QP engaged Yuma in participating in an evident base practice geared towards taking time-out. QP explained to Yuma that the activity will teach him how to use time-outs to stop himself from becoming abusive or violent. QP explained to Yuma, that the goal of the activity is to show him how to take a time-out before he become abusive or violent when conflict situation arises. QP discussed with Yuma some time-outs strategies, he can use for de-escalating difficult situations. QP role-played with Yuma, how to disengage himself from power struggles with his parent. QP explained to Yuma, that time-out is a step toward better family relationships with his family, may prevent hurting family member, caring about the other person and chance to calm down
In closing, the 6 year old boy who earlier that day shot a classmate could have been affected by guided participation, emotional regulation, and reactive aggression. Guided participation may have played the role of this 6 year old boy observing conflicts being resolved via gun violence by the role models in his home. If such behavior was observed this 6 year old boy may not have developed emotional regulation, if he were to develop emotional regulation it may have prevented this crime from ever happening.
QP provided Chase with the opportunity to participate in an evidence base practice geared toward understanding warning signs. QP explained to Chase that the activity will him to identify times when he need to take a time-out and how to use self-calming thoughts. QP explained to Chase, that Self-calming thoughts are used to help de-escalate one’s emotions and separate them from a potentially difficult situation. QP explained to Chase, what red flags are; that is, the signs that indicate to a person that a time-out is necessary or a situation may get abusive or escalates. QP explained to Chase that the goal of the intervention is, to teach him how to identify personal red flags and how to use self-calming thoughts in a situation. QP asked
In the beginning, Yuma was a just a small town that would continuously be flooding. Yuma wanted to make something out of the small floodplain town so they decided to try to control the Colorado river flow. Yuma county thought about what they could do… in 1912, they built a dam to regulate the flow of water to the Yuma Valley. Many corporations helped with the redirect of the water flow. I’m not sure if the Yuma people realized that with the construction of the dam, their small town would soon be booming. Yuma wanted to become this area of agricultural greatness, so they came together with other corporations to achieve this goal of theirs. From that day Yuma has been working and being involved with the agricultural business.
Goal 1: Lizzie will improve her emotional and behavioral regulation. • Lizzie was being hyperactive when the QP arrived for the session. • Lizzie’s mother shared, “Lizzie was well-behaved at the party and mostly stayed to herself.” • Lizzie’s mother acknowledged her birthday was told; however, did not plan any self-care options because she did not trust her uncle to be alone with the kids for an extended period of time.” • Lizzie and her mother listened as the QP shared sometime kids are fearful of sharing their problem with an adult because they might be punished.
QP engaged Maunica in participating in a CBT activity geared towards the aggression cycle. QP explained to Maunica that the activity examine the aggressive cycle and progressive muscle relaxation technique that can help to reduce anger level. QP explained to Maunica the three phases of the aggression cycle, which consist of escalation, explosion, and post explosion. QP asked Maunica to list some things that can cause her anger to escalate. QP asked Maunica, what level has her anger reached. QP reviewed with Maunica thing that triggers her anger. QP brainstormed with Maunica some of her anger cues. QP reviewed with Maunica negative consequences that are associated with anger explosion. QP assisted Maunica in identifying the cues that occurs
• Can help identify the situations where challenging or negative behaviour doesn’t occur and provide possible areas of solution.
Yuma did not respond well to the intervention. Yuma could not or did not want to explain what he has learned from the intervention. Yuma continues to have difficulty responding in sessions. Yuma is making minimal progress towards his goals. Yuma was provided verbal assistance during the session. Yuma was given chooses on how he can respond to the intervention. Yuma body language and his demean indicated that he did not want to participate in the session. Yuma responded by shaking his head, to indicate a yes to the question asked. Yuma was given examples of situation to choose from on how he may have used time-out during a conflict situation. Yuma was able to choose walking away and listening to music. Yuma was given choices of the answer to
Intervention: CSP, MHS and Reighn discussed improvement in thinking and reacting to peers at school. CSP and Reighn review coping skill that assist best with expressing her emotions and reactions. CSP and MHS discussed the youth’s ability to manage her reactions in diverse settings.
