h Q. ____ Q Qu. ____ Lab _____ Test _____ = ________ 1. ________________ splitting the atom to release energy? 2. _______________ small atom are pressed together with a release of energy? 3. ________________ nuclear accident in Russia? 4._________________ atoms that give of nuclear energy are said to be? 5. _________________ atoms that do not give off nuclear energy are said to be? 6.__________________ the release of nuclear energy in the form of waves and particle? 7. What is the process of decay? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ 8. _______________ is 2protons and 2 neutrons and has little penetration power? 9. _______________ is an electron and its’ …show more content…
Water Moderator ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 18. Steam in the secondary loop? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 19. Heated water in the primary loop? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 20. Steam generator? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 21. The turbine? ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ 22. The generator? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 23. The condenser? _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ 24. _________________What is this nuclear reaction? 25. ______________What is this nuclear
L 2. G 3. M 4. E 5. H 6.
A solar photovoltaic power system is a technology that converts the energy from sunlight into electrical energy. Residential solar photovoltaic systems can offset much of a household's power needs, depending on the size of the system and the household's needs. The output power from is directly proportional to power received from the sun, which varies throughout the day and year. The rated maximum output of the module might be achieved only occasionally, depending on actual site conditions. It is a renewable source of energy that is sustainable and totally inexhaustible. Solar energy is also a non-polluting source of energy that doesn’t emit any greenhouse gases when producing electricity.
Radioactivity is when energy is emitted from the nucleus due to the nucleus being unstable. The 3 types of radiation are Alpha ,Beta and gamma. Alpha particles have 2 protons and two neutrons. Examples of radioactive nuclei that emit alpha radiation. Are : uranium, thorium, actinium, and radium They are very ionising so they give energy off onto whatever they are in contact with. Therefore, it loses energy more quickly. They are not very penetrating so can be stopped by a piece of paper or skin. Beta particles have 1
The research and application of the world surrounding atoms is known as Nuclear Science. In 1896, French physicist, Antoine Henri Becquerel, along with Polish physicist and chemist, Marie Curie, and her husband, Pierre Curie, conducted an experiment involving the phosphorus in uranium, which led them to the discovery of radiation. Since then, nuclear science has resulted in the advancement of technology, energy sources, industrial production, agriculture, archaeology, research and most prominently, the medical field. Through the utilisation of radioactive materials, known as radionuclide or radioisotope, the medical practitioners have been able to accurately diagnose, treat and monitor the progress of one’s health.
Throughout high school and college science labs, I was intrigued to collaborate my conceptual knowledge into practical use. I am basically a puzzle person, I love to put pieces together and find the overall connection between the materials. Research is a puzzle, the pertain concepts are applied and is used to analyzed the retrieve data from the experiment .
Discuss medical applications of nuclear radiation and their effects on society. Explain briefly how the applications work. Include some of the scientists involved in their discovery and development.
Distinguish between stable and radioactive isotopes and describe the conditions under which a nucleus is unstable.
One of the greatest events of twentieth century was the use of radioisotope as a source of energy and as medical and industrial tools. Using radioactivity has been a global issue owing to its very nature. When it is used for peaceful purposes, it is a triumph of science because it can solve energy problems in the form of nuclear energy but the side effects in the form of harmful radiation and harmful radioactive waste is the real limitations of science. This essay will attempt to analyze the application of science in the use of radioactivity and radioactive isotopes and how science is not so effective in dealing with the side effects.
The nuclear power objectors call nuclear waste into questions, and the nuclear defenders argue that it is not a big thing. They argue that the technologies are developing, and through reprocessing technology 97% of raw materials could be recycled to produce more electricity. Left over three percents can be safely stored. If a typical French family spends nuclear energy in their entire life, then the nuclear waste is only size of golf ball. This is possible, because one gram of Uranium could produce the amount of electricity as one tone of fossil fuel, and also future technology may reduce more nuclear waste or eliminate them all (Comby, 2010).
Investigation 4.2: Factors Affecting Viscosity Question How does changing the temperature (°C) of glycerin affect the viscosity s -1 of glycerin (l), when tested by dropping a marble from a constant height into the glycerin (l) and timed with a stopwatch until the marble hits the bottom? Design Independent Variable: The independent variable of this experiment is the temperature (°C) of the glycerin (l). Dependent Variable: The dependent variable of this experiment is the viscosity s -1 of the glycerin (l). Controlled Variable(s): The controlled variable(s) are: the liquid used, the marble used, the distance the marble is dropped, the volume (mL) of glycerin in the graduated cylinder. The liquid used is glycerin. The same marble is used
Nuclear energy, the energy released during nuclear fission or fusion, especially when used to generate electricity. Nuclear energy has been one of the biggest controversies, not only in the United States but also, around the world. The concept of what a civilization should be or consist of has changed dramatically over time. When man needed food, he hunted, when he needed shelter, he built a home, when he needed energy, ah, that is where he was stumped. Many have discovered different forms of energy to help achieve the goals of men. In order to continue this trend of progress, we need to be able to realize that energy is, possibly, one of the most important things on our
Nuclear medicine is a medical speciality whereby radiopharmaceuticals – drugs containing radioactive materials called radioisotopes – are given to a patient in order to determine the severity of or treat a variety of diseases. However, to understand this and the impact that different physics principles have on the function of nuclear medicine, these principles must first be explained. Atoms; the building blocks of matter, contain a centrally located nucleus inside of which there are positively and neutrally charged subatomic particles known respectively as protons and neutrons. Electrons orbit around them and have a negative charge. The name isotope is given to atoms with the same number of protons but a different number of neutrons. When isotopes occur, they serve to stabilise the proceeding atom, however, if there are too many or too few neutrons, then they become unstable and are known as radioisotopes. Radioisotopes are often artificially created through irradiation, which is where an
There are primarily three different types of nuclear radiations α, β and γ radiation.Figure 2 shows different types of radiation and their penetration capability.
Nuclear chemistry is the study of the chemical and physical changes in the nucleus of an atom. The field of nuclear chemistry deals with radioactive elements such as radium, radon and the whole actinides series and the equipment to deal with such elements; such as nuclear reactors. However the subject itself varies because it deals with the scientific areas such as physics, biology, geology and chemistry. Nuclear chemistry has help us discover more about the nucleus and has provided advances in medicine, nuclear weapons and instruments to help scientists in those fields. 1, 2
1. Christian, G.D. (2003). Analytical Chemistry, 6th edition. New York: John Wiley & Sons. 2. Harvey, D. (2000). Modern Analytical Chemistry. New York: McGraw Hill Book Co. 3. Kellner, R., Mermet, J.M., Otto, M.,Valcarel, M. and Widmer, H.M (Editors). (2004). Analytical