 5,000,000 square kilometres, and had a population of almost 57,000,000 people. In spite of its sheer power and level of innovation, The Western Roman Empire fell in 476 AD. The fall of the Western Roman Empire can be accredited mainly to the major economic, military and political factors which lead to the decline and eventual collapse of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD. The first major factor which led to the downfall of the Western Empire, was the extreme political instability and widespread corruption which plagued the Roman Government.
In high school, there were three different types of writing assignments we had to complete. The first was analyzing an unseen text, the second was writing an essay based on the theme of two plays, and the last was a creative writing task. For each of them, I took a different approach for coming up with the ideas I was going to write about. The ideas came from research about the topics given, or general themes looked at during class. However, for any writing assignment I would always create an outline first, whether it was an in class essay or an essay written at home. If it was an essay that was written over time, our teacher required us to hand in drafts, and would set aside class time to peer edit. Most of the time the feedback given was
My academic writing experiences have consisted mainly of writing various types of papers and assignments for college courses. They included completing literature reviews, writing research papers, writing response papers, and keeping journals. The biggest writing challenges I have faced are both initiating and organizing the writing assignment. Initiating the writing assignment has been a challenge, because I often feel I don't know where or how to begin. I over-analyze the assignment to the point where I often second guess myself on what I want to say in my writing assignment. When it comes to organizing the assignment, I have a hard time deciding what and where to put certain elements of what I need to write. I have worked very hard to overcome these challenges. The best thing I have done with my challenge of initiating the writing assignments is to just start writing even if I don't know what I want to say. I have found that once I commit to writing 'something' my mind begins to clear and focus on the task at hand. I can then start to formulate what I need to write. My other challenge of organization has also been difficult. However, I have found that creating an outline of what I want to say has helped me a great deal. Once I have an outline in place it allows me to keep my writing on track so I don't stray off topic.
As a student, I think I am an extravagant, hard worker. I think school is ennui ,but I still get a 3.8 gpa or higher on average every year. Not only do I do laborious work I work hard on the soccer field because it gives me more of a personal drive. I do all of this just for my grade because I know that my grade will determine how my life will be in the future. Also, I want to make many memories in high school with friends. And my mom would say the same thing.
First and foremost, the death penalty is defined as the punishment of execution, administered to someone who has committed a terrible crime (Capital Punishment 1). This is also known as capital punishment, which is known for disregarding the human rights. Although many countries continue to enforce the death penalty, some countries think it should not be practiced. According to the United States, the death penalty continues to be a charged and controversial political and legal issue(Capital Punishment 1). In addition, the death penalty also focuses on if the death penalty is fair not unfair; let alone, if the criminal will receive the right justice and punishment for the crime he has brought onto himself. The death penalty is another option when rehabilitation and improvement are not available.