Ava removed her helmet and knelt near the small object crammed in the corner. “What is it?” Xander called to her, trudging through the sludge and dead Fallen. “Dead ghost.” Ava picked up the ghost carefully and turned it over in her hands. “Why so tense?” She asked distractedly as Xander took a protective position behind her, shielding her from the room. “I’m not a fan of standing around.” Ava snorted. “Titans are so impatient, yet so slow.” Greer appeared over her shoulder and scanned the ghost. “The ghost hasn’t been here long,” Greer informed them. “Not even an hour. And these burn patterns aren’t from any Fallen weapons.” Xander widened his stance then checked his clip. Ava turned to him. “Xander, how many Fallen did we just kill?” She asked sweetly. “About a dozen, I’d say.” “Did we kill anything else?” “No, Ava, I don’t believe we did.” Grinning Ava stood and replaced her helmet. Greer had transmatted the ghost and disappeared back into Ava’s cloak. “I think things are about to get fun.” …show more content…
“Yes, the people not getting shot at are the real losers.” “You were just complaining about being bored with scouting missions.” She snapped back. “Now it’s not boring enough? Go back to your wall if you want peace and quiet.” “Ouch. That cut deep, little finch. Careful what you say about the wall that protects you.” “Oh please, I’m never inside that wall for longer than five minutes. I can handle things just fine out here. Alone.” “Well then maybe I should just go.” “You do you, meat shield.” Xander laughed uproariously. “Wow. Harsh.” Ava was smiling, but didn’t respond. The Vex continued to march through the narrow opening. Most of them didn’t make it three steps into the hallway before they were taken out, but there was no end. “Guardian?” “Yes, Ikora.” “Return to the tower immediately.” Glancing at Xander Ava shrugged and ordered Greer to transmat them
“Score!” Mason said. “Dude that’s what our quest was all about. They look just like the creature we saw in your room except they have large wings tucked tightly into their
She kept the same pace and shrugged. “You don’t have to spend hours with a bunch of unruly toddlers. They may live among us, but trust me those bugs still behave like Rebels.”
"It's not yours... It's mine and Joshua's fault for not protecting you and being there EVERY step of the way." Says Bunker just as Joshua jumps through the window.
“Oh, it’s afternoon now? Quicker than I thought it’d be. I thought you were gonna leave me in here until I was bored to death.” She snapped back.
Tony pushed himself up on the hospital bed, rubbing a sore hand against the gauze on his stomach. Bucky looked up at him from the corner of the bed and smiled lightly.
There was a moment of realization. Prompto wasn't just going to flat out kill you and make things easier. You were going to prove to him him what you became. You backed away from him, your gun disappearing, and a sword forming instead.
“How can you be so calm? We’ll be stuck up in the dark forever! Confined is that damp horrible box! You know I get claustrophobic, I can’t be stuck in their for years collecting dust!”
"You 're all a bunch of foolish maggots, that small amount of Lynx venom would never stop me!" he taunted
“So you’ve seen the inside of a facility then?” said Leland. “You’ve seen the pods, one of those things you came out of. You’ve seen the rows of them, what looks like miles worth of rows of them? You woke up to all of these sights?”
“No! why must you still try to protect me after all these years? I’m no longer a child Aranethon!” She hissed, stopping anything he felt the need to say.
Casey realized how ridiculous she sounded, talking to the walls. “Really, walk into the light? You watch way too much television. Evil ghosts don’t go to the light. They go to the dark place. I’ve seen enough horror movies to know that.”
He snorts. “What does my job have to do with this? This is just wasting our time, and if we could get back to some actual progress that would be great. What do you even do to warrant being a part of this?”
Zach and Britney were given their medals and flowers. They took pictures with some of the townsfolk. There was a parade held for them the next day in which they stood on the final float with their medals.
“Ron!” Aurora exclaimed, gripping the phone cord in fear. “Something absolutely terrifying just happened and I’ve no earthly idea what to do about it.” She paused, biting her bottom lip anxiously. “Merlin, how do I begin?”
"If I'm not safe here, I sure as hell won't be safe in my own home. I'm not afraid of a fight, but I'm not at my best right now. There's no way I could fight off an intruder in the state of health that I'm in at the moment. One good hit and I'm out." She sounded as she was...vulnerable.