When students are distracted by their electronic devices, they cannot pay full attention in class. They are also unable to participate in class, which takes away their opportunity of learning through their classmates’ ideas. In her article, Turkle talks about how a classroom is a learning environment where students participate in class and learn from each other (34). Yo-Yo Ma also expressed a similar idea in his article, “Path of Globalization.” In that article, he talks about his experience in the Silk Road Ensemble where people “generously share their knowledge and are curious and eager to learn about other forms of expression” (46). He discusses the concept that when different cultures come together they tend to exchange and form new ideas,
Within the article, Freedman talks about the uprising of students addressing the validity of the professor’s strike against the use of technology in the classroom. To call attention to the importance of the debated issue, the author opens with a shocking narrative about a professor hearing a phone ring during a class and then destroying the cellphone by, unabashedly, smashing it with a hammer (Freedman par. 2). This dramatic demonstration appalled the students and allowed Professor Ali Nazemi the opportunity to show the students how adamant he was about the policy against phones in class and what lengths he would go to adhere to the policy. The author goes on to explain that the elder generation sees technology as a way to communicate and gather useful information. In contrast, the younger generation views technology as a way of endless entertainment and self-gratification (Freedman par 11). The reader sees the two opposing views collide in the classroom with the professors beginning to feel as if they must entertain the students in order to gain their attention, but the
Within the source the author is trying to say that the legacy of historical globalization has resulted in advancements in modern society and people have prospered from it. Mainly how the driving force of the ethnocentrism in historical globalization leads to a prosperous society. The specific line of “superior standard of living shared by individuals in the developed world was achieved through historical globalization” supports this and is also referring to how in the first world have benefited. The superior standard of living that the source is referring to is the comforts of life and how living standards have skyrocketed now. This taken along with the author following that up with “in the developed world” means that only the developed/first
In earlier times, the acquisition and spreading of knowledge was not used to improve society. Instead, it was used to have control and to exclude certain groups. It may have been agreed that there needed to be a change in the way that the education system was set up. In her essay, “Project Classroom Makeover”, Cathy Davidson discusses how the “one size fits all” model of learning hinders students from learning in a new and modernized way. She suggests the notion that using technology to teach and learn can be effective in many ways. Davidson shows that using technology presents the opportunity for a traditional classroom to become more inclusive and creative. The “democratization of knowledge” is the improvement and modernization of how information is taught and learned. Having a modernized and advanced learning system is a vital point for students because they gain insight and experience with what is considered a society dominated by advanced technology. Since technology has become a dominant resource in the 21st century, it should be used as a teaching tool in order to produce educational, professional and overall success.
The article written by Lisa Lowe refers to globalization as it relates to the United States. This article touched on the transitions which occurred. The shifts from culture in neighborhoods due to migrants arriving. This article also referred to the critiques of globalization. It’s important to know who is against or for this process. As it provides perspective to those who want understand motives behind the negative stance.
Counterhegemonic globalization is “a type of social movement that fundamentally challenges and, in rare circumstances, produces changes and alters the dimensions of the contemporary political or economic order” (Gillies, Counterhegemonic Globalization and the Decline of the Record Industry, pg.2). Essentially what this means is that it is a way of showing distaste for how a system is set up in many parts of the world (often due to the penalties that are more often than not given to the lower class in these cases), and expressing said distaste through attempting to change it. This can obviously cause problems for government and corporations, especially corporations that have a monopoly on a certain business sector, for example Wall Street has a monopoly on stock markets. Counterhegemonic globalization
Technology has tremendously changed human social behavior, which has provided a convenient way for people to communicate and collaborate with each other. For instance, Cathy Davidson, the author of “Project Classroom Makeover,” points out, there is a need to renew the current education system so that it meets the new expectation of the digital era. She discusses how technology improves social interaction when students work collectively through crowdsourcing. In “The Myth of the Ant Queen,” Steven Johnson provides the example of the complex systems in ant colonies, cities of Manchester and Internet by emphasizing the importance of collective working that intelligence emerges when people work together. On the other side, Sherry Turkle argues that technology has turned human beings become isolated. In her article “Alone Together: Why We Expect A Lot from Technology and Less from Each Other,” she discusses how humanity is transformed into a “robotic’ moment due to technology. Therefore, technology does not only help to form collective learning and social interaction that can provide an adequate platform for sharing social values, but also isolate people from each other if they rely too much on technology.
