From the reading of the assigned text and the Torah itself, it seems that the main thing YHWH wanted from the Jews were obedience and an understanding and embrace of justice as the root of morality. It seems that this was figured out and forgotten repetitively, from Avram up to the Babylonian indenture.
The call for obedience is evident as early as YHWH commanding Avram to sacrifice his son to him, only called off at the last moment. It can also be seen in the story of Noah, when YHWH wipes out the entirety of humanity owing to their decadent ways, yet saves Noah and family owing to his following the commands of YHWH to build the ark. It is also evident in the story of David who, as a result of his disobedience to YHWH, suffers the loss of his son Absalom.
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Two excellent pieces of evidence as to its importance within Jewish thought that eventually suffused the entirety of Western thought are found in the book. The first on page 214, where Mr. Cahill tells us "to serve God means to act with justice." The code of ethics given to Moshe by YHWH later termed the ten commandments is rooted in the idea of engaging in behaviors and thoughts that serve YHWH and enact this sense of justice. Mr. Cahill also tells us in relation to the story of David and Goliath on page 180 that "God is on the side of the small and powerless, not the high and mighty." YHWH charges his followers to empower the powerless and give voice to the voiceless, two fundamental ideas of the modern conception of
1. Identify the most significant boundary issue(s) or “circumstances where social workers encounter actual or potential conflicts between their social, sexual, religious or business relationships” (Reamer, 2003) exhibited by the worker in this case. Justify your answer with specific evidence from the case AND the NASW Code of Ethics.
According to the Oxford dictionary Obedience is defined as a compliance with an order, request, or law or submission to another's authority. In many situations authority demonstrates the ability to control man to go against their beliefs in what is morally right. Due to fear and the insecurities of man, authority may push the limits of society to a point where the individual may temporarily give up their identity. This is proven by The Stanford Prison experiment
My personal values are very similar to the NASW Code of Ethics’ values. Some of the main values of the NASW Code of Ethics are service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence. These values are all important to me, as I always strive to be thoughtful of others’ feelings and opinions, work hard, and understand what is going on around me. To me, a very important part of the NASW Code of Ethics is Privacy and Confidentiality. As someone who has had a social worker, and has had multiple therapists and psychiatrists, confidentiality was very essential to me as a client. If not for confidentiality, I would not have been able to fully express how I was feeling. Another value that I believe to be critical is respect. Respect is one of my three main values for many reasons, especially when thinking about social work. My goal, as a friend and future social worker, is to
An example of when I have violated someone’s confidentiality is when I told my sisters something that had happened to a good friend of mines. I assumed that my friend wouldn’t mind me telling my sisters, since they all know each other. My friend was in a situation where my roommates and I had to take her to the hospital. Even though I went to the hospital with her, and was by her side the whole entire time, looking back I should have not told my sisters about it. My friend was embarrassed about the situation, and did not talk about it until weeks later, and that should have been the first sign for me, that she was not comfortable with people knowing.
For a creature to obey there must be some rule to live by, in the story of the creation of Adam God creates a single rule giving Adam the ability to obey or disobey which in turn gives Adam the ability to be in union with God or not. Lucifer and his followers are also ordered to obey; they are to love the Son as they love God. They fail to do so conquered by pride and their lack of love is shown
In this paper, I will identify security threats that Bank of America faces today. In addition, I will describe the techniques and processes used to identify the vulnerabilities and threats, describe risks to the information and related vulnerabilities within Bank of America when utilizing components of the web. Discussions on BoA safeguard against legal issues will be addressed followed by the types of social data that potentially cause problems for this bank institute. In conclusion, I will explain the legal, ethical, and regulatory requirements Bank of America utilize for the protection of the organization.
