
You Are Too Small

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“You’re too small” is something I have been constantly told my whole life. This statement has became more repetitive as I began my job as a lifeguard two years ago. When I began my search for a lifeguard job, I decided I would like to work at Avon Beach or Bradley Beach. As I was being interviewed for the job, I was told by the employer at Avon Beach, “I am not sure if you can work here, you are a little small and may not be able to handle this job.” As I listened to him say that, I knew he was wrong. I have been swimming for 6 years, and participated in the Junior Lifeguards Program, which taught me all about the ocean and what to do in certain situations. Also, at the tryout, all the people applying for the job had to swim a certain distance. …show more content…

All the different beaches around the shore compete in tournaments, and ever since I was young, I loved to compete. I was so thrilled that I would maybe get the chance to take part in these tournaments during my second year working. Before the first tournament, I asked the new tournament captain Todd when would tryouts be. His response to me was, “Kelly, I do not think we need you, these events are better when you are taller and stronger.” I was not even given the chance to try out just because of my size. I knew I should have gotten the chance because I competed in an all women’s tournament the previous year and did pretty well. This tournament was held Sandy Hook, and there were about 15 different beaches competing. The tournament had events including running, paddling, and swimming. As the old tournament captain Thomas was discussing what girl should be in each event, he realized that our team did not have a strong runner, so he placed me in beach flags just to fill the event. Out of the 15 ladies running beach flags, I ended up winning. Since there was an unlimited amount of entrees for the run-swim-run event, I was able to participate. I placed sixth out of forty girls, including beating all the girls from Bradley Beach. I really think that this proved to the tournament captain that I had the ability to

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