This girl and her family have a very high quality of life. I feel like this is very unfair considering what people in poor countries have to do to get through each day without dying while she doesn’t even have to worry about that and has more than enough money. She has been in over 100 beauty pageants and has won many crowns, with the money they spent on that, it could feed and take care of the Romanian boy and his family. I believe that the rich should pay more taxes to help give families like this boys clean water food and shelter. I think that as she gets older if she is not taught differently, she will take advantage of this and will possibly grow up snotty.
11.John Smith- Captain John Smith controlled Jamestown in 1608 with the rule "He who shall not work, shall not eat". In 1607 he was kidnapped and subjected to a mock execution by the Indians.
Colonial merchants resented the trading restrictions and continues to illegally trade with other countries. England did little to stop them until 1684, when King Charles II began to punish colonists whom he believed most resisted English authority, which were the leaders and merchants of Massachusetts. After failing to persuade them to obey English laws, England revoked the colony’s corporate character and they were under strict control of the crown. When King James II proceeded Charles, he began seeking to make the colonies more obedient. Within three years the land from south Maine to New Jersey was united into one colony, the Dominion of New England. The Navigation Acts were strictly enforced, smugglers were prosecuted, local assemblies
b. Their trade pattern was North-South not East-West if anything they should join the USA.
That most of the settlers were kicked out of England due to persecuting other Christian groups, then killed the Native Americans to steal their land. After refusing to pay their taxes that they owed, they started a war of independence and then it became the USA. Also, three hundred citizens died by being warned by a Native American and during the second Massacre, four hundred citizens died with no warning in 1608 and persecuted and leaving for the Netherlands. The most that surprised me was that the Tobacco was established in the state of Virginia and the king John Rolfe totaled a half a million pounds of tobacco. That’s how he was getting rich and by making others rich because he had people work 50 acres of land, which was expensive in
In Chapter 4 Washington and his men hurriedly make their way to New York before the defeated British could take it themselves. Conditions were still bad in the army and were worsening daily with outbreaks of small pox and the murder of two soldiers whose bodies were found in a dirty New York brothel. Washington desperately sent for reinforcements yet he never seemed to get as much as he needed. As the British army moved closer to New York Washington began the fortification of New York and Long Island. It was soon rumored that the Loyalists had a plan to assassinate George Washington the moment the British stepped foot in New York causing a massive uproar amongst the people until a certain man was tried guilty and was hung.
Ch.1: Christopher Columbus discovered the New World to European migration. Queen Isabella was funding Christopher Columbus voyage. He convinces the Spain that this would open up better trading routes and it would make them wealthier. ¬¬¬¬¬¬ The Indians were all fascinated with the entire product that the Europeans has. Christopher Columbus and the Conquistadors cheated the Indians and kicked them out of their own land. The Europeans mistreated and executed all the Native Americans that they encountered. The large impact of the invasion was The Europeans captured and used the native Americans as slaves and they brought diseases, weapons, and a hostile desire for the land and control over the new world. The diseases that cause million lives of the Indians were small pox, bubonic plague, influenza, and typhoid. Also the Native Americans were no match for the firearms and explosives of the Europeans. The Native Americans were pushed back into the middle of the United States. The accomplishments of the Spanish in opening the New World to exploration, conquest, and colonization were to gain money, lands, slaves and
In chapter 3, it talked about the issues African Americans went through deal with multicultural in that time period. The African Americans were force off their land by the British, because they wanted the African Americans to do the labor work, for example, working in the fields. However, in 1834 the Emancipation Act were passed, this act free the slave. This were an issue for the British, because slaves were free, who was going to do the labor work? The British try to get the Chinese indentured, but couldn’t afford them.
Throughout the entire essay Bosley uses comparison as a key point. For example, she compares all the girls in the Junior Miss Pageant to each other by pointing out their strengths and weaknesses. She also compares herself to the “North-Side girls.” Bosley says that if you were a north-side girl you had the best of the best and if you were her you got what you could afford. Another main point that Bosley uses is stereotyping. An example of stereotyping is using the term “north-side”. The “north-side girls” stereotype that Bosley labels them with is that they are rich, perfect and they get whatever they want. She also stereotypes her mother and herself as being fat and poor. She believes the reason she did not win the pageant was because of her
However, pageant titleholders are judged and scrutinized tremendously because of one mistake they may make on the national stage. Pageants are about strong, intelligent women empowering one another, and making a positive impact on the community. Guerra has always wanted to form her own non-profit that helps with the expensive medical bills for children with disabilities. Growing up in the Rio Grande Valley, one of the poorest places in the United States, Ylianna has first handily seen the struggles that many families go through to barely make it by. Ylianna recently met with a little girl, Danae Garcia, who has Treacher Colins syndrome. This a genetic disease that will require her to have several surgeries throughout her lifetime. The pageant community in the Rio Grande Valley has come together to raise money for this little girl and her family to help pay her medical bills. Ylianna would love to form an organization where money raised could go to kids like Danae, who don’t have the funding to pay for required surgeries or medical
Additionally, she faces social isolation because she is poor. People who see either view her as a piece of trash, or view her as a individual who just has it harder, and therefore do not want to
Evidently, her life exemplifies the overcoming of poverty and how it really is possible as long as you stick to education and persevere through life.
A few months ago a girl named Cindy's parents took a vacation to America, leaving her alone with her aunt and two daughters, Tiphisha and Moya. Her parents lived in England and were extremely wealthy, and for that reason her aunt, Lorna and her daughters were jealous of Cindy and despised her very much.
It was a sunny day around 3:00 P.M. and we had just checked the mail, I received a letter stating that I had been chosen to participate in the 2015 Miss Teen Little Rock Pageant for a chance to receive a chance at a 30,000 scholarship, and if I won I would compete in Nationals in Orlando Florida. I was excited about the opportunity and was going to give it a shot even though I had always said, “I will never be in a pageant even if I was offered,” but I knew I would need the scholarship for college. The first meeting came around and we didn’t have the gas to go so I called the main office and they filled my in on what exactly I needed to do. I started filling out the paper work and went door to door and to businesses’ receiving sponsors I was
High arched brows, pursed red lips, perfectly curled short hair and the coy side glance is the representation of what most young women strived for in the 1950s. They endeavour to look favourable for men in the hopes of getting married as this was their goal and purpose in life. Media influenced the scale of expectations women had for themselves and this created a misrepresentation of what a young women in the 50’s should strive for. Beauty pageants, Barbie and Marilyn Monroe emphasised on the importance of perfection, beauty, and sexuality. Although these messaged sent strong messages to younger girls, they remain in the era due to, in some way or another, lack of defying normality in the era.
The picture above shows a mother mourning her daughter at the time these news made headlines because the young woman above is miss Honduras a pageant queen her life was tragically taken away from her at the age of 19 due to domestic violence. The fact that she was a well known public figure makes the situation even disturbing because it shows that regardless of how famous you are, as a woman your life still is in danger. Honduras currently is going through