World War I and World War II are two battles that will haunt Germany and many other countries for years to come. When thinking about World War I, the Great War, my main thought is that it is the cause and reason for World War II occurring. Many believe that Germany was at fault for really just being in the wrong place at the wrong time during WWI. They did not want to clean up their mess of WWI and broke the Peace Treaty of Versailles which was the World’s only hope to ending all wars and creating peace. WWII came around and no one expected what was to come from the evil Germany. Who knew that various lives would be taken and many would not go home to see their families ever again. Everyone in Europe and Africa
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This made the Germans try a new offensive on July 15th against the British, American, and French forces. The Germans lost this fight too. The American involvement in the war was pushing Germany back and continued to do so until the Peace Treaty of Versailles was signed in Paris by the Allied Forces and Germany on June 28th, 1919.
The Treaty meant the following:
• Alsace and Lorraine were returned to France. • German colonies were assigned to victorious nations as “mandates” under the League of Nations. • The Saar Basin was assigned to France for 15 years, and then a plebiscite was to be held to determine the area 's allegiance. • Poland was reestablished as an independent nation and granted access to the sea through a strip of land that came to be known as the Polish Corridor. • The amount of German reparations was to be determined by a Reparations Commission. • Germany was forced to accept responsibility for all losses and damages in the conflict in what was termed the "war guilt clause" (Article 231). • Germany was required to disarm, specifically: o The drafting of military personnel as prohibited. o The Rhineland was demilitarized. o The German army was limited in size to 100,000 men. o The German navy and air force were severely reduced. o The German general staff was
The accusative countries decided the amount of compensation Germany had to pay: “Germany undertakes, that she will make compensation for all damage [...] of the Allied and Associated Powers” (Doc C). This caused Germany to spiral into starvation and debt. Hitler sought revenge and rejuvenation because of this.
> When WW1 was finished in November 11 1918, the Allied Powers signed the Treaty of Versie in which blamed the Germans for the war. This treaty made them lose territory, pay for the expenses of the war, and lose military control in which left them in a disastrous state. In the late 1930s, WW2 was about to occur amounting to a tragic event that would later go down in history. A German leader named Adolf Hitler wanted to conquer the world, but primarily he wanted to take Germany out of the misery that was put upon them. He boasted his military without the Allied powers noticing and he gained different territory. Most of all he put ideologies in the German people's minds. He made them believe that the ones that caused all of their defalts and
In 1914, Germany and Austria-Hungary allied against France, Britain, USA and Italy in World War 1. The war resulted in resentment towards the Germans. Woodrow Wilson, president of the United States, established a treaty that would bring everlasting peace. For the Germans however, the treaty served as a punishment, as they were required to accept the responsibility for causing all of the damage. Germany was angered by the treaty as they would have to pay for reparations and take responsibility for everything. Territorial losses, militarism, economic reparations and blame were all causes of World War II.
The Treaty took territory away from Germany. Alsace and Lorraine, the Polish Corridor, and a small area north of East Prussia were taken, as well as all of Germany's colonies in Africa and the Pacific. Alsace and Lorraine was a particularly devastating loss because it was an area that produced 40% of Germany's coal (Doc A). The African colonies also caused significant economic losses. Taking the Polish Corridor and the area by Prussia left a section of Germany isolated from
Some of these colonies included, Tanzania, Rwanda, Cameroon, Namibia, and Botswana. Germany hit a major loss in their economy by losing 60 million tons of coal. After the industrial land was given away, Germany only had access to 78 million tons of coal per year (Doc A). Adolf Hitler recognized the need for German territory, In his book “Mein Kampf’ He states the need for German expansion or the “Jewish Peril”.
