One of these stories was recently reported in a video by the New York Times. Wuily Arteaga was born and raised in Venezuela where he learned to play the violin which was his way of life. Arteaga joined millions of protestors in 2017 with his violin to protest Maduro because of all the atrocities he saw in his country. Arteaga and fellow protestors were hit with tear gas, then the police sprayed him down with water (captured in image below) breaking his violin and then they took him to jail. While in Jail, Arteaga shared that he was beaten until left deaf in one ear, attacked with chemicals and fire, and then eventually the national guard of Venezuela raped a fellow protestor on top of him. The one thing that Arteaga and his fellow protestors
This project’s purpose is to record a people who have lived through the promises and outcomes of the Bolivarian Revolution, an idea that captured Venezuela’s spirit and spread across 16 Latin America nations as the Pink Tide. The poor and working class will be a fundamental component of this story as I investigate the role the revolution has played in shaping the lives of this perpetually overlooked group of people. Simultaneously, the nature of these issues will create a portal into the world of Venezuelan heritage, traditions, and political and civic culture. What I write will be the reality of the situation; the interpretation will be left up to the reader.
Starting with the state-centered institutions, their system is a hierarchy system that takes a top-down approach. They were also able to choose who gets arrested and when as they had absolute authority over others. This was seen when some of the members of the state centered institution agreed with the chief that their point has been made, but he has no choice but to follow through with his orders. Usually, in these forms of government, it is okay to take away the rights of the few in order to sustain the peace of the many. Even though there may be peaceful protests, the police used more force as time went on, even breaking some of the glass windows in vehicles and being more violent towards people.
In mid-February 2015, I began to meet people who belonged to the community of "Lomas de Rosa Inés", which is a suburb of invasion, located two blocks from my apartment, this community lives in extreme poverty in wooden houses, and on that site the Government has started a housing plan over 8 years ago and not finish it leaving it abandoned, so it was invaded by followers of the "Bolivarian revolution" and over there live many of the members of the "motorized groups" operating in the area where I lived and that are responsible of committing all sorts of crimes such as robberies, theft to stores and to extort money from merchants to let them work and are responsible for monitoring the activities of government’s opponents and sabotage the protests
All they wanted was an answer to one question “Where were their children? Their sons and daughters were “missing” and all they were told was” We don’t have any answers! The citizens were afraid, even high authorities of religious groups turned a blind eye. In 1977, with Argentina under a violent military dictatorship, a group of mostly house wives living in a fear oppressed state made a stand and found their voice. They demanded to be heard and while the regime was enforcing their control and power over Argentinians political views through torture and disappearance; a mother’s devotion to her child and the political resistance transformed these mothers into a political force. They are the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo, who effectively mounted a civil rights movement that forced the top military officials to be charged for their crimes and have sustained an
Women in the story like Calpurnia and Miss Maudie help teach Scout lessons like optimism and kindness. In the small town of Maycomb there is a very poor farming family, the Cunninghams. Scout does not understand the complexities of their situation. While Scout is being quite rude to the Cunningham’s, judging and mocking them when they came for dinner Calpurnia teaches her something very important. Calpurnia tells Scout that they are company, they are people and you must be kind to them.
It's the untold story of how people saw themselves as separated, and chose to fight back the way they viewed society at the time. The way they beat Lopez, was animal like. When being pushed to a corner and seeing no way out people will react in a way to tame their fear. That is what happened for six days. People were pushed into a corner and saw no way out but to fight back. When law enforcement lost control of the people, people saw it as a chance to do harm, the way harm was brought to them for many years. America portrays to be fair country to all. But, when time comes to show that it is in fact true, America failed. People choose to lose their integrity, and as a result, it affect many people like Fidel Lopez, who never deserved the anger shown in the first
A major headline this week involves an individual named Antonio Montes out of Pasco, Washington. Antonio Montes was fatally shot and killed by Pasco police in February of 2015. Antonio was encountered by police that day as he was being violent and hostile towards individuals nearby. Police responded and made contact with Antonio at the scene. Antonio was throwing rocks at the police officers, as they were trying to have him stand down. Antonio refused to throw rocks, and was shot and killed by the Pasco police. Pasco police involved in the shooting, were cleared of any criminal matters. Antonio’s family has since then, filed a civil lawsuit of more than $25 million dollars in damages. My input on this headline leans towards the great work of the
and a woman lay work were raped and killed by El Salvador’s national guard soldiers. Many of the innocent murders were
This delicate subject is affecting millions Venezuelan citizens as well as raising concerns of family members abroad fearing for their kin. It has affected generations so much that many have decided to leave behind jobs, friends and family to flee from its own country. Venezuela is one of the most dangerous countries at present, a dangerous country where “economic crises and high inflation, like panic-induced runs on banks, generate self-serving, defensive behaviors that tend to spiral out of control,” (Corrales, 15). Venezuelan citizens are having a really difficult time realizing how bad their country is doing and how their families are trying to survive day by day.
Luis Ramirez and his girlfriend are enjoying a quiet evening at Shenandoah Park on July 12, 2008, after hanging out with friends. That night the two ran into six drunk high school football players in the woods after leaving a party. The six men started to shout racial slurs toward the two, which later turned into a physical altercation, six against one. Derrick Donchak, one of the defendants, beat Ramirez with a thick piece of metal. At the same time, Donchak’s teammate continued to kick Ramirez in the head as he laid on the ground. As the beating continued, all six men screamed: “This is Shenandoah. This is America. Go back to Mexico.” Unfortunately, Ramirez died two days after, due to injuries sustained during the altercation (Lopez, 2012).
In 1932, the Central American Socialist Party was created in El salvador. The peasants revolted against this with riots. Within a few weeks, the revolt died after the military killed around 30,000 civilians, most people killed were indigenous. Some people were killed just for looking as if they supported the uprising. This massacre is know as the Matanza.
Edgar Allen Poe is well known for the overall depressing and morbid ideals that are typically associated with his work. The Raven encompasses these dark ideals flawlessly. Fueling the nightmares of readers for nearly two-hundred years, The Raven is undoubtedly a work of mystifying and intriguing art. The last stanza of the poem condenses the nightmares of Poe in six short lines. These six lines reiterate the depths of despair and self-torment reached by the narrator.
This tells the story of media people all over the world. That no matter how much you broadcast and write about these stories, if no one takes the time to listen, it would all go to waste.
The author’s understanding of violence is extended beyond the text and into the political history of Latin America, full of neo-colonial repression, racial discrimination and struggles.
A.Attention grab : Iran, also known as Persia, has one of the oldest cultures in the world with its history going back to 4,000 BC, it is home to more than 75 million Persians who practice the same culture and speak the same language Persian, or also known as Farsi.