Wrong Place, Wrong Time A hero is someone who “we” determine to have demonstrated behaviors and decisions that are ethically and emotionally worthy of our awe.(Huffpost, Author: Rob Cipriano). What if you were in the wrong place, at the wrong time? What if you were wrongfully convicted? What if you were compared to an hog because of your lack of education? I believe jefferson was a hero because he saw light even in the midst of darkness. He learned to believe in himself and not what people thought of him. Pg.7 Jefferson’s defense attorney spoke so degrading about Jefferson to the jury, “Look at him--look at him--look at this. Do you see a man sitting here? Do you see a man sitting here?
For some people, being a hero or having heroic attributes includes zooming in with super speed to save to city from a monster, but in reality there are no aliens or super powers. A hero is someone who puts others needs before theirs, like Elie Wiesel in Night. Sometimes people aren’t considered heroes, but have heroic attributes like Hans in Journey to the Center of the Earth. Heroes like George Washington are heroes who are also leaders. Although many heroes are considered heroes, some are just put in situations where they must be heroic in order to survive.
According to Joseph Campbell, "A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself" . This means that a hero is person who is made a sacrifice for the good of others. A Hero is defined by the Merriam-Webster dictionary as "a man admired for his achievements and noble qualities" . This means that a hero is someone people look up to. Anyone can be a hero. Heroes have qualities such as bravery, strength, and selflessness. Mothers, soldiers, and Odysseus are all examples of heroes.
Courage and selflessness are words that describe heroes. Mundane people can be heroes when they have enough perseverance to do extraordinary tasks. They sacrifice their needs for others. Frederick Douglass was a brave, honorable and bold abolitionist, his heroism was impactful and it changed the mindset of many people.
During Jefferson’s trial, his lawyer cruelly refers him as a mindless hog. As the lawyer addresses the twelve white male jurors, he tells them that Jefferson has a “modicum of intelligence”, that he is “a thing to handle a plow, a thing to load your bales of cotton.” (7). His attorney also notes to the jurors that, “A fool got into that automobile. A fool rode to the grocery store. A fool stood by and watched this happen, not having sense to run.” (7). His attorney says,
“A hero does for others. He would do anything for people he loves, because he knows it would make their lives better”(191). This quote reflects on what a hero is in the book A Lesson Before Dying by Ernest J. Gaines. The main character Grant becomes a hero through the eyes of others, after meeting with another main character Jefferson, who was wrongly accused for a crime because the color of his skin was black. Jefferson got the punishment of being put to death by the electric chair. Grant goes to visit Jefferson in jail because Miss Emma wants Jefferson to be a man and walk to the electric chair. Grant could be considered a hero in this text because he helped Jefferson become a better person, Jefferson transformed into a man with the help of Grant for the love of his family, and Grant also teaches kids without enjoying his job though he is good at teaching.
In current times, history portrays George Washington as a fearless legend and, to many, the first American hero. A hero can be defined as a person who displays great courage, is favored by the gods, and is celebrated for their bold exploits. Although Washington’s early military career was fraught with failure, his reputation remained unscathed. Because Washington was able to maintain a pristine image, he was able to grow as both a military and political leader. Thus, based on his overall military career, George Washington should be remembered as an American hero.
What is a hero? A hero can be defined as a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities. Is there ever a time where someone can get away with murder and be perceived as a hero? Many people consider John Brown, an abolitionist, a hero; while many others view him as a murderer. In an article called “John Brown and ‘Bleeding Kansas’”, the author states “He did not commit any of the actual murders himself, but he was their leader and made the decisions as to who should be killed and who was to be spared.” Although lives were lost all of John Browns intentions were merely for a good cause, which was to get rid of slavery. He was one of the few abolitionist who have stood out because he killed and did
A hero is someone who stands up for what they think is right, serves and protects people, and shows respect for everyone. The novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is a story about Maycomb, Alabama, a small town where most people are prejudiced and racist. An innocent black man is accused of raping a white woman, and only a couple of people believe he did not do it. He is sentenced to death, but a few more people are awakened to how wrong prejudice is. Atticus Finch, Tom Robinson, and Boo Radley are just a few heroes in To Kill a Mockingbird, and they are heroes because they respect and care for others and stand up for what they think is right.
Throughout his trial, his defense attorney constantly disparaged him. Jefferson’s defense was based on the premise that he did not have the intelligence to commit such a serious crime. In an effort to portray him as an barbarian, Jefferson’s lawyer refused to refer him as a human being. He referred to him as “boy, fool and hog” and contented that these qualities were “inherited from his ancestors in the deepest jungles of Africa” (Gaines 7). This is what the majority of Whites thought of Jefferson and black people in general. Instead of giving him a genuine defense, Jefferson’s lawyer continued to dehumanize him throughout the trial. He even compared his execution to the killing of a hog. Fighting for his freedom by accepting that he is an ignoramus or expressing his humanity were the two difficult options Jefferson had.
Every individual has a different perspective on what makes a person a hero, for it is not limited to a certain concept; determination, altruism and a hint of hardship and bravery can always birth a hero. Although many acts of heroism are seen and made everyday, the levels of these attributes vary. Abraham Lincoln and Harriet Tubman are both philanthropic, noble individuals that willingly spent their lives as abolitionists of slavery, and both are great examples of the highest levels of selflessness and heroism.
The short story On The Bridge by Todd Strasser is about two boys, Adam and Seth, who are hanging out after school on a bridge that overlooks the highway. Seth was the character that demonstrated maturity towards the end of the story. He showed some examples of this when Adam got them into some trouble. For example, when Adam flicked his cigarette onto the windshield of a car below the bridge, the drivers came up behind them. “But suddenly he [Seth] noticed that all three guys were staring at him. He quickly looked at Adam and saw why. Adam was pointing at him.” It was this point where Seth started to question his friendship with Adam, because they had gotten into trouble because of Adam, and then he blamed it on Seth. After the men left, Seth
Anyone who influences anyone else by saving or helping save his or her lives can be a hero. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. changed the lives of millions of people by bringing justice to minorities. Mahatma Gandhi, one of the greatest heroes, led a nonviolent revolution to free his country. Even a parent can be a hero to his or her child by leading them in the right direction. All teachers are heroes when they make it their job to teach a child anything that will help them in life. You don’t have to go to great lengths by risking your life to make a difference in someone else’s life.
Another idea of a hero was when Gandhi had stood up for his country; India. “Gandhi led nationwide campaigns to ease poverty, expand women's rights, and build religious and ethnic amity” plus he had “spent a number of years in jail in both South Africa and India”. In other words Gandhi never gave up showing everyone how India should be independent. Gandhi had stood out his way by leading marches to declare independence. Gandhi had been admired for his bravery (when he was thrown in jail a few times), his confidence (he never showed any sign of weakness) and perseverance (he had never gave up).
How we act or react in difficult situations defines our persona. Sometimes these situations provide opportunities to be a hero. After reading Grant Wiggins’s own definition of a hero, it is apparent that Grant becomes a hero. Grant states, “A hero is someone who does something for other people. He does something that other men don’t and cant to. He is different from other men. He is above other men. No matter who those other men are, the hero, no matter who he is, is above them.” Grant becomes a hero by earning an education to become a teacher, undergoing psychological changes, and counseling Jefferson to die with dignity.
Heroes act a certain way that people may not always take into mind. Heroes are always very determined, but humble and modest. They put others before themselves and keep their minds on their goals and never give up on what they’re doing and what they stand for, even when risks are involved. According to “The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an