In Thomas L. Friedman’s “Globalization: The Super-Story”, he examines the features of globalization from various aspects and how it helps people better understand 9/11 events. He claims that globalization is the new improved system formed in place of the old “cold war system”(102), and through the patterns of which, people observe today’s world in an integrated way. Simple short phrases, organized structure, colloquial language, and punctuation are techniques Friedman uses to create a reader-friendly, convincing essay. To begin with, Friedman uses simple short phrases to emphasize his points. He starts with an enthusiastic term “big believer” (102), which establishes the colloquial
Two-hundred years ago, there was a scientific study on the brains of Native Americans called the craniology and phrenology. The Europeans examined only indigenous people’s heads and were forbidden to use any European’s brains. The Europeans did three experiments, such as decapitating the tops of the heads and filling them with sand to see if their brains were smaller than blacks. The Europeans also looked at the bones and said that if the bones were in a certain way (such as natives cheek bones being up higher) the person was thought to be stupid. The last experiment the Europeans did to American Indians was that they had a small devise that they would put on the head and it would slice the brain open. There would be an award for
We are said to be living in a world with a transparent and yet to develop war. But how can anyone really see it and understand it if no one is aware of how tragic events happen, who and how many people, countries and nations are behind it and how it all connects to technology. At least, that is what Thomas L. Freidman writes about in his article “Globalization: The Super-Story”. Friedman's article was a very interesting read, especially since it touches upon some pretty dense and forgotten subjects, such as global politics, technology and history. When I read the title of this article I expected Friedman to discuss about global markets and the interaction of nations yet I was amazed when he expanded on the supermarkets and how globalization
Migration in developing countries is often seen as a way of development through the stimulation of global currency within the country. Specifically throughout the Philippines, it is more common for migrant workers to be female, resulting in the overall structure and dynamics of these families to change. In the novel, Servants of Globalization, author Rhacel Parreñas addresses how the pre-existing structure of gender expectations and unequal employment opportunities for male and females abroad influence the overall gender patterns and impacts of migration from the Philippines, ultimately affecting the dynamics of families as they become transnational and challenging the pre-existing gender ideologies within the countries.
To what extent is our understanding of economic globalisation challenged or expanded by analysing the lived experience of global processes.
When it comes to globalization, everyone may have a different vision of it’s outcome. For Marcelo Gleiser, the author of “Globalization: Two visions of the Future of Humanity”, a completely globalized world may result in a dystopia. In contrast, Jeffrey Wasserstrom, the author of “A Mickey Mouse Approach to Globalization” and Tanveer Ali, the creator of “The Subway Falafel Sandwich and the Americanization of Ethnic Food” may think of globalization as other cultures sharing each other’s components to interact on a new level and spurring a more “open-minded” (Ali 27) individual.
Every day the world is changing and things are done differently. Technology has also affected the way students are taught and in which they learn. It has changed the classroom. Technology saves us time and allows us to access material in only minutes. “The Internet and online subscription databases, even as a supplement to the printed works in the library, allow students to see, and force them to consider or reject, points of view that they might never have encountered in decades past” (Gow 4).With all the time technology produces, it also has downsides and it also may have created a less intelligent society.
There are many ways to look at and understand modern globalization. In general terms, globalization means that the world, as a whole, is leading to a more utopian society, meaning that the globe is become very interconnected and similarities are growing between different regions and cultures of the world. Globalization is a phenomenon that has been evolving since before 10,000 B.C. This constant evolution can cause many problems, but it can also solve many issues positively as well. Development of any country, however, seems to be a key issue when discussing globalization. Globalization and development present two different factors in the world today. Many countries are lacking in their own development while the world around them is becoming more developed and globalized. Globalization hinders development because with globalization, less developed countries depend on more developed countries to help them to sustainability and self-reliance.
However, advocates of classroom learning believe the online method isolates the students from one another as well as their professor minimizing the overall value of taking the course. They also claim that students learn better when working together with their instructor and their fellow classmates. Students learn better when they are given the opportunity to ask questions, join in class discussions, and they move the process of learning forward through their participation. Face-to-face advocates firmly believe that this kind of interaction is not possible over the Internet; and for many types of education, e-learning will never meet the potential of live human interaction in the classroom. An article in the New York Times titled, “Second Thoughts on Online Education,” backs up the points made above. A recent research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research, comes to the conclusion; “A rush to online education