Robert Miller's Grand Slam Project, The Queen's Carnival after much anticipation has been released and melting faces in its path. Ably backed by Marcello Casagrandi, Mario Castro, Yasser Tejeda, Joel E. Mateo, Fabio Rojas, Willy Rodriguez, Meritxell Neddermann and Nathan Cepelinski.
This jazz compilation is a mix of instrumentals and a nice cover of You Really Got Me, the unique style in which it is presented in is out of this world, off the charts, exceptionally performed. The sound is huge with a presence that is infectious. It is entertainment from beginning to end; a toe tapping experience.
The production is spot on and impeccable, hard driving with deliberate excitement. It is big band at its finest, full on the real deal, keyboards,
In video 1 of Go Back to Where You Came From, Darren Hassan (a businessman from Adelaide) is questioning his new host, Wasmi, about the reasons he did not have his documentation. Darren’s original stance was noted that all those coming in the country without documentation should be expatriated (12:38). Furthermore, he alludes that they are intentionally destroying their documents and that their reasons for doing so are immoral. The communication between the two men was dialogic. Wasmi shares that his documents were taken by force and had he refused to comply he would have been killed. He continues to explain that had he not left Iraq, he also would have likely been killed. “Dialogue requires that one know the ground from which one speaks, meet the
Additionally, each note was exact and accurate, as well as the rhythms. Each individual solo was flawless with precise entrances. All instruments executed nice releases with no sloppy sounds or breathing. Each player seemed to master interpreting articulations because
What can cause a sudden change in someone’s life? As details in “An American Childhood,” “A Retrieved Reformation,” “At the Crossroads, “A Christmas Carol Acts I and II,” and “Thank You, M’am” show, significant changes in someone’s life can be caused by an inner realization, starting over and being given a second chance.
Not having a dad might not sound to bad to some people. When that dads always making fun of his kids, or making his kids mad, his children may not want a dad anymore. Doug Swieteck from the book Okay for Now by Gary Schmidt would feel like he doesn't need a dad. Not having a dad would sound good too Doug because the dad he knows acts like a real jerk to him. He influences other people in the book which make him feel good, unlike his dad. These people give Doug the motivation he needs to keep him from ending up like his dad. Doug gets guidance and learns from Mr. Powell, Mr. Ballard, and Mrs. Cowper throughout his time in Marysville.
The film See What I am Saying elaborates on four different Deaf artists who try to make the transition of performing into the mainstream culture. All the stories discussed had a learning experience to them, I wanted to focus more on comedian C.J Jones. Certainly, he is well-known in the Deaf community, therefore I found his determination to make a name for himself in the hearing community inspirational. For me, the message of chasing your dreams, if even they seem impossible, shined through with his story the most. Even when things didn't go his way at first, he found a new meaning for himself.
Veterans like Es-K, Stay Classy, Bones the Beat Head, Smokedbeat, and mastermind Gadget all make a triumphant return to round out a cast of very talented craftsmen. This release is a bit different in my opinion as it sounds more electronic than some of the previous entries in MJM’s discography; however this is not only a welcomed addition, but a celebrated one. The tracks here feel more expansive and take on a life of their own. By utilizing it’s jazzy elements as ear candy that serve to provide extra layers for the listener to absorb, they have managed to capture the ethereal nature of the mystical substance this project is so aptly named after.
Feminism is an interesting topic. It is about empowering women so that they can be seen as equals to men. It is a movement that many ignore because they do not believe in what the movement entails. Yet, is it that they do not believe in this movement or rather that they do not understand what the movement is.
This album review will be on Nirvana’s “Nevermind” album that was released in 1991. This was Nirvana's second album released and it sold over 30 million copies. I was interested in Nirvana once I saw it was an option in the book and also because almost everyday you can see someone in the streets wearing a Nirvana t-shirt even people my age and I was curious to listen to their music. As I said before people my age are still wearing Nirvana shirts which truly demonstrates how impactful their music was to society.
