
Yellow Wallpaper Symbolism

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In the story “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, the author uses the dreadful yellow wallpaper as a symbol for the married woman’s oppression.The wallpaper also represents the woman’s true feeling for her husband's behavior towards her. The main character in this story is not named because she herself is a symbol of the oppressed women of that time. She is also unnamed because this story is actually based on Gilman’s own experiences and the character was a representation of her. The wallpaper is the most important symbol throughout the story because it represents several different things at once. The main idea is that the wallpaper represents the woman and her feelings towards her own life. The married woman is very sick however, …show more content…

According to her, they seem to be free in the day and imprisoned at night (Perkins,479). The moving images she saw was actually her subconscious attempting to free herself from the imprisonment she felt from her husband and society. At first she feels sympathy for the moving thing in the wall because she thinks it is alive and in distress, so she tries to free it by ripping off pieces of the wallpaper. She believes the wallpaper is like a jail cage and she thought that by removing the barriers that constrained the things, it will no longer be imprison(Perkins,479). The relationship she has with the thing in the wallpaper is very interesting. At first she feels afraid of it and she thinks of it a creepy and horrific thing (Perkins,475). Out of curiosity she begins to study it and finds that the thing that she once feared is actually trapped and tormented( Perkins, 479). Later on in the story, She begins to feel a great deal of sympathy towards it and tries to set it free. When she is aware that she can’t set it free, she observes it more closely and realized that the thing in the wall is actually a woman, which later on she finds out is a woman just like her

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