
Yosemite National Park Research Paper

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Yosemite National Park is a national park located in Northern California, attracting countless tourists from countries all across the world for its luscious green landscape, beautiful waterfalls, and variety of different hiking trails. However it is known by many for far more than its physical beauty, and a deep history and significance have created the national park that Americans love today.
According to Larry Beck in his work, “The National Park Centennial: What the Parks Mean to Us Today,” Yosemite is far more significant than just a pretty place to visit. This national park holds a great significance in the hearts of Americans, for it represents the strength and determination of our nation amidst the crises which were brought on by the …show more content…

It is a part of nature, and nature is unpredictable and at times dangerous. The many steep and slippery trails could be potentially very dangerous, especially to those unsuited to climb such challenging hikes. Weather is also unpredictable, and rain or storms could be a serious threat to people in the park. It is a very forested area, so any fire could be an extremely dangerous one, which is why it is so important to ensure there is as little risk (on the tourists’ behalf) as possible. Two people were told they had gotten the plague after visiting Yosemite National Park back in 2015, according to the article, “Investigation of and Response to 2 Plague Cases, Yosemite National Park, California, USA, 2015.” Unfortunately, this is a risk that comes with exposing oneself to the elements and diseases found in nature. Bacteria cannot be seen by the human eye, so it is difficult to completely shelter and protect oneself from being exposed to harmful diseases when they do not know how to or where to be cautious. Fleas and rodents are dangerous because people are often unaware of them, or get lost in the beauty and forget they are there; additionally, it is impossible to tell which carry such life-threatening diseases and which do

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