Johna is well liked by his friends.He makes jokes and laughs with them and people generally like him. For example, “you rock ’’ William said to him.There is a problem his friends aren't there for him when he travels through time.Also the eighth graders hate him they try to slam him to the ground but teachers were always there to help him.People from time usually ignore him “ shut up kid’’ is what they would usually say to him.
The film “Sherlock Jr” and the music video “Look What You Made Me Do” both using the editing of shots to tell the audience context of what is happening in the videos. In the film “Sherlock Jr” shots are edited to transition show a transition out of the diegetic reality of the film’s world, and into a fictional story that the main character dreams up. The editing and the order in which the shots are presented gives the viewer the context they need to understand what is happening in a scene. If the shot showing the detective walking into the screen was placed later in the movie for example the audience would be very confused as to what is reality or the main character’s dream. The film is even edited to show the detective clumsily falling through
When I'm feeling a little overwhelmed, it helps me work through the somewhat negative or uncomfortable feelings that I might be sensing by looking at the underlined positive reasons for my current emotional state. Remember, we can't run to our cigarettes anymore for comfort or support when going through life challenges; therefore, it is important for each of us to find healthier alternatives and positive coping mechanisms.
Art in any form has a way of impacting our emotions and making us feel empathy for fictional characters. Whether it be a painting, a novel, or a movie; all art has a way of sticking with us. Many times, one will find themselves looking back on a particular passage to reflect on. One also may find that this particular passage sticks with them and ingrains into their memory. This is not just for books; however, another example may be a musical composition with an awe inspiring finale, or simply just a catchy song. All of these are examples of this phenomenon, and is one of the best parts of art. There is; however, a logic behind this phenomenon and why certain passages in a novel or other piece of literature stick in our minds.
When we engage in hospitality, we are calling upon a spirit that gives life to it (Oden 2011, 100). The spirit that gives life to hospitality are described as humility, gratitude, mercy, compassion, eagerness, liberality and a willingness to risk. For some Christians this godly spirit, which accompanied acts of hospitality, was a reminder to Christians what the Christian life was about, which is to do what Christ would do and to nurture the spirit that was in Christ (Oden 2001, 101.
When I tell people, I am often met with surprise and confusion. They question how I have turned out the way I have if that is where I am from. No one expects it from me: a teenage girl who embodies the essence of what a normal high school senior is supposed to be. No one is privy to what lies underneath that facade. I find that the reason no expects what I have to tell them is because they have a painted picture in their minds of someone like me and I do not coincide with those expectations. Usually, the expected image is someone with difficulties in maintaining interpersonal relationships, someone who struggles to maintain a healthy balance in their life, and someone who has let the events of their past consume their present. This is not who I am.
Furthermore, Lewis, in his analysis of pain and God at work in these situations, is clear and at times attractively profound. If confronted on why suffering exists, Lewis would strike back, in love of course, saying, “Try to exclude the possibility of suffering which the order of nature and the existence of free wills involve, and you find that you have excluded life itself.” We see that pain in the life of the hard-hearted may bring him closer to God and may lead him to see his ultimate dependence on the Creator. On the other hand, pain in the life of the believer serves as a reminder of his dependence on God, and in humility he declares, “Lord, You are Good!” Suffering that leads to greater self-awareness in our sinful state ultimately brings about Good. Good, as simply translated, meaning obedience to God in his call for us to love Him and rely on Him. But, what are we to make of a different scenario: A selfless Bolivian girl who is one moment playing in a shallow riverbed nearby her home and in the next is swept away by a flash flood? She is not in rebellion of God in search for happiness in other things. Her only sin thus far seems to be life itself. Does free will account for this? The nature of sin in “who-deserves-what” is irrelevant, and that is not the argument I wish to put forth. But most of Lewis’s line of argument throughout has been focused on those that are