A relationship that has resonated with me and one that I will never forget is my friendship with Yang Jan Chao. Yang is a three year-old boy from Southeastern China. We met while I was in Wenshan, China for an Operation Smile mission. Operation Smile is a non-profit organization that devotes itself to eliminating the global problem of inadequate medical care. Medical volunteers enter third world countries and provide cleft lip and palate surgeries for children and young adults. I was able to become a student volunteer, and my responsibilities on the mission were to comfort patients and their families as well as give general hygiene presentations. Yang, one of the patients who I immediately felt a connection with, was in need of a lip scar revision and a unilateral nose repair. This surgery was relatively minor, but was not easily accessible in rural China. Yang traveled an hour from his home, with his grandmother and mother, to have his surgery at the Wenshan hospital.
We first met on screening day, which is a full day dedicated to examining patients and ensuring their ability to undergo surgery. I shadowed Yang as he proceeded through each step of
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The value of this relationship is boundless, as I don’t think I will ever meet another person who has come from such a different background. Seeing Yang grow up in such a contrasting environment than my own changed my perspective on difficulty. Yang has inspired me by giving me a new outlook on life and how hard it can be. Whenever I complain about an issue or a problem, I always now look to Yang. He is a child, who at three years old, lives a life filled with hardships but always has a unbroken smile on his face. He doesn’t know whether his family will make a profit this growing season or whether he will get an opportunity to beat his next medical hurdle, but his positive attitude is something truly
Annika’s natural propensity towards academic success has always placed me in a position of comparison; though three years younger, I would strive to excel as she did. Even if I couldn’t reach her level, the pressure motivated me to do my best, and her assuring and calm demeanor would remind me that there’s always another shot. Learning from her habits and attitude gave me the guidance to succeed on my own and be proud of my accomplishments; my inductance into National Honor Society proved to me that the pressure of having someone to look up to can be a supportive force rather than a debilitating grievance. Similarly, Jaineel’s natural athletic ability in every sport he pursued from basketball to karate pushed me to perform my best in tennis. His determination to live by a schedule in order to see progress gave me the foresight to not give up when I wanted to throw in the towel, and his love for sports reminds me of why I continue to play tennis even today. Living with 8 other perspectives to a situation is a true blessing. If there is ever a dilemma in my life, everyone will share his or her opinion but support me no matter which direction I choose. Growing up with my family has definitely been a unique experience, but I would never change it for the world. My home gives me strength, assurance, stability, laughter, and love as I wake up to 8 people banging on my bedroom door every morning ready to
Overall, the Culture Revolution was in many ways a war on the Chinese people beliefs, sexuality, customs, gender, and view. Yang perfectly illustrates the ideological turmoil that people suffered from during this period. The revolution lead to Yang’s family’s disfranchisement, her blurred understanding of sexuality and gender roles, as well as, disillusionment of the communist party as a whole. Yang escaped the clutches of communism and the Great North Wilderness with the acceptance of her application to attend the University of
My parents originate from an indian heritage so their ability to understand and speak English wasn’t very adequate. I often took the role as a translator in these situations at the hospital which gave me direct exposure to the grim reality of the situations my brother was in. This direct exposure gave me prestigious strength as a child to never lose hope and always contribute positively towards situations.
The last experience I recall involved a nurse who back then was undergoing a cardiovascular operation. Despite the difficult moment that the patient went through, we tirelessly went with him till the operation became successful, and the growth that developed in his body got dealt managed. The patient became thankful as he left the hospital because we saved his life big deal.
One morning a band of three brothers awaken from a night of mischievous activities, but only two stand up to find the last’ clothes on the ground with their owner nowhere in sight. They then see movement from the shirt moving up to the neck, then a frog appears in place of the last brother’s body! This occurred after the day the brothers were entranced by three sirens. Similar to Homer’s “The Odyssey,” “O Brother Where Art Thou” has many events that relate the Odysseus and his adventure.
I have always had a high admiration for the impact that physicians have on families. At an early age, my younger sister had major heart surgery. Being four, I was too young to fully grasp what this meant for my family, but I quickly learned the grief my parents endured thinking their only daughter would not live past two. Dr. Jane Doe saved my sister, giving me a friend for life. I have set my goal to be like countless doctors who save lives daily and improve the quality
Jun-sang called himself the “sensitive animal with big twitching ears, always on the alert for predators”. He is from Chongjin but his North Korea. Jun-sang loved movies and always made an effort to see a new movie as soon as it was released. Since his family was prosperous, Jun--sang was cautious not to provoke envy. While other kids were barefoot, Jun-sang wore thick woolen socks. In order to avoid jealousy, he also wore long pants to cover the socks. Jun-sang often dealt with the pressure of being accepted into a university in Pyongyang. Jun-sang is described a few different ways in the book, but all of them are fairly consistent. Mi-ran description says that he’s a “tall, limber boy with shaggy hair flopping over his forehead” (Demick,
Mckissick, Floyd. “CORE Endorses Black Power.” In Let Nobody Turn Us Around: Voices of Resistance, Reform and Renewal: An African American Anthology, edited by Marable, Manning, and Leith Mullings. Rowman & Littlefield, 2003.
Ai Weiwei is Chinese born in the town of Beijing in China; Ai Weiwei was born on August twenty-eight in nineteen-fifty seven. Ai Weiwei is both an artist and fighter for human rights in China and uses art to advocate for democracy and expose wrongdoings of the government that has led to him being arrested. Ai Weiwei through his art has raised some important issues about the nature of relationships of Humans. This include, the relationship between an individual and the community and how one feels about him or herself (Hancox 279).
1.1 Key principles of relationship theories - Stage theories in general describe how we go through distinct stages as we develop. Thus, rather than gradually changing, we typically make sudden shifts to different plateaus of perception and behaviour.
The patience, compassion and encouragement of one person improved my family’s last years with its patriarch in countless ways. It was this improvement that inspired me to pursue a career as an
Yang’s bonds with her family is a crucial part of her memoir. Never is there a moment in the book is there a moment where her family is not on her mind. The story begins before her birth detailing the lengths at which her parents went to secure better lives for themselves and their children. Running from the North Vietnamese and the Laotian soldiers, the family was willing to make sacrifices for each other so that more of them may live. Despite all of these hardships, the family managed to stay together. From her earliest moments, Yang remembers the love her family showed her whether it was her father taking her with him around Ban Vinai Refugee Camp or whether it was her grandma buying her food or comforting her after nightmares. They also
American prison food was already subpar to begin with, but with budget cuts and efforts to save money, many prisons and companies chose to make cuts with the quality and amounts of food given to the prisoners. The Schuylkill County Prison in Pennsylvania was sued for not feeding their inmates enough to feed a child (Santo & Iaboni, 2015). Some prisons, and private companies, generally go by a calorie minimum that must be provided, which sometimes allow for prisoners to only get two meals a day, these meals can cost as low as 56 cents per meal, and supposedly these menus are being reviewed by a nutritionist (Santo & Iaboni, 2015). One of these meal programs provided by a prison in Maricopa County, Arizona has even chosen to cut out meat
My personal experience gives me emotional strength and purpose to serve the vulnerable sections of society through pediatric health care. Growing up in a remote town in
Relationships are a very important part of anyone’s life. Becoming a counselor will prepare us to apply many skills to build trust in our relationships (Kottler & Shepard 2015). After completing the relationship skills rating scale, I learned that I have very good skills as a counselor. My score was five for most of the answers and I have four for three questions. my strongest sections of the quiz were: responding, initiating and attitudes.