QMHP-C encouraged Summer to stay attentive during sessions. QMHP-C expressed that knowing her right will also help with develop anger management skills. QMHP-C encouraged Summer to think of her rights when she has anger outburst. QMHP-C reminded Summer that she can express herself but just be mindful how and respecting others. Summer responded to QMHP-C “question that she did not know what rights mean.” QMHP-C explained that rights mean agreeing with what is just, good, or proper. QMHP-C explained how assertive rights can be used always to deal anger outburst. QMHP-C expressed the importance of doing things in an appropriate manner will help her develop anger management skills. QMHP-C roleplayed by picking the first picture. The first picture
QP reviewed with Quadir appropriate responses to anger feelings. QP asked Quadir to list some rules of the house and school that he has to follow. QP examined with Quadir, what causes him to get upset when asked to complete task from his mother, teacher, and grandparents. QP reviewed with Quadir how to respond to anger situation appropriately. QP discussed with Quadir on task and attentive behaviors in all settings. QP reviewed with Quadir mediation, self-control strategies and impulse delay strategies. QP asked Quadir to discuss a time when he has demonstrated good impulse control and engaged in fewer disruptive behaviors. QP asked Quadir, if he has decreased the frequency of disruptive, aggressive or negative attention seeking behaviors. QP asked Quadir, how he is get along with his mom. QP praised Quadir for the progress he has made with his behavior in the home and at school. QP provided Quadir with feedback on the positive progress he as mad since starting IIH services. QP suggested to Quadir to keep up the good work he has made and continue to improve on the changes he has made with his behavior and the goals he was working
Jeda’s mother reflected on steps to providing calming consequences by staying calm and talking to Jeda privately, express empathy, describe the behavior, give the consequence, reduce the consequence if positive practice is used, and expressed empathy.
QP brainstormed with Quadir solutions to problem solving. QP explained to Quadir what destructive thinking thoughts are and provided an example. QP discussed with Quadir the destructive thinking thoughts that people have and how to change them. QP asked Quadir to list some of his destructive thinking thoughts. QP asked Quadir to explain what causes anger situation escalates. QP explained to Quadir the strategies for controlling anger. QP asked Quadir to explain some ways he could manage his anger. QP asked Quadir to list some ways anger can affect other people. QP asked Quadir to explain how a person can control anger in the moment. QP assisted Quadir in identifying the different reasons a person get angry. QP asked Quadir to identify dome feelings of anger. QP explored with Quadir alternative ways to resolve anger. QP asked Quadir to list some consequences of anger for him QP explored with Quadir the benefits and consequences of anger. QP provided Quadir with worksheet in which he had to explain alternative ways to resolve conflict situations provided. QP provided Quadir the opportunity to express his feelings and thoughts during the
Jeremiah was observed yelling and screaming at his sisters that asked to participate in the session with him and said he cannot
QP engaged Tatiana in participating in an evidence base practice geared towards understanding feelings. QP explained to Tatiana that the activity will help her make nonviolent and non-abusive choices in two ways; by separating feelings of anger from the behavior choose, by recognizing she can use other feelings when feeling angry. QP explained to Tatiana that the goal of the activity, is to identify the relationship between power and anger, to separate feelings of anger from the behavior chosen and to examine the relationship between anger and other feelings. QP explained to Tatiana that anger should not be used to justify violence and abuse, or to intimidate or make other people feel powerless. QP asked Tatiana to list some ways people can express anger without being abusive or violent. QP asked
The environmental support strategy will include a break card. Lucia will be introduced to what a break card is and how to use it. After practice and generalization using the break card in multiple settings, Lucia will begin to understand the concept of the break card. The break card will attempt to prevent Lucia from crying or having a tantrum when faced with a difficult task. Lucia will be able to use the break card to inform her teachers or other team members that she needs a break because the task is becoming overwhelming. When Lucia presents the break card, Lucia’s teachers will give Lucia a short break and then work with her to get back on task. Curricular modification will also be a part of the prevention strategies used in the PTR intervention plan. Lucia’s work will be modified and broken down step by step to prevent frustration and apprehension. If the work is modified to Lucia’s instructional level, and Lucia is given step by step directions with assistance, tantrums are less likely to occur and the crisis plan may not be necessary to use.