
Recombination Frequency In Sordaria

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This study examined the effects of X-ray radiation on recombination frequency in Sordaria fimicola, a model organism. A Laboratory Manual for Biology 110 Biology: Basic Concepts and Biodiversity states that S. fimicola:
…offers many advantages, including a substantial body of research into aspects of its life cycle and genetics, a rapid life cycle allowing studies to be conducted in a timely manner, ease of isolating strains from the wild and grown them in the laboratory, and the fact that it produces fruiting bodies (perithecia) containing narrow, elongate asci with eight spores that are easily viewable under the microscope, and whose order reflects events that occur during meiosis (Burpee, Cyr, Hass, Ikis, Richter, Ward, & Woodward, 2015). …show more content…

The combinations of 4:4, 2:2:2:2, and 2:4:2 can arise through crossing-over (Burpee et al., 2015). A 2:2:2:2 and 2:4:2 combination indicates crossing-over while 4:4 signifies the recombination did not occur. This process occurs during prophase I of meiosis between Wild Type and Tan isolates crossing-over (Burpee et al., 2015). It was initially thought that recombination was random; however, research from the Evolution Canyons shows that S. fimicola is, indeed, affected by the environment (Burpee et al., 2015). This could possibly be from radiation; however, research in this area is sparse. Certain species of fungi have shown increased resistance to radiation (Saleh, Mayo, & Ahearn, 1988), but studies on S. fimicola have not been documented. Based on this information, I hypothesize that when S. fimicola isolates are exposed to X-ray radiation the crossing-over frequency will increase. To test this theory one Tan and one Wild Type sample (with different combinations of x-ray radiation) was placed in a petri dish diagonal from each other. This was repeated to create four quadrants. The S. fimicola isolates were incubated for two weeks to produce perithecia (Burpee et al., …show more content…

Treatment one consisted of Wild Type and Tan S. fimicola isolates that were both treated with X-ray radiation. The second treatment was Wild Type treated with X-ray radiation and Tan without radiation. Finally, the third treatment consisted of Tan isolates treated with X-ray radiation and Wild Type isolates without. A control plate was also tested to use as a comparison (Burpee et al., 2015). For control plates and all three of the treatments, petri dishes were prepared to cross the isolates, producing perithecia. First, two 0.5 cm squares of fungal hyphae containing agar were cut from a cultured petri dish. Wild Type and Tan isolates were used for the control; X-ray samples corresponding to the correct treatment were used for the experimental plates. The agar squares were then placed with the hyphae side facing the agar on the quadrant labeled for the corresponding isolate. These steps were then repeated for the remaining strains/ culture plates (Burpee et al., 2015). The samples were then left to incubate for two weeks until the next step in the experiment–the

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