
Year-Round Baseball Argumentative Essay

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Baseball has been played by millions of people all over the world. The sport has been a staple of entertainment on radio and tv for many years. And just in the last few decades there has been a huge spike in arm injuries, and a lot of them have been in younger players. "Year-round baseball is number one,"is what Dr. Andrews said about Tommy John surgery(Snyder). What year round baseball means is that players play baseball in the fall and winter months, this never happened in years before. Also kids are now being allowed times for their arms to rest and heal. Year round baseball should definitely be regulated one reason is the increasing amount of arm injuries in younger kids, Also the kids may burn out mentally and not want to play the sport anymore, they may just one day say they do not want to …show more content…

Over the course of baseballs long existence it has been a very laid back sport with only minor injuries. But in the last decade or so the injuries have been popping up all over. Definitely the most common one being the tearing of the ucl tendon in the arm. This injury takes time to tear and it usually starts to hurt before the ligament actually snaps. “Most commonly, there is a gradual onset of elbow pain due to repetitive stresses on the ligament”(Hopkins Medicine). But there are cases where thee injury can be sudden and happen on one pitch. There have been more and more of these injuries but the biggest shock is the amount of young kids dealing with pain in their elbows. This is an effect of year round baseball, because the kids and teens are not getting their proper rest in between pitch outings. Also their coaches could be pushing them to pitch more innings and throw more pitches. But not only are young people getting these injuries older pros are also. There has been a substantial increase in

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