
Yearbook Review Essay

Decent Essays

This writer observed a yearbook class at a KUSD high school; the class consisted of junior and senior students. This observer arrived at 11 o’clock to discuss the daily lesson plan with the cooperating teacher before the first class started. The teacher carefully wrote out the class goals and imminent deadlines prominently on the whiteboard. She stated that the key to a successful class is to clearly explain the expectations at the beginning of the class period. Students began to arrive at the half hour mark; the teacher greeted each student individually as they entered the classroom, making conversation as she waited for a majority of the class to be present. Once all of the students were stationed at their computers, the teacher demanded silence, and called their attention to the board. The teacher went over her expectations for what …show more content…

Students were allowed to express their creative freedom through their assigned yearbook pages, but the guidelines were clearly dictated by the teacher, with her having the final say-so. Normally this observer would claim that the finality of the teacher’s word would hinder the creativity of the students, but this teaching style is appropriate for this specific elective class. Creating a yearbook that is cohesive, engaging, and accurate (spelling, captions, grammar, etc.) is challenging with so many minds contributing to the process, so this writer greatly approved of the teacher setting clear parameters to work within. The teacher appeared to have a good rapport with her students, verging on too casual. However, one major complaint that this observer had with the cooperating teacher was her disparaging comments about the students in her following class period. This writer found this to be irresponsible considering that the comments may reach the teacher’s other class, consequently causing a blow to their self-esteem and leaving them

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