Hi Christina,
Last week I started working on my portfolio. As I looked over articles I wrote in the past, I realized that my writing skills need work. My writing is awkward, wordy, and usually in the passive voice. These skills can be improved with practice, and Grammarly is helping me see my mistakes. Do you have any tips on finding a writing mentor?
Onto a different subject, Do you think there would be a market for writing about spirituality and medicine?
How can I become a better writer? Throughout my writing experiences, I have learned I have many weaknesses along with strengths. My experiences with writing has not always been the best, but over time, with lots of practice and instructions from my instructors, I can proudly say that I have gained a better understanding on the layout of essays and papers. As well as understanding how to write correctly my goal as a writer is to learn how to overcome my weaknesses and use my strengths to my highest ability. I have many strengths, weaknesses and goals that I plan to achieve and overcome in my college career.
After filling out the Writing Skills Inventory, I noticed that I rarely created a plan to help me stay organized while writing. In this paper I will explain how and why I am going to improve my writing skills by planning my essays prior to starting it. Creating a plan could include a couple of things, it could help me create a process for completing the assignment or it could help the ideas within the assignment flow better and stay in order. I want to improve this skill because I often procrastinate on my tasks, so I do not have time to really construct solid ideas and take time to revise and edit as much I should. The reason that I do not plan out my assignments is that I think that it would be faster and easier to just write it all in
College Writing 1 is my first college writing class ever, I have high hopes I will learn a lot. I hope during this class I learn how to correctly cite different sources, learn new styles of writing, and fine tune the writing skills I already have. I think the most challenging part of this class will be keeping up with all the different writings we do, from journal entries to a research paper. Another thing that will be a challenge is the amount of words needed for each paper. I will need to practice how to write more in depth to make sure I at least hit the two hundred fifty word mark. The thing I am most excited for with this class is to be able to write again. As a former writer for the Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania newspaper, writing food
Throughout my education and employment, I had positive responses to my writing and grammatical skills, I am now learning this was incorrect praise. When submitting my passage of writing to online proofreading applications and to friends and family for consideration the conclusion was that my writing is strong in most areas but it still needs work. Strengths are in my use of grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary; but both groups noted weaknesses in my use of too many unnecessary words, especially adjectives and verbs, weak starting of sentences, complicated language and frequent use of a passive voice. Even though the online tests did not show it as an issue, know I have weaknesses in some grammar rules, specifically "i before e except after c" and incorrect punctuation particularly when using informal language.
I can still remember my heart pounding out of my chest. It was my first time in Writing 1, and my nerves were mostly the result of a friend’s advice. Winter quarter, my friend told me about her struggles in her writing class and she advised me not to take Professor Bernstein for Writing because as she said “he is really tough and a very hard grader.” However, I had no other option but to take writing with Professor Bernstein because all the other writing 1 classes conflicted with my schedule. Nevertheless, nine weeks have past since I first stepped foot in Writing 1, and I can certainly say that I have learned more than I ever expected. Yes, it is true, this class has been a challenge like no other, especially for me, being that English is
I consider I improved my writing in English this semester, in this sense, practice was essential. Firstly, I had an important contact with the language, which allowed me to make progress in writing and reading. The tools that professor provided us were very useful. Chapters were helpful in teaching me writing strategies and giving techniques that make it less complicated. For instance, transitional words, outline and brainstorm have already become a habit, even in Portuguese. Moreover, sites such as Corpora, Linguee and Paper Rater helped me a lot with the language in use and grammar corrections. Of all the things we learned, planning was the most relevant for me. In my opinion, it is the most important part of a text, because after I have
According to the Merriam Webster Dictionary the word refine is a verb that means “to improve (something) by making small changes”. This word perfectly describes my goals as an out of practice writer and new college student. In order to make improvements as a writer a person must be willing to make mistakes. They must be open and accepting of any feedback whether it is negative or positive. After all, you cannot refine your skills and become a better writer if you aren’t willing to take the bad with the good and learn from your mistakes.
Everyone has their own writing style. We always have different thoughts and feeling for same objects and it makes so many differences even we are all trying to describe the exact same things. Now I will talk a little bit about how is my process be like.
If you look in the big plastic container under my bed, you'll find a countless amount of journals and notebooks from my childhood filled with diary entries and fictional stories. Those writings helped me improve my writing skills by allowing me to get a lot of practice. I utilized lessons I learned in school and things I observed from recreational reading. The stories I wrote gradually improved in quality as I read more, became more educated, and gained experience.
When I started writing my first essay, I assumed I did everything correctly. I did have high expectation of getting an excellent paper, but on my writing, it had a weak body, improper punctuation , and misplaced ideas in my essay. As much this hurts me, I knew then I need more practice and correcting myself even more. I felt like my writing were more as like a high school essay than a professional college paper. All the teaching about how to write a descriptive, narrative, persuasive, or even write an expository during my high school years was a lie. I was taught the wrong idea from the start. I did learn to use other words, organize, and properly construct an essay. I have improve my ability of writer.
Today, I was given the worst news that I could have possibly been given at the age of 20, I cannot write. The feelings and emotions of disappointment and anger creepered into my head as my boss broke the news to me. While he was informing me of my needless word usage and horrific sentence structure, I thought, “Wow, previously before this very moment I was feeling ecstatic. I had been learning many things, more than I have learned during a week of college, and yet I fell short.” After crucially critiquing my skill level he had advised me to read “the elements of style.” After skimming through the first few pages, I knew that there was hope for me to become a better writer. So, instead of crying my eyes out, I set my goal which is becoming a
I have changed a lot academically throughout seventh grade. For an example my writing skill have improved. I have been able to write paper with less stress involved. I also have gotten a lot better at math too. This year i have been challenged in math and it has helped me become better in math. Overall i have become a better student and learned a lot.
As a human being, we, all, strive daily to better ourselves, gain confidence, and become more competent. However, sometimes, we need help. So, where does that help come from? We can receive help from parents, teachers, siblings, peers, pastors, neighbors, or complete strangers, but what if there isn’t anyone available? We have access, to a world of knowledge, at our fingertips. Resources are everywhere, if we just open our eyes so that we can see, and our minds so that we can comprehend.
It was warm, as the sun peered through the blinds. The prolonged rain had finally ended and It was like any other Monday for him; the start of another week of work for him. He dragged his feet to the bathroom and looked in the mirror to see drooping eyelids with gloomy, dark circles filled with lethargy, showing a lack of sleep. His face was two different tones of colour, most likely from over-working on his truck and the excessive sunlight that polluted his face.
When I usually write essays I tend to re-read the prompt after I read it I try to make any connections to the topics that I know about. After all that I break it down and I start to type my first draft out. Now that the class is almost over I’m very confident in my writing and I know what I am capable of writing and what I’m not. My overall experience in this class and also in writing has completely changed at 1st I really didn’t like to write that much essay I just wrote them to get a passing grade in any classes.