
Yeast Respiration Lab Report

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By changing the pH level of yeast, would it affect its cellular respiration? This experiment would prove that by looking into what conditions yeast best produces carbon dioxide (CO2). The solution of this experiment would be knowing what condition yeast grows best in, and then making it easier to produce more yeast around the world. Yeast is a considered an industrial microorganism because even though it is considered a living organism, and is the size of a pinhead, it is still a microorganism. Yeast is also available in different strains, such as pizza dough and bread dough yeast. Yeast is part of the fungi kingdom due to the fact that it cannot perform photosynthesis, what also is known about yeast is that they can live with or without oxygen, although it is a living organism. When yeast is stored in cool and dry environment it goes into a state of inactivity where it does not need to eat, but when you give it glucose, the organism begins to produce CO2 again. This was discovered by Louis Pasteur in 1857. Louis Pasteur discovered the functions of yeast by realizing that yeast is the key to alcoholic fermentation. Louis Pasteur found that when oxygen is not present adding sugar to …show more content…

The lower case p stands for a math operation, while the capital H stands for hydrogen. So pH is actually a scientific formula used to determine how acidic or basic a substance is. To be acidic, the substance must have hydrogen in the form that can be released into water. The weaker the hydrogen bonds are, the less acidic the substance will become, but will not become a base. To be basic, the substance must have hydroxide in the form that it can be released into water. The weaker the hydroxide is, the less basic a substance will be, but will not become an acid. Also, the pH scale is not a liner scale, but is a scale that increases or decreases by a

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