And as fashion follows social trends and the events of the world economy, World War II necessitated changes in clothing styles and fashion design. It may be hard for young people today to visualize the impact of World War II on the day to day lives of women in America and much of the rest of the world. While London was bombed, people also feared a gas attack as the Germans had used gas against the Allies in World War I. London's Harvey Nichols fashionable store offered gas protection suits of pure oiled silk in a variety of colors.
Rationing and limited amounts of clothing material was necessary and that lead toward to simple outfits using as little of material as possible. Once World War II rationing ended it inspired a new fashion line, especially in women's clothing. A big addition to women fashion was the use of petticoats and collars made with fine fabrics. While in mean it still stayed rather simple like sport coats, suits, sweaters. Of course the clothing was may have been upgraded with more expense fabrics and patterns.
The start of World War I was between great European countries whose armies clashed on a large scale. While these countries went head to head, the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) was preparing to join in the conflict to support the British Empire. But instead of going to Europe these Australians along with New Zealanders were diverted to Egypt which formed into the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps
Women’s contributions to the war had a significant impact to life in Canada during WWll. During the Second World War, Canadian women were left to fulfill the void of a man’s job at home and out in the work force and also felt that it was their job to serve in the army alongside with the men. They heavily contributed to the war without and change the views on women’s roles .Society always viewed the man to be the supporter of the family. Those views were no longer valid after the men were off to war and it was the women’s job to uphold the manpower. Women had no choice but to sustain the economy, keep the family together and support the men overseas if needed The economy was exceptionally sustained regardless of the men not being there to fulfill their jobs Women were viewed in a whole new way as they contributed heavily to keeping society together during the war.
“The 40,000,000-50,000,000 deaths incurred in World War II to make it the bloodiest conflict, as well as the largest war, in history” (Hughes, Thomas A., World War II | 1939-1945). This was a global war where everyone was impacted, because of all the alliances that brought everyone into the war in the first place. World War II introduced many new powerful weapons, being used during the war that most people had not yet seen before. The Holocaust was an event during World War II where Jewish people were removed from the population. During this time concentration camps were being entrenched, and death squads were beginning to execute the people who filled the camp. They executed in mass shootings and buried them in substantial sized graves throughout
WWII was definitely a historical event changing the faces of families, lives, and situations. With due respect tends can possibly or not share similarities to WWII face changes for families. Historical and trend can be shaped for circumstantial factors decision-making, sworn in under oath to protect and serve, dictation and responsibility and purpose. Although, adopting to either situation can be traumatic and possibly unpredicted circumstances. Decision making play roles in reconstructing lives base on change factoring into trend highs. Trends can be view from different perspective for, cohabitation could be from: survival having two incomes in a household, or same sex, choice preferences, independent and selective, common law marriage, beliefs,
Several conditions in the Nazi concentration camps and work camps made it very hard for children to survive. The camps were tremendously ruthless.The epidemics that broke out in the camps, including the awful living conditions were very diverse mainly during the years that the camps operated. They were also uniquely contrasting in each different camp. Whereas many other conditions such as, executions, hard labor, etc. had a great effect of death of the children, some conditions were worse than others causing the children to pass away real quick. Medical experiments and living conditions had the greatest effect of death of children in the Nazi work camps during WWII. Not only were the children involuntarily used for medical experiments they were also forced to live in brutal living conditions.
World War 1, America began to undergo political post war trends that greatly affected the country. One of these trends was the wave of nativism, which was a prejudiced belief against foreign-born people. In addition, this thought eventually led to the idea of isolationism. This belief was a scheme that pulled america from foreign involvement due to World War 1. These negative feelings swept across the country causing a numerous of problems in the U.S. Over hundred’s of foreign born immigrants were deported without trial, civil rights were trampled, and homes/offices were invaded. Furthermore, with these belief roaring throughout the U.S, more radical groups were being formed. For instance, the Ku Klux Klan soon came into power in order to
World War II marked an incredible amount of changes in American society. World War II created the opportunity for many different types of technology to emerge (Black, 2013, p. 140). Once the War was over, these new technologies were subsequently assimilated into the daily lives of Americans. Thanks to the G.I. Bills, the soldiers returning from war were getting the proper aid they needed to smoothly rejoin society (Fearon, 1987, p. 287). These retuning soldiers were also given the opportunity to educate themselves and become a part of a skilled workforce.
World War II was a very important event in American history, but as bad as war is or seems to be there always seems to have better outcomes in the end. By the Japanese bombing Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941 and bringing America into the war it opened the eyes of all Americans to the problems not only domestically but internationally and the biggest problem that was discovered after the completion of World War II was the level of social equality around the world. It had been a problem that had plagued the world for many years but the atrocities that brought about by the war coupled with the ever growing eye of the media caused for greater concern in the light of social equality in the world.
Women did important things at home and at war. Women were always expected to be housewives. Not only did they give the guys in their family, but some gave their lives. (Wow they're strong)They enter the war when it started in 1939. Some worked outside the house. What push they women work outside the home?
In unit three of Nation of Nations, there were many social/cultural and political issues that affected the Jews in Germany and the Japanese in America. The social/cultural groups were roused due to the conflicts arising over ethnic backgrounds, race, and class differences. The Jews and Japanese faced discrimination in both countries whether they were born there or not. (Davidson, 2008)
When a soldier enlists into the military forces they know they are going in to fight for their country and freedom for everyone. They spend months training and preparing for the war and what to come. They learn to fight, shoot, and kill enemies, but what they do not learn is how to cope with the after math of the war. Soldiers in war every year come home with many post traumatic effects from what they had witnessed. During world war two this was known as shell shock; however what can be concluded is that world war two impacted the soldiers emotionally and physiologically from the time they entered to post war.
Fifteen years after World War One, the beginning of the Nazi Revolution began. This national warfare, also called The Great War, induced many issues that contributed to the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. These included loss of national prestige, nationalism, ethnocentrism, racism, militant culture, economic instability, political instability, and cultural shifts. Without these key factors, the takeover by this movement would not have been feasible. This leads to the question of whether it would be possible or not for this to occur in other countries, such as the United States.
The United States has been involved in many conflicts, but the World Wars are two of the major conflicts, which many people lost their lives. World War II, being the more recent war, is the war that the United States should have entered earlier than they have. The World Wars are two of the most violent wars we have had in the world, but World War II, was by far, the more hurtful war out of the two. World War II has violated many human rights, and has produced many social injustices to the people who have suffered during this war. Millions of people could have been saved from the Nazi’s lust for purity if the United States would have entered the war earlier than they have.
Throughout the 1920s through the 1950s Women’s clothing in America was affected by World War II, which lead to the exploration of different styles, the encounter of new trends and the exchange of ideas and new styles.