Two scientific methods that could be used to identify me after I have been abducted and killed by a terrorist group would be x rays and fingerprint comparisons. Since the death and discovery has only been within the last 6 hours, the postmortem factors would not be a concern. Wild animals would not necessarily have enough time to start eating important evidence such as fingers for the fingerprint comparisons. The body would have started to set into rigor mortis but would not have decomped to the point of not being able to identify. The x ray would show the plate and screws in the elbow that would match medical records. If the body was not discovered until some time later, the plate and screws would be visible at the scene from where the body had decomposed. Fingerprints would be harder to get due to the state of the body. …show more content…
Lightweight, frameless and burgundy in color. Curved at the earpieces. The second identifier would be the tattoo on my upper right shoulder of a butterfly and a rose intertwined with a teardrop on the rose. The rose has not fully developed and is in between the budding stage and flower stage. The butterfly is multicolored and the rose is pink in color. There are 2 lines in greenish blue sweeping through behind them. The last identifier would be the scar on the outside of my left elbow approximately 3 inches in length. All of these are fairly easy to spot and would assist in making a good identification of the body. The tattoo is one that is unique and would be easily identifiable since there is not another around like
The x-ray department of the County Hospital has various departments, which include: ultrasound, computed tomography, interventional radiology, nuclear medicine, and magnetic resonance imaging. The five groups have partially their own processes
The complete friction ridge identification process involves using the "identification philosophy and scientific methodology" in determining whether or not an "unknown friction ridge impression"(herein, called latent) came from the same source as a "known inked print (herein called print)to the exclusion of all others.
Fingerprinting and blood testing are two types of assessments to make a positive identification of a criminal. Since everybody’s fingerprints are diverse, it is easy to compare them through a computerized program that forensic scientists use. In order to prove if the DNA of a victim and a criminal match, there are steps that must be followed carefully and correctly.
X-rays may be invisible waves found on the electromagnetic spectrum which can almost make their known danger seem of little importance because our five senses cannot measure their activity, however x-rays must not be taken lightly. Radiologic Technologist must keep in mind the dangers and gravity of the force that they are working with on a daily basis. Patients should have the right to their own safety when undergoing a medical procedure that requires the use of x-rays. Radiologic Technologist are the ones responsible for upholding this safety. They can and must do this in variety of ways that include, making sure the patient is knowledgeable about the procedure, using correct collimation to the part under examination, and by shielding the
Typically surgery includes taking an autograft from the patella tendon or the hamstrings and re-passing so as to make the ligament the joining through a tibial and a femoral passage, and connecting it with a pin. The achievement rate of the union is around 90%. Restoration back to ordinary and games will for the most part take six to nine months, however could proceed for more. Come back to typical level of game reaches from 30-90% following 12 months, yet the revamping of ordinary capacity is high. At first, a physiotherapist can make a determination of ACL damage and, if necessary, allude the patient for demonstrative imaging. The physiotherapist will have the capacity to clarify the finding, administration choices and recovery, and also
The questioning both of fingerprint evidence and the FBI’s vaunted ability to analyze fingerprints all started on March 11, 2004. On that day, terrorist explosions ripped through Madrid's crowded commuter trains killing 191 people and wounding some 2,000 more. This terrorist attack prompted an international manhunt for the perpetrators.
Bone morphology is another method which may be used for identification, the shape of the bones are unique and may be used as a “fingerprint” to be compared to ante mortem medical records (Cattaneo, 2007).
Pregnancy and dental radiographs, are they safe? If you’re a female and you have had an x-ray before, you have heard the phrase "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" That is because it has always been taught that radiation is not recommended while you’re pregnant as it can harm the baby or the reproductive organs, but now a days x-rays are a lot safer. Not getting your x-rays can result in cavities going untreated, and other dental problems which can negatively affect your baby. There are many different types of x-rays but I am going to focus on dental x-rays. If you are pregnant should you be getting xrays done while you’re at the dentist? the answer is up to you, but you should know all the information before you make a decision.
Forensic science more than often deals with DNA fingerprinting being used as a technique to identify the offender of a crime in a particular case. The DNA fingerprint maybe RFLP, VNTR or STR. RFLP stands for Restriction Length Fragment Polymorphism. VNTR stands for Variable Number of Tandem Repeats. STR stands for Short Tandem Repeats. RFLP was the first DNA fingerprinting method. STR is currently the most popular fingerprinting method. These DNA fingerprinting techniques require restriction enzymes that are obtained from the bacteria, which are used to cut the DNA into smaller fragments at different loci. We also require agarose gel obtained from seaweed and nylon membrane or sheet. Electric current is required so that it can be passed on
Though antemortem fingerprints, dental, and DNA reference material are thought to be fairly easy to obtain, this is not always the case (Christensen & Hatch, 2014). Many times DNA is not available and a body may be dismembered or so badly burned or decomposed that soft tissue features such as the face and fingerprints are not available for comparison. In cases like this, forensic radiology can serve as an extremely reliable identification tool and has long been used to establish identity when more traditional methods of identification are not possible (Christensen & Hatch, 2014; Brogdon, 1998). The most common identification technique used by forensic anthropologists, radiographic comparison involves the side-by-side or superimposed comparison of skeletal traits using antemortem and postmortem radiographs (Brogdon, 1998). Forensic radiologists and investigators agree that, “many parts of the human skeleton can serve as bony prints of the identification of human remains, and in certain respects bones have a uniqueness similar to that of footprints (Atkins, 1978).”
I love all of these words. Hearing people call you these is probably the best feeling ever.
The next major breakthrough came from the discovery that each individual fingerprint was unique. The concept was first revealed in a paper written by Henry Faulds and William James Herschel; later Francis Galton applied the science behind their findings for criminal investigations. Galton was able to distinguish the patterns of fingerprints and determine whether they are actual or accidental. The first investigator to use this method in a criminal investigation was Juan Vucetich, an Argentinean police officer in 1892. However, even with sweeping advancements in forensic science fingerprinting still didn’t catch on. Scotland yard finally adopted the Galton-Henry system in 1901, New York state followed behind them when in 1903 it implemented the first prison fingerprint identification system.
As humans, we each contain our own unique fingerprints. Our fingerprints are so remarkably distinctive that even identical twins do not share the same fingerprints . Because the palm surfaces of our hands and feet retain the same constant ridges throughout our lifetimes, customary methods of fingerprinting were able to exploit this for purposes of identification. Under the context of forensic science, there are various types of fingerprints: impression, patent, and latent . An impression fingerprint is what would be found if someone pressed his or her thumb down in clay for instance. It creates a mold of sorts. A patent fingerprints are typically found on surfaces and can be visibly seen. For example, window fingerprints or fingerprints
Every time somebody touches something, they leave behind a unique signature that forever links them to that object. This link is their fingerprints, which are unique to every person, for no two people have the same set, not even family members or identical twins. Palms and toes also leave prints behind, but these are far less commonly found during crime scene investigations. Therefore, fingerprints provide an identification process that is applicable to background checks, biometric security, mass disaster identification, and most importantly, crime scene investigations. Fingerprints are so differentiated because they are made up of distinct patterns of ridges and furrows on the fingers. The ridges are the “raised” portions of the prints, and the furrows are the “recessed” portions. This perceived uniqueness has led some people to falsely accept fingerprint analysis as absolute scientific fact. Although overall fingerprints are reliable, there are definitely situations where their accuracy can come into question.
Many of them are not identified until after the carry out a violent act, The traditional way of understanding terrorism and looking at terrorists based on organizational definitions and attributes in some cases is no longer relevant. Increasingly, lone individuals with no connection with or