
Xbox Informative Speech

Satisfactory Essays

Sean Souksavath
Mrs. Neugebauer
Freshman Composition
October 7, 2015
History of Xbox Everyone knows what an Xbox is, but do they know about why it exists? Many have been entertained by the presence of the notorious Xbox, but don’t know the origin of it. Some don’t even know that there had been an earlier model before the Xbox 360! How and why does it exist? I’m going to find out the story behind this to show that it has a story in its development of one of the most popular gaming consoles on the world.

What I Want to Find Out
My prior knowledge the Xbox comes down to the name of the different types of consoles’, what the Xbox is and its features are on the newer models, and how it rivals to other companies as an entertainment machine. Xbox …show more content…

I’ve had the pleasure of playing and owning an Xbox 360, with its games. I’ve never took it into consideration of the history of this device. I want to see how it did and will still affect gamers around the world because of the continuous development of it. I want to learn about how and why the development of Xbox came into existent, how it evolved, and popular it was. “Why does it exist?” is the main question. “When was the idea of the Xbox created?”, “Who helped develop it?”, “What made it popular?”, and “Will it evolve any further?” are some questions I am starting to ponder …show more content…

This was going to be a big move for Microsoft because they mainly produced software, not hardware. Bill Gates left Kevin Bachus, Seamus Blackley, Otto Berkes, and Ted Hase to lead the project into development. The intent of this console was for it to be called the “DirectX Box” and to run like a PC on windows software, but for games. The nickname for it was the “Xbox”, and stuck as the catchy name. With the help of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Bill Gates revealed the final design to the world including the release date on January 2001. On November 14, 2001, the day of release, the Xbox sold over one million units in one month. Microsoft had purchased a company by the name of “Bungie”, in order to make their upcoming game Halo: Combat Evolved an exclusive to Xbox. First priced at $299, it was very successful in sales North America, but not as well in Japan and Europe. Halo was a big hit, and had boosted Xbox console sale because of the popularity of the game with one million copies sold in the first few months of

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