
Xenophobia in America Essay

Decent Essays

Alfredo Grimaldo HU-101-WL1 10-20-10 Xenophobia There are many factors that need to be observed to determine what causes people to experience xenophobia. Xenophobia is defined as a condition where people suffer irrational fear of strangers or foreigners. The symptoms of people that suffered from this condition are very real and can range from feeling nauseated or excessive sweating to dry mouth, heart palpitations, a fear of dying, and anxiety attacks. Nevertheless, what exactly causes people to experience from Xenophobia? On his article regarding Xenophobia, Massino Pegliucci takes a scientifically approach describing xenophobia as a condition that will be very difficult to eradicate. He believes that humans have a natural …show more content…

Prior to the 1940’s mass migration, about 60,000 immigrants came to America each year. More important than the numbers of immigrants coming into the country was the change in ethnic composition. Previously, the vast majority of immigrants originated from England. Although, during these two decades, over one-and-a-half million Irish came and almost as many Germans followed (A. Thomas Bailey, The American Pageant: A History of the Republic. 3rd ed. Boston: D.C. Heath & Co., 1966. p324). The reaction of the English settlers to these newcomers was a perfect example of the hostile attitude that people display against outsiders. At that time when the first Irish settle in the new country they were looked as the bottom of the social scale, working as unskilled laborers and domestic servants, and some cases living in inhumane conditions. Furthermore, the Irish, like today's Hispanics, were accused of stealing American jobs and blamed in part for some of the economical problem the nation had at the time. This fear and resentment of the English-American towards the new comers especially the Iris led to a movement a racial profiling inspired by xenophobia. Over time the Irish and Germans were finally accepted and considered part of the “American society”. By the time the next big wave of immigration occurred, the Irish and Germans were considered the old guard as opposed to the newcomers. The changing ethnic composition was critical and the Irish as well as the

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