
Young People Desistance

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Trepidations pertaining to young people, being unable to fulfil their educational goals, being involved in antisocial activities, expelled from mainstream schools because of truancy and other disruptive transgressions or out of work, reinforce the obligation to the end child poverty ingenuity implemented by the Coalition Government in 1999. Equally, in their manifesto, the Conservatives avowed to enhance the emphasis on assisting families and vulnerable young people. Subsequently, this is trailed by the government’s enactment of pertinent policies to try and refine the life probabilities of young people who have numerous concerns. Likewise, this has prompted the invention of more initiatives, including the advent of the targeted youth programs. …show more content…

To ascertain whether practitioners attribute the desistance of young people from offending behaviour to the effective practice of targeted youth programs. Young offender’s recidivism has been said to be the consequence of ridiculous control programs attracting reduced compliance from young offenders according to (Kempen and Young 2014). Practitioners competences has been put under scrutiny with critiques such as (Andrews, Donald and James 2010) and (Petrosino et all 2010), alleging that they sometimes deviate from their professional requisites. Much of the criticism was specifically for the private practitioners rendering inconsistent treatment regime, lacking commitment to the recommended practice. Thus, this evident knowledge gap has failed young offenders to satisfy the targeted programs aims of desisting from antisocial behaviours and other criminal activities (Woods et al …show more content…

Youth justice practitioners are guided by a planning and assessment framework (Asset plus) providing specialists with indispensable information and documentation. With reference to the Asset plus, it was drafted and endorsed by the Youth Justice Board (YJB) to holistically provide motivation to young offenders within the process of intervention (Daniel 2014). Furthermore, (Boyle et al 2010) highlighted on important factors which reflect on practitioner’s responsibility to identify and assess young offenders. In fact, Boyle and colleagues were able to explain in their research analysis that, as facilitators, practitioners can diagnose and engross positive ambitions that an individual pose. Thus, giving much emphasis on inherent objectives and consequently developing a strengths-based methodology. However, not only the implementation of diverse tools to try and modify young offender’s behaviours can be useful, but other models, arrangements and interactions that are applicable to targeted youth programs can also be

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