In her famous 1776 letter to her husband, Abigail Adams wrote in regards to the formation of the constitution: “in the new code of laws which I suppose it will be necessary for you to make, I desire you would remember the ladies and be more generous and favorable to them than your ancestors” (how do u cite stuff) However, it would take another 144 years of dedicated, tireless effort in order for women to receive the basic constitutional right of voting. This conversion of women being seen as second-class civilians to becoming full citizens with the power to vote was a monumental political change in our country. Many suffragists of all backgrounds dedicated their lives to see this change occur. These suffragists were fueled by the hope that women would someday be equal to men not only in the eyes of our government, but in the eyes of our society as well. Their efforts transformed women’s suffrage from an improbable and far-fetched dream, into an awe-inspiring reality.
significance - his view, was that God did not intend some men to be masters and others to be their subjects. He meant for everyone to have equal freedoms and opportunities, and any law or government to the contrary was evil.
The mission of social work is to empower and enhance the quality of life by helping all people to meet the basic human needs, especially with those who are vulnerable, oppressed, and living in poverty. The mission of social work is deep rooted in a set of core values that have acted as the foundation for social work. The core social work values are service, social justice, dignity and worth of the person, importance of human relationships, integrity, and competence (NASW Code of Ethics). As social workers, we must apply the core values in our everyday profession and practice. The NASW Code of Ethics provides clear understanding of principles and values social workers should hold and exemplify. Our primary goal as social workers is to help those
In addition to the Pentateuch, the Old Testament books of the Deuteronomistic history reveal the theme of God’s faithfulness to his followers. Initial examples are found in the conquest of the Promised Land depicted in the book of Joshua. Throughout the Israelite campaign to oust natives and settle the land, God’s actions demonstrate his faithfulness. In one instance God uses Rahab to hide Israelite spies, while in several other situations he allows the Israelites to defeat its foes. From these actions, it is clear that God remained faithful to his promise with Abraham (to provide his descendents with land). In addition to Joshua, the book of Judges provides an example of God’s faithfulness. Throughout the book, Israel repeatedly is unfaithful to God and is conquered by foreign powers. In response to Israelite cries for help, God repeatedly raises up
Imagine you are a 17 year old boy having the best time of your life at the homecoming dance right after you win the homecoming football game when all of a sudden you find out your brother has been framed as a terrorist. By impuls you lash out on the person that told you the dreadful news and you are sent down to the principal's office, where your mom comes to get you and you find out your brother is possibly a terrorist that is working for al-qaeda. You are in shock and you try to find any way possible to prove your brothers innocent. This is what it was like for Kamran Smith from “Code of Honor” By: Alan Gratz. This book takes place in Arizona, 2015 just a few months before super bowl XLIX (Super bowl 49). In a heated situation where a boy’s brother is mistaken for a terrorist and now his little brother has to prove that he
In book II of Republic we are not introduced to Glaucon. He is more concerned as supposed to Thrymachucus with the importance of justice. He supports Thraymachus reasoning that nobody wants to be just by illustrating the story “Ring of Glazes”(line 359d -360b). A story about, a shepherd who was working for a king, found a ring and realizes this object makes him invisible. While he was invisible he committed the desires of men that is to kill the king and sleep with his wife. Thus, concluding one can become unjust when they are not caught. One is only good, due to the fact that they’re afraid of the consequences and they’re looking for benefit. If one can act unjustly without facing penalties, they would. As a result there is no reason to be
In 1 Samuel 28: 1-25 Yahweh guides Saul to his death because he has outright deceived and disobeyed God. This passage sets an example to obey Yahweh; otherwise he will inflict punishment
Abraham’s continual obedience to God is central to his character and the desired character of the Hebrew people. God, in his great plan, wishes to remove the human tendency to believe only in his judgment, the pride of thinking he knows better than God. Thus, God wishes to promote the qualities of obedience and humility, to birth a nation of men who fear God and follow orders. Only in this way can people be expected to follow a moral code and adhere to laws; they must understand that there are powers beyond them that they do not always understand, but must perpetually follow.
“Now if you obey me fully and keep my covenant, then out of all my