
Writing And Researching English Course

Decent Essays

After completing English 1020 course, I thought I have gained so much skill in writing, reading, and researching that I didn’t need to take any other English course to gain more skills. However, English 3010 course proved me wrong. By taking English 3010 courses, I could realize that, even though I have gained many skills from English 1020 course, it wasn’t enough and I certainly needed to learn more. English 3010 was a course designed to test student’s skill on three major areas: writing, reading, and researching, and more importantly, to help students make improvements in these three areas. Based on the assignment I have completed, the improvements I have made, and by the countless help of the instructor throughout the semester, I was able to gain a lot more skill in English 3010 class on three major areas: writing, reading, and researching.
Writing and reading are the two major components not only in any English course, but also in every other course such as Sociology. Thus, gaining more skills and improving on writing and reading outcomes is necessary for every student. By taking English courses, I am consistently gaining new skills and making improvements in the writing and reading outcomes. Like every other English courses, I have made some significant improvements and gained some crucial skills on writing and reading outcomes in the English 3010 course. In English 3010 course, writing and reading outcomes were related to each other in every assignment. For example,

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