
X Rays Vs. Fingerprint Analysis

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Two scientific methods that could be used to identify me after I have been abducted and killed by a terrorist group would be x rays and fingerprint comparisons. Since the death and discovery has only been within the last 6 hours, the postmortem factors would not be a concern. Wild animals would not necessarily have enough time to start eating important evidence such as fingers for the fingerprint comparisons. The body would have started to set into rigor mortis but would not have decomped to the point of not being able to identify. The x ray would show the plate and screws in the elbow that would match medical records. If the body was not discovered until some time later, the plate and screws would be visible at the scene from where the body had decomposed. Fingerprints would be harder to get due to the state of the body. …show more content…

Lightweight, frameless and burgundy in color. Curved at the earpieces. The second identifier would be the tattoo on my upper right shoulder of a butterfly and a rose intertwined with a teardrop on the rose. The rose has not fully developed and is in between the budding stage and flower stage. The butterfly is multicolored and the rose is pink in color. There are 2 lines in greenish blue sweeping through behind them. The last identifier would be the scar on the outside of my left elbow approximately 3 inches in length. All of these are fairly easy to spot and would assist in making a good identification of the body. The tattoo is one that is unique and would be easily identifiable since there is not another around like

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