
Ww1 Causes

Decent Essays

Ever Since the beginning of mankind has been at war. War is mans way of solving Conflict.WW1 Was one of the biggest conflicts in world history. This was the first war people saw use of tanks and other weapons. Some terms we will use in this essay include nationalism, militarism, imperialism. My goals in this paper is to inform people of the causes and effects of WW1. The main cause of WW1 was the Murder of Arch Duke Ferdinand and his wife Sophie. The Black Hand had murdered the Arch Duke to call independence for the Serbians in Austria Hungary. What was unseen was the catastrophe this act would cause. The Alliance System came into play when Austria Hungary declared war on the Serbians. The Alliance System was countries that made alliances with other countries, and said that if a country went to war with them that all the countries in the alliance would help each other. …show more content…

Imperialism is when a country increases their power by conquering additional territories. Examples of imperialism was when Britain spread itself over five continents, France holding large amounts of land in Africa. Also another example would be America having U.S. Military bases all over the world. In fact many countries with vast power were trying to make land grabs. Germany had a rivalry with Britain and France Because Germany was trying to hold land in Africa. Militarism is another big factor in the spark of WW1. Militarism is the build up of military power. Germany was the leading military power in the world. Germany and Britain both increased the size of their navy considerably. Many Countries were practicing militarism. Also the bigger militaries helped push countries to

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