During World War I (WWI) the soldiers utilized new tactics such as the use of machine guns and chemical warfare. As a result, the number of fatalities reached the millions. Seven months after World War I came to an end, the Allied nations, Great Britain, France, and the United States, came up with an idea to establish a treaty with hopes of preventing another calamitous war from breaking out in Europe. This treaty is called the Versailles Treaty and it was signed on June 28, 1919. Unfortunately, Germany had no say in the matter and was one of the nations listed in the Treaty of Versailles. This incident caused Germany to display signs of bitterness and conflict eventually erupted. (Background Essay) One could argue that the Versailles Treaty was the spark that fueled World War II (WWII) for numerous reasons such as territorial losses, mandatory reparation payments, and the
The treaty of Versailles was a treaty signed at the end of World War I by Germany and the Allies. United States, Great Britain, France, and Italy negotiated the treaty at the peace conference held in Versailles beginning January 18, 1919. The treaty reduced Germany’s armed forces to very low levels and prohibited Germany from possessing certain kinds of weapons, it also established Germany’s liability for reparations. The treaty was supposed to ensure peace and help Europe recover from the war. In my opinion the treaty did not help with any of those two subjects.
_____331) What was the “final blow” that led President Woodrow Wilson to ask Congress to declare war against the Central Powers in World War I?
Due to Germany taking back the colonies lost after World War I and forming an alliance with Austria, Germany’s actions against the Treaty of Versailles contributed to the cause of World War II. After Germany got slapped with a $33 Billion dollar war reparation bill and Kaiser Wilhelm was removed from power, Germany was a mess, which allowed the rise of Hitler. Hitler, being a former Iron Cross winning
In 1948 three countries, USA, France and UK, held conference, where they discussed the issue of Germany and what to do next. They tackled issues such as the future of Germany, the control of the Ruhr area and the payment of reparations (Douglas R, 2013) A new conference of the three countries occurred in Frankfurt, where still dealt with the issue of Germany and came to an agreement on the division of it. In Washington was another meeting of ministers of the three countries, where they signed a document which confirmed the occupation policy of the three powers in Germany. (Douglas R, 2013)
As a result of World War I, Germany was forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, made to pay for the war, and had to disarm themselves, which directly led into World War II. Germany went down the tubes after they were forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles. There economy crashed and there money had just about no value. Many people that World War II was just a 20 year break from World War I. They were right because just about 20 years later World War II started. There are many things that could contribute to starting the war but these are the main point and the most recognized.
World War I was caused by the assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria in June 1914. However, World War II was caused by the political and economic instability in Germany, along with the bad conditions of the Treaty of Versailles . When the treaty of Versailles was put into affect, Germany acknowledged responsibility for the war, which also meant agreeing to pay enormous amounts of money for war reparations and losing land/territory to those who
Due to the Allies’ victory and Great Britain’s prominent position among the Allied powers, the evidence and rhetoric from the 1918 Blue Book prevailed over the counterarguments presented in the 1919 German White Book, resulting Germany’s forced renouncement of her overseas territory. Overall, the Treaty of Versailles reassigned German boundaries and assigned liability for reparations. The two main articles that concern the former German protectorates are Article 22, which concerns their distribution, and Article 119, which describes the terms of the German colonies’ surrender. While Article 119 provides more information concerning the general compliance of Germany, the decisions made in Article 22 show the true influence that the British had on the Treaty’s mandates and the degree to which the Allied powers benefitted from Germany’s colonial losses.
Article 231, in the Treaty, is commonly known as the “Guilt Clause”. This said that the Germans were responsible for the whole of the War. The Germans had no say in anything and just had to keep quiet and take the blame for everything.
World War one started in 1914 and ended in 1918, and World War two started in 1939 and ended in 1945. In both wars, Germany and its allies had major parts in the beginning of the conflicts. World war one was fought between the Triple Entente & Italy versus Germany and Austria-Hungary & the Ottoman Empire. The results for both wars were almost the same. In World War one, no army lost; however, Germany politically lost everything, or most, of what she had. While in World war two, Germany surrendered after Hitler’s suicide. World War one took place in Europe, Middle East, and China, while world War two Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. Both World Wars were fought in different ways. World War One was fought in a defensive manner from the