
You Lost Me Book Report

Decent Essays

Within the book You Lost Me by David Kinnaman, the author discusses why young Christians are leaving the church and rethinking faith. He gives us an overview of the trends within the mosaic generation. Through this overview, we as student ministers can better understand the generation in which we are ministering to. With this understanding, we can reach these students and bring them back to their home, that is the Church. In this report, I will discuss the book by chapter and finish with my reflection. In chapter one, the author starts by defining the dropout problem and interpreting the urgency we must have. According to the author, the age range between 18-29 is the black hole of church attendance. He categorizes …show more content…

This group either deconvert or change faiths due to negative experiences. Their characteristics include: varying levels of resentment, disavowed returning to church, moved on from Christianity, regrets usually center on parents and they are broken out of constraints. The last of the three groups is the exiles. Kinnaman discusses these in chapter four. He uses the example of Ryan. Through this we see exiles are pushed out and pushed away from something familiar, which in this case is the Church. According to Kinnaman, in the modern day we see those who grew up in the church are now physically or emotionally disconnected in some way, but also remain. These mosaics are energized to pursue God-honoring lives. Their profile includes: they are not inclined to being separate from the world, skeptical of institutions but not wholly disengaged. Young exiles sense God moving outside the walls of the church and are not disillusioned with tradition. They are frustrated with slick or shallow expressions of religion. They also express a mix of concern and optimism for their peers. They found faith to not be instructive to their calling or gifts and struggle when other Christians question their motives. Finally, most exiles feel tension between work and their

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