August is the Wyrt Moon The Wyrt Moon, also known as the Barley and Corn Moon, is a time of abundance, agriculture, and marriage. The fishing tribes are given credit for naming this Moon the Sturgeon Moon; (a large fish of the Great Lakes and other major bodies of water,) were most readily caught during this month. A few tribes knew it as the Red Moon because, as the Moon rises, it appears reddish through any sultry haze. This is the time to collect your magickal herbs and store them for the winter or share them with others. Remember to give an offering back to the Goddess for her generosity. At this time of the year, you might want to offer your magickal assistance to another to help someone else reap the benefits of the Earth’s abundance.
In the year 1908, what is today the sprawling suburb of Robinson Township was nothing more than a farming community. Moon Run, a community in the township, was a prosperous mining community that was built by the Pittsburgh Coal Company. Today, nothing except the Interstate 79 exit sign, Moon Run Road, and Moon Run Presbyterian Church acknowledges the name of this small community by the highway interchange. The workers in these mines were Catholic and Presbyterian, and both denominations needed a house of worship. The Roman Catholic workers were about to establish a parish that has become an icon of Robinson Township for almost one hundred and ten years.
Do you really know who Earl Campbell and Warren Moon are? Well they were NFL football players of course. Now I’ll take you on an adventure to discover who Earl Campbell is, who Warren Moon is, and why they were unstoppable.
Moon shadow is a young boy from the motherland aka China. Moon shadows dad works in america or as the call it the land of the golden mountain. White people and anyone from America are called demons. His dad was a kite maker and made very nice kites that moon shadow would fly with his mom. Hand clap who brought them a letter was his dad’s cousin, His dad wanted him to come to America to be with him to help him work. Moon shadow made up his mind and decided to go. Moon shadow is scared and nervous to go to America. Hand clap takes him over and passed all the security and they make it to America, and he meets his dad. Moon shadow meets the whole crew, besides Black dog on the docks of the harbor. They go to the Chinatown, then they make their way to the
Charlotte "Lottie" Digges Moon was born in 1840; she was the third child for her parents and had four sisters and two brothers. Her father, Edward Moon was the largest slave holder in Albemarle County; and was also a merchant and a lay preacher in the Baptist church. Her father was the owner of a fifteen-hundred-acre tobacco plantation known as “Viewmont”. As a young girl growing up Lottie was known for her astuteness and mischievous behavior. While living at home she studied with tutors, and in 1857 she went on to further her education at Albermarle Female Institute.
Moon Shadow, a Tang boy in the Middle Kingdom, otherwise known as China, lives with his mother and grandmother. His father, Windrider, is in the “Land of the Golden Mountain”, or America, in seek of money to send to his family, and bring them overseas. Moon Shadow’s grandfather died in America on the ship dock years before because he was lynched, or hanged, by the “demons”, or white people in America. Because of this tragic event, Moon Shadow’s mother does not ever want to or talk about the Land of the Golden Mountain, Grandfather, or her husband. All she ever says is “... He was a maker of most marvelous kites…” However, one day a distant cousin of Windrider’s, Hand Clap, comes with a message for Moon Shadow: Windrider wants Moon Shadow to
In this paragraph I will be telling you how Lewiston, Idaho is very important to Sal from Walk Two Moons. To start this out you need some background, Sal and her Grandparents went to Lewiston to see Sal’s missing mom. They eventually made it there, after a long car ride that had some occasional stoppings for some sights to see for Gram. But then ram all of a sudden felt sick and Gramps took her to the closest hospital. Next, they went to the hospital and Gramps refused to leave Gram their alone. But, did you forget? The whole reason why they were going there was to find Sal’s mom. After, Gramps told Sal to drive herself to the place where Sal’s mom was resting, but along the way the police asked how old she was and she said that she was 13.
In the book, Moon Over Manifest, by Clare Vanderpool, Abilene faces many emotional conflicts that are tough for her to get through. Despite these obstacles, she overcomes these through great will and an unbreakable spirit. However, some of these stick with her.
Seven year old Moon Shadow lee lives and works on his family farm in China in 1903. Moon Shadow has never met his father who left to work in America, and he constantly pesters mother to tell stories about his dad, the Master Kite Maker. We meet father just as Moon Shadow does, a “tall man” and moon shadow runs to him and embraces. Uncle Bright Star and Moon Shadow examine one another. Uncle Bright Star is in his eighties and short and fat and built like a rock. Uncle refers to father as windrider, which surprises moon shadow as this is not his given name. The glass window in the store front shatters. Demons threw a brick because they’re Chinese. But they still lingered outside, shouting at the company in slues that moon shadow doesn't understand.
In mostly all of the 19th century the social ranking of an individual is what set them apart from others. An example of something that would show a high social rank would be one’s jewelry. Back in the Victorian age the most precious thing an individual could have was jewelry. John Plotz says, “On the one hand, through jewelry one establishes a sense of personal worth and identity. On the other hand, jewelry’s very elegance lies in its impersonality” (Plotz 26). Anything that could easily be transported was also very important to the Victorians. “Victorians were the first people to so closely identified with their belongings” (Cohen 38). Victorians tried to make all of their
The Temple of Apollo used various materials that were demanded by the priests. All its architects and constructors worked under the instructions of priests as this was to be a holy place. For special buildings like this, materials would even be imported to make sure they get the right structure
Moon celebrations that coincide with phases of moon are held where the witches perform magic to help make them spiritually developed and strong as well as protect them. The main tool used in this ritual is a knife known as “sacred blade” or “Athame” (world of Wicca, 2014).
"The Moon We Left Behind" is an article about the importance of the US space program, and why such a program shouldn't be cancelled. The US space program was cancelled in 2010 according to the article by president Obama inciting the need of Charles Krauthammer to write the article before it was cancelled. The article “The Moon We Left Behind” was written in July 17, 2009; a year before the space program was actually cancelled. Charles Krauthammer is a widely known author and an experienced veteran within the field of journalism since 1981. Today, the space program is not of great importance; but to Charles Krauthammer, the space program, as many do, saw the program as important. Their reasoning is the usage of such a program can advance technology,
What do you think we would do if someone from anther planet landed in the U.S and claimed it as his territory because he had discovered it? How would you feel about this?
The phase in the middle of the New Moon and Full Moon is the Waxing Moon. This is a distinctive period for gathering strength, development and growth. It is likewise a fitting time for arranging your magickal spells for the best favorable time, with that being the three days prior to the moon reaching full. The waxing moon helps the achievement of any actions, whether of an everyday or spiritual temperament. For pagans/witches it is a period for pursuits, approval and a time in which to improve our magickal powers and our awareness of the other world. Actually, the
In the poem ‘Moon’, Kathleen Jamie explores themes of abandonment, loneliness and disconnection. She does this by utilizing a clearly dysfunctional relationship between a mother and child. The child replaces the either mentally or physically absent mother with the presence of the moon. To explore the emotional distance between child and mother, the author uses dark and light imagery to empathize the child’s loneliness and to evoke the scene of a parent visiting they child late at night. Personification of inanimate objects illustrates the detrimental effects the unavailable mother has on the child’s mental wellbeing. The poem ends with dialogue from the protagonist, the child, pointing out that the moon is not her mother, as if to be